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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Costs me nothing. I wipe the screen with a damp cloth occasionally, and vacuum the keyboard. If I was game to go into the inner workings, I guess a vacuum cleaner again. I would question the need for this operation, my laptop is at least 8 years old, works fine, and has never been opened up for the kind of cleaning the OP mentions. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  2. Eucalyptus or pine oil will mask the smell, and also act as a bactericide for the bacteria causing it.
  3. Your hearing aid obviously can't register below a treble.
  4. Hearing them on the TV is quite enough for me. This is what I call a singer, Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli move over.
  5. Better than Thai singers, anyway. It sounds to me like cats being tortured.
  6. Perhaps you have never read John Donne. I doubt I would have been too chuffed, getting that news at 54 years old.
  7. Errol Wayne Noack was the first National Serviceman killed in Vietnam, age 21.
  8. One fell down stairs in the condo and broke his hip. Carted off to hospital, had the DT's drying out, died in hospital in a lot of pain because the painkillers for the broken hip were ineffective. The other guy had been such a heavy drinker when he was younger he was told one more drink would kill him. Had chronic fatigue syndrome for years, the last three months he was defecating blood. Finished up committing suicide after going back to New Zealand. Alcohol destroys the liver, portal shunts are usually the last resort. 20% of patients die within 90 days of having the operation, which is not a great testament to its effectiveness.
  9. Cold is definitely the enemy of any battery, as is excessive heat. IMO the temperature in Phuket should be ideal operating temperature, which is probably why you are getting better range.
  10. Labradors are great dogs, except around sheep. No idea why, but they become killers. Very few sheep in Thailand, however.
  11. Beagles are trained to detect drugs, it depends on whether the mate wants to risk being caught if they are also trained for meat products. Although describing haggis as a meat product IMO is like describing a turd as the finest Cuban cigar.
  12. Even that success rebounded on him, SCOTUS overturning Roe vs Wade was a key factor in swinging many women voters to the blue. The red wave never happened.
  13. Small turbo engines seem to be the trend. While a Nissan Almera is not the style you are looking for, a friend of mine got the turbo version after his car was totalled by a pickup driver. The Almeras of yesteryear couldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding, he said the turbo version had much better performance.
  14. When a candidate is accused of pressuring women in his private life to have abortions, while publicly opposing abortions, most voters ( particularly women ) can connect the dots. It's like Matthew Guy in Victoria, he never stood a chance of living down the "lobster with a mobster" tag.
  15. A Mercedes 200 SLK would be out of your price range, and you would be bent over every time it was serviced anyway. A Suzuki Swift turbo or the Mazda 2 with an aftermarket turbo should be sporty enough. Personally, I prefer the auto gearbox with the manual option on the Mazda 2, not comfortable with a CVT in the hills.
  16. Yes you did, my apologies. Senior moment. I believe <Deleted> is the acronym you may be looking for.
  17. IMO you have forgotten places like Russia, China and Iran. Having said that,the Electoral College has been distorting results for a long time, and is an anachronism. Just like Murdoch has been influencing elections in Australia. Both Trump and Murdoch got slapped in the face by voters this time around.
  18. I was taught defensive driving in Australia, which is why I have survived here accident-free. Of course I use my mirrors, dumb comment in keeping with others you have made. You expect foreign drivers to be able to read Thai signs? 80% of them here can't even speak Thai, let alone read it. You are Greatest Of All Time in one attribute only, and it is not flattering. On ignore now as an annoying troll.
  19. All ages are welcome. Why do you feel you are nearing 80?
  20. For me, it is in Billy Joel's " Goodnight Saigon" when he sings "and we were so gung-ho to lay down our lives". That single line encapsulates all the waste of young lives in war. An honorable mention to Johnny Cash's " Man in Black". "Each week we lose a hundred fine young men". What is yours?
  21. I don't concern myself with what other people do. Their life, their decisions. I am now down to one glass of wine and one Sangsom and diet Coke once a week. My life, my decision. I've seen a couple of alcoholics die when I lived in Chiang Mai, and it was far from peaceful.
  22. Trump can't complain justice is not even-handed, but he probably will anyway. Being the victim is part of his playbook.
  23. We are fairly infrequent on the sex front, it's more a lot of cuddling and playing nowadays. She fusses over me, doing up extra buttons on my shirt, or turning down my collar so I look "nice". She worries that since my diet change I have become too thin. Like yourself, my GF will be well looked after when I pass on, but she hates any discussion of the topic. I sometimes get the feeling we become father figures to much younger women. My GF uses me as a sounding board, and turns to me whenever there is a problem. While she will travel with female friends in a minibus on excursions, there is no way she would get on an aircraft without me, or drive on mountain roads. She got quite scared on a recent trip up Doi Mae Mon, to see hydrangeas in bloom. Started a bit of back seat driving, I put a stop to that by asking if she would like to drive instead. When we were back down on the flat, she thanked me for getting us down safely, and said never again. Which will last as long as her next itch to go somewhere.
  24. The HR guy was quite incredulous, because I was the first person he had tested that had achieved a 100% score in those categories, and he had tested thousands of job applicants. How's your own literacy, Mr. Snarky?
  25. I would not call it simple when four variables are created, when only one variable exists in the solution I proposed.
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