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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I understand where you are coming from, I feel the same way. Problem is, there are just too many lowlifes out there as individuals, or working in corporations, who think honest people are fair game.
  2. Are you eating bananas? They are high in potassium. Salt is sodium chloride. not potassium. A high salt intake is harmful to kidneys indirectly, via blood pressure increase. AFAIK there is no research that shows a person with normal blood pressure and normal salt intake ( added to taste ) is at risk of kidney damage. OTOH, there are a host of medications that DO damage the kidneys.
  3. It depends on whether you wish to travel with that airline again. If not, ignore them.
  4. Lovely, let the COVID spreading resume. My quasi-grand-daughter in Chiang Rai has it reasonably severely, it is rife in the schools here. "Against stupidity the gods themselves strive in vain."
  5. My apologies, presumably you want to make some kind of business arrangement.
  6. Chicken is still a fair bit cheaper than pork. A full pork tenderloin at Tops is about 200 baht, a large chicken breast is 60 baht. If you want cheap protein, IMO nothing beats eggs.
  7. Nobody knows what the depreciation on an EV is going to be, or whether Chinese manufacturers and their dealerships here are going to be throwing EV buyers under a bus after vehicles are out of warranty. Then there is also the question of premature battery failure, it's a much more complex and expensive operation than replacing the engine of an ICE. I bought my 2006 Vios for 230,000 baht 8 years ago, with 83,000 km on the odometer. It's now racked up another 100,000 km, without missing a beat. I spent another 20,000 baht getting it into the condition I wanted. If I was to sell it tomorrow ( I won't ) I would get about 90,000 baht for it. Doing the sums, the depreciation on my Vios has been about 20,000 baht/year. Permit me to doubt the depreciation on your EV over 8 years will be within a bull's roar of that figure, it will be much worse. The OP has had the bulk of the depreciation on his Vios already. While it's true the car won't be worth much in another 5 years, equally it is bad advice to be selling now for the chance to become another lab rat. Financially, it would be a poor decision.
  8. I'd suggest looking in Thai Watsadu or HomePro. If they don't have Tupperware, what they do have will probably be indistinguishable.
  9. All technologies take time to get the bugs and deficiencies worked out of them, EV's are no exception. Think of how many updates of Windows there are, and that doesn't even have any moving parts. I'd consider an EV at the fourth or fifth generation, early days yet.
  10. There was a promotion done by the Polestar EV when it was driven across the Nullarbor Plain in Australia. Accompanied by a truck with a diesel generator on board for recharging. But fear not, the diesel for the truck and generator was environmentally sustainable. It was recycled oil from the fish and chip shops in Perth.
  11. I would agree EV's are in their element on short trips. Range anxiety creeps in on longer hauls. Unlike an ICE, one can't take a jerrycan full of electrons back to the car when it runs out of charge. The other aspect is the reliability of charging stations. When there are multiple customers attempting to mate the plugs, it's statistically inevitable some will get damaged. There are reports from California 25% of chargers are inoperable.
  12. IIRC, that hotel is 350 baht/night, with a monthly stay for 6000. I've never taken a look inside, though. There are plenty of rooms at 2000 - 3000 baht/month; however, they are Thai-style with few facilities.
  13. Financially, the most sensible thing the OP can do is run his current Vios into the ground, which may be ten years from now with proper maintenance. I currently drive a 2006 Vios, my mechanic says it is very simple to service. It has never let me down. Toyota presumably regrets making a quite bullet-proof engine. EV's may sound attractive, and environmentally responsible. Fact is, the saving on running costs take quite a while to make up for the extra capital cost of the vehicle, and the installation of solar panels and ancillary charging equipment. As far as environmentally responsible goes, that will only hold true when the world is 100% renewable or nuclear energy. While it continues to burn fossil fuels to generate electricity, it just transfers the pollution elsewhere. It's estimated in Australia if the entire car fleet was converted to EV's, solely using renewable energy, it would only reduce CO2 pollution by 8%. If the OP wants to maximize his cost benefit from an EV, he should buy one with V2L capability.
  14. Agree. IIRC, Sheryl has said the same about Thailand vs. Australia. I suggest a PM to her.
  15. You may find taking a Codiphen ( drowsy anti-histamine ) occasionally enables a good night's sleep. It does for me. After my regular nightly pee. The other aids I use sporadically are edible hash cookies, and kratom. At present, both are legal in Thailand. They seem to give me better sleep too. Drinking alcohol is guaranteed to interrupt my sleep, as it is a diuretic.
  16. Importation of pit bulls is banned in Australia too. Pit bulls are trained to be aggressive, and to fight other dogs. They are the product of centuries of breeding for those traits. No surprise they attack people, even those within the family they know.
  17. Not missing them at all, Chiang Rai is a bit off the beaten track for tourists. IMO closing golf courses and swimming pools was ridiculous.
  18. I have bought and sold Thai gold, only here. It's best to buy from an established gold shop. Like others, I have found renting a safe deposit here just too difficult. The burglar that could find my gold would have to be very imaginative. Most shops charge a commission, there's not much profit to be had without a substantial price movement. I have gold and silver holdings in Australia, can't say I have seen a trader selling silver bullion here.
  19. I suspect after Putin dies or is otherwise removed, there will be a hasty revision of history, as happened when Kruschev made his de-Stalinisation speech. A bit late for the victims of tyranny, though.
  20. The OP should bear in mind he needs a safety margin in any deposits due to exchange rate fluctuations. Just one that is under the 65K is enough for Immigration to refuse the next extension. I tried the income method, reverted to 800K because the 65K was just too much trouble.
  21. Thinking of going back to Oz for a while next year. I've been jabbed with Sinovac, AZ and Pfizer. I have had COVID after the first two. I have a paper certificate from the MOPH with the three vaccinations on it, the Mor Prom app does not work. What do I need to get on a flight (probably Jetstar ), and to get into Australia?
  22. You work in PC sales?
  23. Xi did not have much choice, IMO he was perilously close to a people's revolution.
  24. Latest news from Australia, more FTX fallout: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-09/digital-surge-administration-ftx-cryptocurrency-savings-super/101753514
  25. Mine gets used for emails and surfing the internet, so I guess it doesn't heat up that much.
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