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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. My apologies if I don't remember your previous post on another thread. I am not technically competent in the terms you are using, and presumably have no need for the drivers and apps you mention. My son guided me through the OS installation process for Ubuntu and Linux Mint, before we settled on MX Linux. As far as I am concerned, it has performed flawlessly ever since. OTOH, how many threads do you think you could find on ASEAN beefing about some Windows malfunction? My guess would be dozens.
  2. I have not experienced either problem, and I have had Linux as my OS of choice for about 8 years, IIRC. Why would a hacker bother with Linux, when there are bigger and juicier targets of Windows and Mac to attack?
  3. Seriously, why do people continue to shell out good money for a bug-ridden, hacker-prone OS when they can download a free Linux-based OS with none of those problems?
  4. I just put "Living Expenses".
  5. There seems to be an assumption a psychiatric evaluation will fix the problem. People change, they may become radicalized or embittered by their experiences, and react accordingly. Or they can fudge their test results. IMO it's a band-aid. Australia has proved when access to firearms is limited, the incidence of mass shootings and general gun deaths decreases significantly. That's an unpalatable fact for gun nuts everywhere.
  6. An interesting test procedure on a big patch. I did notice a parked small step-through automatic at about 7 minutes on the video. The test field in Oz would have been about quarter of an acre, in an industrial area. It focused heavily on balance, e.g. slow riding between two markers in more than 20 seconds, faster was a fail. The other was a twisting lane of about 100 metres, lines about a metre apart. Go outside the lines, or put a foot down for balance, again fail. No balance beams or bumps to contend with. Unlike Japan, there was a range of bikes one could choose from, or I could bring my own bike. Fortunately, they had a similar smaller scooter in their stock.
  7. I would have thought an automatic bike is less difficult to learn on than a manual. Less things to think about.
  8. I am quite sure you have considerable more experience and competence on two wheels than I do. Having said that, the Australian motorbike DL is no picnic. I topped the class in the written test, there were about four or five much younger guys who were very disgruntled when they flunked. Another two failed the riding tests, I passed. My scooter is a step-through Yamaha TTX auto which mostly gets driven at 30-40 km/hr. If I want to drive the distances you do, I get into four wheels. I have been driving those for 60 years without a serious accident. I enjoy the scooter, driving within my limitations. May we both continue to do so.
  9. When chlorine is added to water for sterilization purposes, it forms chloramines with any organic nitrogen present. Chloramines are suspected of causing soft tissue cancers in humans, although they are difficult to isolate due to statistical noise. When I boil water for drinking, it not only kills any bacteria, viruses or parasites present, it also eliminates chlorine and chloramines by steam distillation. Try tasting water fresh out of a tap, and boiled water allowed to cool back to room temperature. I am quite confident you will notice the difference.
  10. I don't buy water. I boil water out of the tap for drinking, which IMO is the safest way to get potable water.
  11. There are a few reports on Rezum circulating, opinion seems to be divided on whether it resolves the BPH quickly, or it takes several months to heal. Doctors tout it as relatively painless. They are not the ones who have the operation. The last figure I saw was 300K baht at Bumrungrad.
  12. A scooter IMO is much less difficult to ride and master than a bigger bike because it weighs less. I would no more think of getting on a Honda CBR or Harley than I would think of driving an F1 racing car around a GP track, I know my limitations. FWIW I had never driven a scooter until I was 68 yo. I got my motorbike DL in Australia and Thailand at age 69. Ten years later, touch wood, no accidents, so I must be doing something right. I remember a neighbor in Oz whose GF tried to ride his BMW. Of course, she fell over, and scratched all the fairings on one side. Inevitable, because the bike weighed more than she did. I don't know where you get the idea a bike with larger wheels is more controllable. I guess at 120 km/hr it may be, but I usually stick to half that speed at most.
  13. I buy meat, yoghurt and cheese at a TOPS supermarket. All my fruit, eggs and vegetables come from the day markets. All the TOPS prices have increased by 15-20%. Due to my diet, I don't buy any processed foods, apart from the yoghurt and cheese.
  14. Are you buying in Lotus and Big C, or a local day market? IME there's a big price difference.
  15. I have gmail. I am on MX Linux as my OS, maybe that is the difference.
  16. I bought a cheap one ( 900 baht ) a couple of months ago. Gaabor brand. Fixed temperature of 200 C. I also bought a meat thermometer ( 40 baht ), aim is internal meat temperature of 65 C. So far, I have cooked marinated pork tenderloin and chicken breast in it, both delicious. Also roasted garlic. I really like it, compact, and no cooking smells. Uses 50% less electricity than a conventional oven, very easy to clean.
  17. Saw palmetto in the morning, 5 mg of Finasteride and 1 mg of Cardura at lunchtime. The Cardura also acts as an anti-hypertensive. I don't know if the Finasteride is working, flow is reasonable, I get up 2 or 3 times in the night. Alcohol really increases frequency, so I only have one or two drinks a week. Probably should give it up completely.
  18. What OS and email service is the OP running? I am jealous, because I never seem to get any temptation in my inbox.
  19. Without getting into an argument re inflation measures, I would put part of the inflation you mention down to fuel costs. There are quite a few basic foodstuffs in Chiang Rai that have barely moved in price. Chicken is one of them. IMO the difference is Chiang Rai grows a lot of food locally, Bangkok can't.
  20. Rents have not changed in Chiang Rai, we don't get as many tourists or longer-term residents. Avocados 60 baht/kilo, the season is ending and quality has gone downhill.
  21. Prices of imported goods are up by 20-30%. AFAICT rents have not changed, if anything COVID pushed them down. Pork is dearer, fruit and vegetables in the day markets are the same. Most supermarkets have across the board increases of 20% with locally produced packaged goods. Gasoline is up from 25 baht to 35 baht/litre, which is still cheaper than many Western economies. Too old to partake, however, I understand the cost of female company is still negotiable.
  22. Dirt is a more likely cause. 91 and 95 octanes nowadays contain appreciable amounts of ethanol. With water, the binary combination of hydrocarbon and ethanol forms a ternary mixture in a single liquid phase, so the fuel is able to tolerate some water without affecting performance. All bets are off if the water present exceeds the limits of miscibility, as a couple of unscrupulous sellers have found out, when they added water to their stock of gasoline to increase their profit. That's far more likely to happen at village pumps than at volume highway stations, though.
  23. It's possible to stall most vehicles, two or four wheel, if too high a gear is selected when starting from a standstill. I would suggest taking the scooter to a traffic-free area, and testing it in higher gears to see if the fault can be replicated. One possible cause in older scooters is the accelerator cable is sticking, so there are not enough revs to get moving. Have the bike checked by a competent mechanic.
  24. If I was to block everyone on ASEAN who made an ignorant comment, I'd probably have only half a dozen people left.
  25. The problem with COD is one has to be present to pay when the goods are delivered, which in most cases is inconvenient for me. I pay in advance. The most I pay is 1500 baht on a purchase. I have never had an issue with Lazada or a seller buying that way. If the OP is having continuing glitches with Lazada on a COD basis, perhaps he should consider changing, so "at it again" is no longer an irritant.
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