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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Because still staying friendly to Putin would make them pariahs as well. Without trade, China would go down the toilet. The same sanctions that are devastating the Russian economy, if applied to China, is where the CCP does not want to go.
  2. Wait him/her out, a crackhead has a limited life expectancy.
  3. Keep a low profile, avoid confrontation, walk away. I don't carry more than one thousand baht at any time. It is highly unlikely anyone will attack in broad daylight, I avoid going out at night unless absolutely necessary. As a last resort against someone who was determined to attack me, I was taught by my jiu-jitsu instructor to ignore everything else, and attack the balls. AFAIK it's also the training given to staff in asylums to subdue male mental patients.
  4. If Putin uses even a tactical nuke, China and India would drop him like a hot potato. Russia is a country highly dependent on energy exports. Putin has already lost every oil and gas market in the West, losing what he might still be selling to China and India would mean no income, with a war costing Russia more than 1 billion dollars a day. Given the strains that are already evident between Putin and his military, there is no certainty if Putin gives the order, it would be obeyed.
  5. Er - your avatar says "Gender-not telling" and you were thinking of a PSA test? Thanks for the chuckle.
  6. I have significant BPH, my last PSA was 0.7 ng/mL. Admittedly the finasteride I am taking tends to lower PSA readings. My highest reading prior to finasteride was 1.7 ng/mL According to the pathology report, normal range is 0-4 ng/mL. A reading of 11 IMO is suspicious with or without a UTI, as the OP said his previous level was 6.
  7. If they are sentenced the same as Thais, there's a fair chance they might walk out of court scot-free. I must say it's nice to see an arrest without Aussies in the mix, for a change.
  8. "In international news the war in Ukraine rumbled on - it’s the yawn of the year" Sorry Rooster, the fate of Ukraine is the fate of us all if tyrants are given a free pass. When you wended your way back to Bangkok Bouillon in a van, perhaps you did not notice the price of gasoline.
  9. 1/ The war will not be over until Putin is gone. The mobilization is already a shambles, how desperate does one have to be to offer criminals amnesty to enlist? 2/ Russia's supply of ballistic missiles is getting very thin, cannibalizing dishwashers and refrigerators for computer chips is enough evidence of that. 3/ Zelensky and his generals are of one mind, Putin and his are not. The turnover of generals being fired or killed off by Ukrainian strikes is getting to be embarrassing. 4/ Europe will no longer be dependent on Russian oil and gas the following winter for their heating. Whatever you are smoking must be quite a powerful hallucinogen.
  10. I guess those pictures of vehicles and men of military age queued up for kilometres at every remaining border have been photoshopped. Of course the Russians here are cavorting, you think they are going back to Russia any time soon? If anyone is gaslighting, it's you, and you're making a hash of it.
  11. I've read reports dead Russian soldiers are being cremated to conceal the true extent of casualties on the battlefront. There is no end to the moral turpitude of the Russian government. If I was press-ganged into a war where I knew I was simply going to be used as cannon fodder, I would be far more inclined to take out as many of my own commanding officers as I could. Apparently that is happening already.
  12. There are so many variables in the use of nukes, and the potential response. IMO there's no point in worrying about something which may never happen, or if it does, won't affect Thailand because it is too far away. The West does not need to use nukes in response, MOAB's over the battle field or the Kremlin are enough. Putin is at loggerheads with his military, if he gives the order there is no guarantee it will be carried out. I can't see any advantages to using a tactical nuke. It would only make Russia more of a pariah. China and India could not stay friendly without becoming on the nose too. It would also possibly get NATO troops involved, and the Russians have more than enough problems with the Ukrainians as it is. If Russia does not win this winter, it will be a bankrupt failed state. By the next winter, Europe will have switched to alternative oil and gas supplies, and pipelines to India and China will take years to build. Russia does not have the time, money or expertise anymore. It's quite possible Russia will become a vassal state of China. I don't know how many others on this forum have read the "Foundation" series by Isaac Asimov. In it, military force, religion and trade contend for dominance of a galactic empire. Eventually, trade wins in the first of the series. Of course, this is using logic, Putin's logic is a different kind.
  13. You may be right; however, at age 76 the risk may be higher than that for a younger person. At my age, I do tend to over-egg every pudding. Better than a situation arising like the curate's egg.
  14. What nationality are you? I am not married, for the very good reason if I was, Centrelink in Australia would reduce my pension to the couple's pension. As my Thai GF is not an Australian citizen, she would get nothing.
  15. I think that particular law only applies to Lao women. I took my Thai GF to Laos on a holiday a few years ago, nobody at the hotels said anything.
  16. If the OP was to say his flight is for an emergency of some kind, I'd say the risk is worth it. For a holiday, no. I don't have DVT. My policy on a flight is to get up and walk around every 20 minutes, with some stretching exercise. Accordingly, I always purchase aisle seating. There are plenty of hikes in Thailand, or the OP could simply walk up 20 flights of condo stairs for the exercise.
  17. The Japanese are renowned for some off-the-wall foodstuffs. It depends on what one is brought up with for breakfast. Mine is not complete if it lacks Vegemite on toast. most Americans react to it as if they have been poisoned.
  18. Have you ever eaten what the Thais call breakfast? I am quite at home with mussuman, pad thai, pad siew and pat khao moo. I draw the line at breakfast, rice soup and half-cooked eggs are horrible. As for Spain, their habit of not eating dinner until 10 pm guarantees gastric reflux for most people.
  19. It depends on whether the thin condition is a result of malnutrition, or a less fat-inducing diet. Obesity takes years off life expectancy. 79 yo, and I daresay I am healthier than quite a few 60 year olds I see here. Being fat in old age is not good, Type 2 diabetes beckons. The first thing doctors tell diabetic and prediabetic patients is "LOSE WEIGHT"
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