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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Stay in a hotel for a couple of days while you look for condos on the spot. Every condo I have been in has a notice board listing apartments for rent, with prices. You also have the advantage of inspecting prior to signing any lease.
  2. You mean there are 1000 people still that stupid? With that much money to blow on a dinner? I've spotted a spelling error, it should be galah dinner. Aussie slang.
  3. Not really, I played along until the posts got nasty.
  4. Perhaps the OP won't get too many takers, any woman would be wondering what happened to the first four.
  5. I am able to put a woman in restraint if necessary without hitting her, I have the training. The situation has never arisen with me, because I treat women with consideration. If any woman made me angry, I would simply walk away. Moral cowardice does not alter with regions.
  6. I read about bruises and blood dripping from her face. I read about her refusing to stay after other women left. If you are saying that excuses what the guy did, it puts you in the same category of low-life.
  7. The world was actually recovering pretty well from COVID until Putin had his brain fart.
  8. In which case I would write it off to experience, and move on. Plenty of other fish in the sea. Comments justifying what to me is inexcusable also pop up too.
  9. I am wondering if the promises of dinner with the great man, golf on one of his properties, or accommodation at one of his resorts will actually be honored. $99 is a lot to pay for a McDonalds burger and a Diet Coke.
  10. It's called confirmation bias, and is a common attribute of anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers, anti-fluoride campaigners and Trump supporters. "Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values."
  11. Any man who hits a woman is a moral coward in my book, irrespective of what she does for a living. My guess is he wanted something fairly perverted. I hope the gutless mongrel gets locked up.
  12. When motoring journalists write reviews of any new vehicle, one has to ask whether the lily is being gilded. There are two drivers of favorable comment. The first is the car magazine, which depends on advertising revenue to stay in business. If too many car manufacturers pull their advertisements due to unfavorable comment, they don't. The second driver are the journalists themselves, who don't get to test-drive new models, or go on junkets funded by manufacturers if they tell it like it is. And can even get fired if they are too scathing. There's every incentive to gloss over failings, and none for honesty.
  13. Are you trying for the low-life post of the year? If you need the support of alcohol to get into a woman's panties, it says a lot about you.
  14. IME it is not checked at Chiang Rai Immigration, not for the 3 extensions I have done there.
  15. I am wondering how Immigration could ask someone for a bank book check prior to extension, if that person is doing all their 90 day reports online.
  16. Teslas have had all kinds of quality issues. When it gets to posters putting other posters on ignore because they are stating unpalatable facts about EV's, it becomes fanaticism. Damn right it's sad.
  17. You really are a funny guy. But but but - Trump is calling him Ron Desanctimonious. So whose campaign fund are you going to donate to?
  18. Team building is BS. A week after getting back from one of any of those exercises, I'll guarantee only the most anally retentive would remember any of the garbage spouted. After a month, it's a 0.999999999 probability all will be forgotten. These programs occur in cycles of 12 - 18 months, and their purpose is to remind everyone else in an organization that they still have an HR department which can waste company funds effectively.
  19. Not living in Chiang Saen, I've visited a few times. It depends on what you think you need, AFAIK there is only one government hospital in Chiang Saen, nothing private. I doubt there would be much of a bar scene for expats either, or a range of restaurant cuisines. IMO you would need to be fluent in Thai. I moved from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai two and a half years ago. Chiang Rai is laid-back enough for me, with all the facilities I need.
  20. You can start complaining when the icicles are on your todger.
  21. IMO the OP should be asking the Swiss bank, 3 weeks is way too long for any transfer. Possibilities are sent to the wrong account, either by mistake, or deliberately.
  22. "b/s There is NO grace period" "until 1 week after the due date." Either you or I are being pedantic; however, that second phrase to me denotes a grace period.
  23. My GF scratched the front bumper, estimate was 1500 baht. She said do it on insurance, the cost was 3000 baht, and our excess was 3000 baht. Lesson learned, pay out of pocket unless it is major, as the shops jack up the price to the insurance company if they know it will be paid by them.
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