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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. So what happens when the police do it? Stupid question, I know. Obstructions to parking are quite common at Big C; however, as it is private property the owners make the rules.
  2. I wasted my life with a couple of women in Australia I should have waved goodbye to after a couple of weeks. I don't consider I wasted my life otherwise, I achieved a lot in sport and my chosen profession. IMO I wasted part of my life out of a sense of duty and responsibility, the only ethic I have now is avoiding hurting anyone.
  3. IMO it would be extremely rare for well water to be so acidic it would corrode copper. Any steel in the circuit would be rusting first. Far more likely for scaling to occur. Plastic is not as durable as copper, you get what you pay for.
  4. The GBP has lost nearly two baht in exchange rate in the space of a few days, that's no big deal either?
  5. If you don't measure it, you can't control it. That goes for chlorine AND pH. A free available chlorine of 0 .2 - 0.5 ppm is ideal, but fairly useless if the pH is above 8. Copper sulphate has no bactericidal properties, being acidic it will help push pH down. Its real purpose is control of algae. Put too much in, and the hair of all the pool users will turn green.
  6. Being lectured by an American on ignorance and understanding is like being flogged with wet lettuce leaves. It's quite amusing, given 50% of you guys still believe angels exist, and some 74 million of you voted for a charlatan. Certainly haggis is an acquired taste, so is road gravel. I am not sure how the schools I attended are germane to the current discussion. As for dementia, someone who wants a change from Thailand to Scotland is obviously well on the way. Res ipsa loquitor. Now excuse me please, I am due on the first tee.
  7. Good, better and best IMO are not adjectives that can be applied to haggis. Execrable is.
  8. AFAIK phosphate is no longer an issue due to large reserves under development in Australia. Google Lady Annie. It seems potash is now the fertilizer in fashion, replacing nitrogen-type fertilizers dependent on Russian oil and natural gas. What this has to do with a purported move to Scotland..... oh, never mind.
  9. I think it is true of all people if they enjoy what they doing, they will usually do it well. I never was an academic, in hindsight working in a range of industries prior to going into research gave me a broader perspective than Ph.D's, who usually were experts in narrow fields. I could think outside the square in solving problems. Agree, I would be a dinosaur in a laboratory now.
  10. I see plenty of shirtless Thais, I don't feel obliged to follow their example. If I had an abs six-pack, maybe.
  11. Analytical chemistry, morphing into process chemistry. Steel, metal coatings, paints, waste treatment, corrosion science. I got into research because one of my more intelligent senior managers figured out I was much better at it, than in supervising people. I am only now attempting to teach my Thai quasi-grand-daughter English, at her request. I have never taught any subject previously, although I have published a number of papers in scientific journals, and been invited to speak at conferences. Oddly enough, mining and kangaroos were linked during my sojourn in the mining industry. Phosphorus is an undesirable contaminant of iron ore, we finally figured out the phosphorus in one otherwise very large orebody was present in surface caves, where kangaroos were excreting phosphorus-rich poop.
  12. That's like Thais saying they make the world's best wine and cheese.
  13. Perhaps you have heard how copper wire was invented. Two Scotsmen had a tug of war with a penny.
  14. Quite sure I am Australian, that's what my passport says. I am a retired research scientist. Having to write reports in terms managers can understand is why I write tight paragraphs, as you put it. Discourses such as yours would be beyond their attention span. Women carrying my bag here ( actually, they use trolleys and golf carts ) is about employment opportunity in Thailand. Look at any professional golf tournament on YouTube, the overwhelming majority of caddies are male. I always have the pin out when I am putting, and frankly think the new-found practice of leaving the pin in because it is no longer a penalty is downright stupid. My only stimulant prior to writing this post is a piece of Lindt 99% cocoa.
  15. There are many drug users that do not have the problems you mention, cocaine is used by people quite high in the social demographic. Stock traders in New York, football players, politicians, lawyers. The poverty comes later, after they have exhausted their funds in pursuit of their specific addiction. The number of people with lives ruined by the legal drug, alcohol, is legion. The sad fact of life is, there is no chemical humans will not use and abuse in the pursuit of oblivion or a high. Some addicts are in control of their addiction, others enter a downward spiral. The USA has spent billions of dollars trying to eliminate the drug trade, the authorities are no further along the road in suppression than when they started. There is just too much money involved in profiting from illicit drugs. That profit vanishes when a drug is legal. I would legalize all drug use, the only proviso being any person committing a crime while under the influence of drugs gets the same treatment in a law court as someone who was not.
  16. Don't know as I can agree, if a restaurant gets almost all positive reviews it helps people who are thinking of going there. It does become pointless when restaurant owners are generating fake positive reviews for themselves, and negative reviews for their competitors.
  17. I don't see any problem with myths that do no harm. When i was about 8 or 9, I got a gift from my parents - Odham's Dictionary of the English Language. One of the appendices was a complete list of characters in Greek and Roman mythology, along with descriptions of their lives or claim to fame. I found it quite enthralling, long before film makers moved in on the field.
  18. AFAIK there is nothing wrong with me mentally, getting more and more challenged physically. Please, they are hickory shafts, wooden is an inadequate adjective. In 2003, I went on a golfing tour of Scotland. Played 19 rounds of golf in 21 days. While I did enjoy myself, the food and hidebound traditions were a bit wearying. One of my games was at Muirfield Golf Club. I don't know if it's still there, but there was a sign at the entrance. "Dogs and Women not allowed." In that order.
  19. I cannot believe you posted that with a straight face. A diet of haggis, neeps and tatties has no appeal for me. I am convinced the Scots invented whisky to make their food vaguely palatable.
  20. The real cost of drugs in a mass production environment is peanuts. It's about as complicated as the process of making margarine. Legally available drugs such as alcohol and tobacco are intrinsically cheap, it's only the taxes levied by governments that make them more expensive. You don't see smokers and drinkers robbing stores to finance their addiction, do you? If you don't understand it's the illegality of cocaine, heroin etc. that make them expensive, and therefore fuel crime among addicts, I give up.
  21. If I can't give a positive review, I say nothing.
  22. No such warning for the Aussie dollar, the rate is guaranteed for 19 hours. IMO confined to the GBP. Or the Turkish lira.
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