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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Are you vaccinated?
  2. IMO the IO saw something in the OP's passport that did not jibe with the OP's details on other documents. Perhaps he wanted the boarding pass to check if the OP was arriving from his country of birth. I've only encountered a rude IO once, IME most are courteous and helpful.
  3. Therefore, you probably need to get that resolved before you can hope to get back on the rails in terms of eating.
  4. Has that infection cleared now? It may be one of the possible causes.
  5. 26 sqm is going to be very small for fitting in a bathroom and kitchen, and I guess wall fittings would be the order of the day for things like a TV. I'd suggest it would suit a single person. A couple would be at each others' throats after a while. The swimming pool is a plus. IMO it would pay to check noise levels through the walls, and the reliability of water and electricity supply. The op is probably looking at a minimum budget of half a million baht, apart from the price itself, to make it livable.
  6. Wondering if you have had COVID, might be one of the "long Covid" effects. I can't help with a specialist. According to Google: "Dysgeusia is a taste disorder. People with the condition feel that all foods taste sour, sweet, bitter or metallic. Dysgeusia can be caused by many different factors, including infection, some medications and vitamin deficiencies. Treatment involves addressing the underlying cause of dysgeusia" Other causes mentioned are dental hygiene, stress and brain trauma.
  7. Perhaps the OP might consider going off the OMAD diet, and onto a reduced carb diet. I eat as much as I want, but only the right foods. Went from 93 kg to 77 kg, no loss of appetite. As Sheryl said, one meal a day does result in various deficiencies. I take zinc, Vitamin D, magnesium and Vitamin B complex regularly.
  8. Really cold in Chiang Rai now, two blankets on the bed and a jacket on the scooter.
  9. The last time I checked, the USA had more foreign owned assets in Australia than any other country. America has survellance bases in Australia that an Australian citizen cannot enter. It's a two-edged sword, because the US has a lot of incentive to protect its defense and commercial assets in Oz. We would be self-sufficient in everything if we shot all our politicians that flogged off Aussie assets to low bidders. I agree we should dump the guy who wanted to be a tampon; time we grew up.
  10. You did say a fall of 10% in a week. Not a lot of point for me either. Currency is like the roof of a house, whether it is cold or hot one installs insulation.
  11. Yes, in Australia and Thailand. AFAIK there is no requirement to be able to drive with gears and a clutch on two or four wheels anymore. Except heavy vehicles, perhaps.
  12. You should brush up on your math. 24.5-23.3X100/24.5 = 4.89%
  13. CM and CR are similar in terms of air pollution. I just fire up my air purifiers for a month, shut them down again when the API gets below 50.
  14. It might be basically broke in Australia, but it's certainly not broke in Thailand. Perhaps you missed that point in your rush to judgment. Based on my monthly expenditure, capital depletion, and income from assets in said 850K, I will be reliant on the OAP only when I turn 104. That's not a frightening scenario for me. I really don't know why you have this fixation with the AUD, are you even Australian? Perhaps it's just a thread to troll other posters.
  15. IME older women are better at massage, the younger ones usually try to talk the customer into chuk wow, BJ or boom boom. Oil is the preferred starting point for such activity. My current massage lady is 61 yo, I go to her 3 - 4 times a week. She knows what level of intensity I can take. She does not use oil, it is like a diluted form of DeepHeat or similar. I've tried oil massage a few times, it leaves me feeling greasy and does not seem to do anything better than traditional Thai massage. YMMV.
  16. Perhaps he has ambitions of shorting the Australian dollar. Shorting is an activity that requires extremely deep pockets, if he had one of those I doubt he would waste his time posting on ASEAN. But then, there are some keyboard warriors who claim to be very wealthy.
  17. Answer what I think is are simple questions, please. Where is my visa? Is it in the old passport, or the new one? Do I even need it in the new one? The Australian Consulate put a stamp in my old passport saying either "Cancelled" or "Void" , can't remember which. I don't even have the old passport now. I was under the impression a non-O visa based on retirement was valid for 1 year.
  18. Read my original post again. I was granted a non-O visa based on retirement in 2014. I got my new passport in 2019, and a non-RE stamp was put in it by CM Immigration. I have only traveled in and out of Thailand since then with the new passport. If what you say is correct, I should not have been able to.
  19. My regular Thai massage woman is quite gentle, it is possible to train them. She says I am a holiday from the Japanese and Koreans, who exhaust her with their demands for strong massage.
  20. Now you've reminded me of the Flanders and Swann song, "The Reluctant Cannibal". IIRC, the preceding dialogue contained the line " Always be sincere,whether you mean it or not."
  21. IMO a gentle Thai massage would be helpful, also try hot showers.
  22. 23.37 is not a collapse, even if you would like it to be. No need to trim my budget, I have enough in Thai baht to last for the next two years without touching my pension income. Also heavy weighting in gold and silver. Which both go up as currencies are crunched. IIRC, I saw the AUD briefly below 20 baht about two years ago. It came back then, it will come back again. It's called a cycle.
  23. I love my scooter, so much more convenient for short trips round town and shopping. Hate to think what life would be without it. I can drive manual and automatic cars. Good luck to those who can drive bikes with a clutch and gears, that is too complicated for me. I guess the manual versions mean one can do wheelstands, not interested. Tough enough surviving on Thai roads as it is.
  24. I am 79. I have a regime of cardio, stretching and swimming. Pushups. Climbing stairs, golf walking. Unfortunately, I find when I start pushing on the weights side, I tend to injure myself, which defeats the purpose of the training. I will give the super slow hint a try.
  25. BMI is in normal range. My guess is your personal trainer will slowly increase the weight regime.
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