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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. IMO the OP should be asking the Swiss bank, 3 weeks is way too long for any transfer. Possibilities are sent to the wrong account, either by mistake, or deliberately.
  2. "b/s There is NO grace period" "until 1 week after the due date." Either you or I are being pedantic; however, that second phrase to me denotes a grace period.
  3. My GF scratched the front bumper, estimate was 1500 baht. She said do it on insurance, the cost was 3000 baht, and our excess was 3000 baht. Lesson learned, pay out of pocket unless it is major, as the shops jack up the price to the insurance company if they know it will be paid by them.
  4. Hypothetically, if I miss the online report, but go to Immigration in the 7 day window after due date to report personally, what happens then?
  5. I understand there is a grace period of 7 - 15 days. I was 10 days late on one, nothing was said about a fine. YMMV, I suppose it depends on which IO is attended. I have not had to worry about them since going online, Immigration emails a reminder about a fortnight before the due date.
  6. I guess the drivers don't really care, they get paid by the sender anyway.
  7. "The driver was looking for 390 baht." I don't order on COD; however, I am curious as to how that situation would be handled.
  8. https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=wool+blankets&_keyori=ss&from=input&spm=a2o4m.writemyreview.search.go.79d36108IXg0Jb
  9. Agree, that was a good one. Delivered by a master vocalist, whose own ending was quite sad.
  10. You may be right. Having said that, there is a difference between testing under laboratory conditions, and actual field performance. I've seen it many times. I guess it depends on how many bean counters are involved in the design of EV's, and whether the engineers can tell them to get lost. It's probably irrelevant in my case, my Vios may well outlast me. If not, plenty of time to climb on board without being a lab rat.
  11. I have a logical problem with the statement lithium batteries last 20 years. The fact is there are a number of lithium recycling companies world-wide, Canada alone has 5 of them. How long have EV's been on the market? Certainly not 20 years. The first Prius was sold in Japan only in 1997, and AFAIK hybrids can still be operated with a non-functioning battery. Said recycling companies did not come into being in the hope of future customers, they are servicing present demand. Which says to me lithium battery lives are shorter than what you claim.
  12. Perhaps the links you want to cite come from the ratbag element of social media.
  13. The Hillman Imp was not a shining example of British engineering. Changing tyre pressures by a few psi front and back could convert the handling from mild understeer to raging oversteer, or vice-versa. When I was looking for my second used car, I test drove one on offer. I also found the floor stick gearbox was like stirring porridge. I passed on buying, I thought there were easier ways to commit suicide.
  14. Having trouble connecting the dots? Hint: Ask yourself what female company would cost in Australia, both in the short-term and long-term. Thailand gets a lot of negative stereotyping, for me it is unchanged.
  15. Tourists come here because it is cheap, and that goes for almost everything. I can find a good hotel room anywhere in Thailand for about $30 a night. In Australia, the most ordinary motel or hotel room will cost me three times that, minimum. The same with a legit massage, less than $10 an hour here, minimum $70 in Australia.
  16. Agree, she knew a lot about the Chiang Mai scene. RIP.
  17. It's a fact of life an EV truck is going to need a battery which is heavier than a corresponding diesel engine for the same power output, thereby reducing the payload of the vehicle by about 10%. Therefore, when a fleet of 400,000 diesel trucks is replaced by EV's, 40,000 extra trucks will be needed, along with 40,000 more drivers and an unknown quantity of extra maintenance staff. I don't know what criteria were used to deem the tests successful; however, they certainly were not on the basis of financial and logistical benchmarks.
  18. Much the same as sabai dee mai, a common expression. Ask a Thai how a word is spelt in the Greco-Roman alphabet, they will probably ask "How do you want me to spell it?" The Thai alphabet is the only accurate rendering.
  19. I understand the thinking behind both requirements is to have retirees capable of meeting any medical expenses while in Thailand, however, I could be entirely wrong. Presumably the lower bar for people married to a Thai is based on the proposition you have family support, hence less cash is required. Winston Churchill once described Russia as "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma." He would have been really baffled by Thailand.
  20. IMO the truth and you are separated by a few football fields. Thanks for the advice to move on, ignoring you.
  21. It tells me you have a lot of dumb luck, or a guardian angel.
  22. *Deleted post edited out* If you had a 50% vaccination rate in fall 2021, and 7 out of 10 people were unvaccinated and dying, it says being unvaccinated is a higher risk. Move to a 90% vaccination rate. Your COVID deaths from being unvaccinated are 40% of all deaths, coming from only 10% of the population. Your understanding of probability seems to be somewhat faulty.
  23. I would suggest setting up a DUO app on your smartphone, it is tied in to the email address. Then invite others you know to do the same. DUO is far more reliable than LINE when it comes to conversations outside Thailand.
  24. I had flu in my twenties. Laid me on my back for two weeks. I have been having flu shots every year for the last 40 years, and have never had flu in that time. I have not grown two heads either. It really would be folly if I started believing some of the rubbish being posted on this thread.
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