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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Watch out for salt water....... https://thenewdaily.com.au/life/2022/10/13/tesla-exploding-hurricanes-ian/?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Morning News - 20221014
  2. Thailand is doing what it does best, sitting on the fence.
  3. " I lost all my super when I moved to Thailand". Doesn't take Einstein to work out how that happened. If you still own a roof over your head in Oz, a full pension gives a reasonable lifestyle, although I suspect skyrocketing costs will change that. If you are renting, 50-60% of the age pension will go in rent alone. Your advice is noted, as I have been living very comfortably in Thailand for 12 years now I'd say I did things differently here.
  4. I get close to the full base pension, a friend of mine in CM gets the full base pension. I don't get supplements such as utilities and rent assistance, which is fair enough. Rent and electricity here is far cheaper anyway. My son's electricity bill last month was over $400, mine combined for the house and condo was $50.
  5. Older tablets and iPads are cheap for a reason. One is out-of-date software, the other is the battery, which in some cases needs to be tied to permanent charge if it is to function at all.
  6. The AUD was close to 25 to the baht recently, now 23.6. About an 8% decline, I would not call it a collapse. Statistically, one needs 7 data points in a row to call a significant trend. Some posters seem to be content with one. As the pension I get from Centrelink has increased by 4.5% recently, I am not too concerned. The Australian economy is strong compared to basket cases like the UK. I've seen the AUD fluctuate in the 12 years I have been here, yawn.
  7. Talking of unpleasantness, you've just raised the bar. Obviously a person who thinks their opinion trumps basic physics, with zero evidence. On ignore now, goodbye.
  8. Perhaps it's because they go to the website of the hospital, and see the services they advertise.
  9. The second law of thermodynamics states heat cannot flow from a colder to a hotter body without work. IMO you've got it assbackwards, without insulation heat will flow from the roof space into the cooler room space. Perhaps convection is not a familiar term to you. Q = hAdT. True, the process is slower with high ceilings. However, that also gives air conditioning more work to do.
  10. You are extracting the urine, yes? Yanhee is all plastic surgery, how many expats need that? Did you get some lap banding done there? Or a rhinoplasty? No argument dentists are cheaper here. As far as comparing Thai private hospitals with Oz private hospitals go, just as expensive and less qualified, although Bumrungrad is probably an exception. IME many Thai doctors are shills for the pharmaceutical industry.
  11. Quite true, but the devil is in the detail. Unless one is in the private health insurance system in Australia, the wait times for public health care are months, even years. I know one guy there who had to wait in considerable pain for 18 months to get a hip replacement done.
  12. I don't know about the other brands. I always buy Michelins here, because I feel safer in wet conditions. The previous set I bought were changed after 70,000 km. They were not down to the tread indicators, my mechanic recommended changing them due to tread cracking.
  13. I really doubt Putin will attend in person. 2 km distance is now routine for trained snipers. IMO there's no security that can cover 360 degrees at that distance. Given Putin's paranoia, very unlikely. He knows there are a lot of people that want him dead, and it's not only Ukrainians.
  14. I sometimes take a peek, which usually confirms my original decision. The "challenging" putdown is an example of your inability to resist sniping. I would like you to quote me a post I made which speaks badly of my GF, and I'll take you off ignore for that purpose - temporarily.
  15. I have seen predictions of the AUD's collapse before, they never seem to eventuate. Australia exports a lot of the world's iron ore, natural gas, agriculture and seafood. China has just realized having a hissy fit over what some politician says is biting off one's nose to spite one's face. Lithium has joined the export parade, Australia mines more than the next two countries combined. There are not too many countries that are not raising interest rates as well, which is why I am reasonably sanguine about my AUD pension, which gets COL adjustment.
  16. There are still people I can have a civilized discussion with, you are not one of them.
  17. When did I insult young people? I'm pointing out they are living in much more difficult circumstances. Being patronizing does not work with me, you're on ignore now.
  18. You've reminded me of Robert Muldoon's comment about Kiwis who emigrated from New Zealand to Australia. He said it raised the IQ of both countries.
  19. There is no way I could enjoy the same standard of living in Australia I have here. I don't even recognize Australia now from the country I grew up in. In 1970, I bought a house in Melbourne. I paid off the mortgage in 18 months, to the chagrin of my bank manager at the time. Now, young people sign up for debt lasting 30 or 40 years, and quiver in trepidation every time there is an interest rate rise of one quarter of one percent. What does Australia have to offer me? It certainly won't be comparative freedom from regulation, or a GF that is 23 years younger than me. It won't be a legal system that is not heavily biased in favor of women either. Carping posters lose sight of the fact many expats in Thailand have had the guts to uproot themselves, learn a new language, and adjust to a different culture. Every time I go back to Australia, I get the same reaction. The men envy me, the women hate me.
  20. HBa1C is a more reliable indicator, as Sheryl has said. Based on my own research, I evolved a diet which has taken my blood sugar from prediabetic to normal. I discarded the more extreme positions expressed by "experts." My diet is no sugar, low carbohydrate intake. No rice, potato, carrot. Absolutely no processed food. Spirits only, no beer. I eat as much fish, eggs, meat, yoghurt and cheese as I want, along with low carb vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, okra and bamboo. Tomato, mushrooms, olives and pesto. I lost 13 kg on said diet, to the point where I can break out with something like sausages and mash with onion gravy once or twice a week without affecting my body mass. As a side benefit, my eGFR ( kidney function ) has improved by 20%.
  21. Socialism works quite well for some countries. It's somewhat ironic Americans start frothing at the mouth at the mere mention of the term, while being blissfully unaware their taxes fund one of the most socialist organizations on the planet. The US military. Back on topic, I am seeing quite a few Thais in my GF's village who are giving her their gold to sell in Chiang Rai, which to me is an indicator they are struggling.
  22. I have found the Fascino chain seems to stock most medications. Suggestions for the OP: 1/ Lose weight. 2/ Go on a zero sugar, low carbohydrate diet. No rice, potatoes, carrots, bread. Eat as much meat, fish, cheese and eggs as you want. Broccoli, cabbage, okra, cucumber, bamboo and cauliflower ditto. Berry fruits. 3/ Eat one heaped teaspoon of fenugreek daily. It's on Lazada, 70 baht for 500 grams. Soak in water overnight, drink the water and eat the seed. Don't bother chewing, it is not particularly appetizing. Using 2/ and 3/, I have lost 13 kg in weight. My blood sugar levels have gone from borderline diabetic to normal. As they say, up to you.
  23. I would suggest Kakadu National Park in Australia, the birdlife there is astounding. Don't go for a swim, though. The crocs are hungry. I can still remember seeing a brown hill entering there. As we got closer, the entire hill moved and took flight, leaving a green hill behind.
  24. Don't mess with an Aussie....... Wolf Creek 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29YTo7KXd_A
  25. Lacessit


    I can't remember being circumcised. I'm quite happy I was, no irritation and easy to keep clean. Nothing religious involved, it was probably just recommended by the doctors of that era. Talk of it being a cruel genital mutilation is rubbish, I've never had a problem enjoying sex. Female circumcision, yes. As for the claim intact people get more sensation, I am somewhat baffled how any scientific study could come up with an experimental design to support the assertion.
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