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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You have me wondering why you picked that particular declension.
  2. Sticky rice has another health effect the health authorities forgot to mention. It does a great job in constipating my GF, which is why I never eat it. It binds her up for 3 or 4 days.
  3. Condoms for sale in Thailand make me feel as if my willy has encountered the Boston Strangler.
  4. I am like a tailor, I'd say to women in congress "Never mind the length, feel the width." I used to have a willy that was 10 on the Mohs scale, I'm down to about 2 now.
  5. I would have thought you would have included all nationalities.
  6. I can understand where you are coming from. In Australia, a lot of call centres were outsourced to India and Pakistan. Resulting in a lot of frustrated Australians. It got to the stage when I was about to place an order with a new company, I would ask them for their call centre number. Whether the company got the order or not hinged on who answered when I called.
  7. I've never had a cold call from an expat. I get cold calls from people speaking Thai, I just hang up. I also get what I assume are text promotions in Thai, I delete them. If they can't be bothered to put them in English as well, I can't be bothered trying to read them.
  8. That's a bit rich, when the UK has about 50 different accents cooped up in a country that's barely bigger than Australia's smallest mainland state. I still remember our Latin teacher from Birmingham, took us 6 months to understand what the hell he was saying.
  9. The WHO did not falsely promote a treatment, it described the objective incorrectly. Vaccination against COVID has saved millions of people from death or serious incapacitation, also known as long COVID. The virus attacks the lungs, it's like converting a non-smoker to a two pack a day habit virtually overnight. The facts are in on how well vaccination has worked during a pandemic. The WHO sends doctors into s##tholes such as Somalia, Afghanistan and Cambodia to vaccinate against polio and tuberculosis, both of which should have gone the way of smallpox by now. Carping about an error in description is IMO incredibly petty.
  10. Sinovac, Sinopharm, Sputnik and Astra Zeneca are not new technology, the killed virus and vector technologies have been around for decades. It is only the mRNA vaccines that are new.
  11. OK. My Bangkok Bank account in Chiang Mai has the 800K baht which I leave untouched for extensions. The last two years, I have done my retirement extensions in Chiang Rai, and got the bank letter from Bangkok Bank's Chiang Rai branch.
  12. It's obvious from your post you did not attend thermodynamics class. Climate change is a result of anthropomorphic emissions of carbon dioxide. I was in my thirties in the 70's, what about you?
  13. Exactly, a cold does not result in muscle aches, fatigue, headaches and the general feeling one might be dying.
  14. It's actually far more likely to get a false negative than a false positive.
  15. No. Be aware if you are on blood pressure medication, the interaction may lead to dangerously low BP levels.
  16. IMO the Americans are probably feeding very accurate information on Russian military movements to the Ukrainians, with agreement by both to keep quiet about what they know. In their shoes, I would do the same. Keep your opponent in the dark about what you know, and what you intend. That's probably why Putin has purged a large chunk of the FSB, they were either in the dark about Ukraine's capabilities,or lied to Putin because it was what he wanted to hear. Other recent conflicts were different, the point there was to maximize publicity. Although in the Gulf War, the publicity was carefully managed by the military.
  17. No more ridiculous than you using your favorite numbers buying a lottery ticket, or people trying to prove climate change does not exist.
  18. I know I am a statistical sample of one: however, I have been having flu shots for 30 or 40 years now and have never had the flu once. I had the flu before vaccinations became commonplace, so I would know if I had it now. The muscle pain and fatigue is not forgotten easily. If most people got the flu, nobody would be having flu shots, they would be regarded as useless. AFAIK, flu has virtually disappeared off the radar since COVID came along. This is what I don't understand, people happily accept flu shots, yet bitch like crazy about COVID shots. Flu and COVID are both respiratory diseases, the data is in saying COVID shots protect from serious illness or death. What is wrong with people, does social media do all their thinking for them?
  19. AFAIK flu shots are still called vaccines. Please explain your reasoning as to why the COVID vaccines should not be called that, do you have some threshold of prevention?
  20. So how do you know you did not acquire it earlier, or were one of the asymptomatic cases? Unless you were tested, of course.
  21. Vaccines work. The problem created by the WHO was they promoted COVID vaccines as full prevention, when they should have claimed they prevent serious illness. All the data of ICU's and deaths supports the second view, unvaccinated people are statistically far more likely to occupy an ICU, or die. No one questions the effectiveness of polio and tetanus vaccines, which have been around for decades. That's because AFAIK polio and tetanus do not mutate, COVID does. Just like influenza, where scientists produce a new vaccine variant to deal with flu virus mutations almost every year. That is happening with COVID vaccines too. Vaccines work. I am living proof, in the most vulnerable age cohort. Got COVID after double vaccination, sore throat and runny nose for three days. My Thai GF, 23 years younger than me, unvaccinated, was much more sick for ten days. Fever and headache I did not have. When I see posts from people comparing apples and marbles in their quest to discredit COVID vaccines, or outright opposed to vaccination on the basis of beliefs they have garnered on social media to support their confirmation bias, I do wish there was a vaccine against stupidity. Too late for most.
  22. I'm a golfer, I need to keep my head down.
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