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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Get used to it, Thai cocks are on Thai time. Which, like the humans, means any time they feel like it.
  2. This may be news to you, he has a black skin. IIRC, Hitler was very upset when Jesse Owens flogged the best Aryans at the 1936 Olympics.
  3. I have no problem with optimism, although I do prefer a belt and braces.
  4. Obviously Kanye West is ignorant of the fact Hitler would have had him first in line for the gas chambers, as an Untermensch.
  5. I would have thought Dubai would be a red flag, running second to Nigeria.
  6. Are all of the OP's PC's running Windows? I've heard of masochism, but this is ridiculous.
  7. Nice to see there are still posters here with a sense of humor.
  8. I am wondering why the OP needs 6 PC's. I have heard of surround sound, is he watching porn in Panavision?
  9. You don't need to print off every 90 day report, just the one that takes you through the next extension. As I said, it depends on the IO. You seem awfully confident your regular IO is going to be there for your next extension, and will be processing it.
  10. There's a first time for everything.
  11. You might need to print off the most recent one and staple it into your passport before doing an extension. I do that to prevent Murphy's Law becoming operational. Some IO's may let an outdated one pass, others might throw a hissy fit. I open my email attachments from Immigration with a Linux MX OS in Firefox. On that basis, I'd suggest the OP has a software problem.
  12. Australia's balance of trade from September 2019 to September 2022 month by month has without exception been in positive territory. In June 2022, it was the highest on record at over $17 billion. I don't know why you are trying to talk the AUD down. The prediction it is going to hit US 50 cents, when the USA has debt measured in trillions, is utterly delusional.
  13. IMO a 2 yo vehicle is not an adequate test of how good a brand is. It's a question of the durability of the vehicle after it comes out of warranty, and whether the buyer gets bent over by the manufacturer when the vehicle is older, as the three-pointed Death Star is so famous for doing. Like you, I have owned a range of brands in the space of 60 years. I would have to class Mitsubishi as one of the most underrated brands around, several of their vehicles I passed on to others went past 400K on the odometer with no problem. Nissan had a stellar reputation with the Sunny, but their adoption of CVT has cost them dearly. Financially, the most sensible thing a new car buyer can do is drive the vehicle into the ground. It makes least sense financially to be trading in a vehicle which is only two or three years old, because that is when depreciation is on the maximum setting. Before I would buy a Chinese vehicle, I would want to know if it would stick around for the long haul, or become a piece of junk after 150,000 km. I'm happy to let others be the lab rats until then.
  14. I agree. When I said a short squeeze on PAPER silver, I meant the shorts are trying to drive the price down. and there is not enough physical silver to back them up. Certainly silver is at the bottom of its historical ratio with the price of gold. On an academic basis only, it would be interesting to know if shorting is happening in crypto, although it's a market so driven by belief it would be impossible to tell.
  15. You mean go on social media to read and listen to every fruit loop, nut job and conspiracy theorist? No thanks, there's enough here.
  16. Perhaps you might provide a factual list of the undeclared wars and puppet regimes the USA is currently involved in, to educate us.
  17. IMO there is only one safe source of water, anywhere. I boil every drop of water I drink. Apart from eliminating all bacteria, viruses and parasites, the other benefit is getting rid of chlorine and organic chlorine compounds by steam volatilisation. I have never had a water-related gastric problem since I started doing it 50 years ago, so I assume my method works.
  18. I encountered a glitch in the system over the weekend when the online form would not allow me to enter the capital city in the field. Good as gold on Tuesday, approved one day later. I am speculating IO's may not like working over the weekend, and <deleted> the system in said period.
  19. If you are seeking medications to combat a parasite, I would strongly urge you to get a positive result from testing first. Using a drug for a non-existent condition might actually make things worse.
  20. I still have the Yamaha TTX I bought from a Brit about 10 years ago. It had 8000 km on the odometer, now up to 26,000. I only use it around town. IMO it is best to buy secondhand vehicles, two or four wheels, from Westerners. With Asians, it's a lottery as to whether one gets a car or scooter that has been properly maintained.
  21. IMO there is going to be a short squeeze on paper silver, as people realize there is insufficient physical silver in existence. I don't see any posts from Pravda, who boasted he had bought $200,000 of bitcoin. Nor do I see any FTX depositors talking about the losses they have had. I guess these threads are mainly for people to pat themselves on the back, and credit their gains to skill rather than luck.
  22. The reason I raised the possibility of a parasite was my former boss acquired giardia on a trip to the USA, and his symptoms were identical to yours. It's also worth noting it took doctors in Australia about 3 months to diagnose his illness correctly, with one highly qualified physician claiming it was psychosomatic.
  23. I use the aircon about two months of the year. Have not even used a fan for the last month. I am wondering if there is a direct correlation of the level of discomfort, and the size of a poster's beer gut.
  24. It's fine in Chiang Rai.
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