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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. IMO a relationship based solely on having kids would not be worth having anyway.
  2. IMO having a child when one is in their sixties is irresponsible. How would anyone relate to them when they are in their teens? What sort of role model would a father in their 80's be? Delusional at best. People like Bernie Ecclestone may want to affirm their potency at an advanced age, he has the money to ensure any offspring are well provided for. I don't have that amount of money, or any desire to make myself look ridiculous.
  3. Leeches are used in therapies to thin blood and dissolve blood clots, where modern pharmaceuticals are not available. Maggots are a very effective treatment for gangrenous tissue.
  4. Why would I want to do that? I tread my own path. I don't know the situation of many farangs in Thailand, nor do I want to. I'd suggest if you were to cut off the flow of funds to your Thai family for a few months, it would be a good test of whether their love is real. If there was no change in attitudes, my congratulations. I prefer realistic to arrogant, thank you.
  5. I know my GF walked a mile to school barefoot, the family could not afford shoes. I know her father gets a pension of 800 baht/month. I know her brother earns about 2000 - 3000 baht/month. Most of the people in the village do. There are a fair few horror stories about farangs who failed to set boundaries, and ended up broke and discarded. I fail to see why I should join them. My GF is well provided for after I die, and is happy now. You may think you are part of the family. Permit me to doubt the family ambience would continue if your flow of funds to them suddenly stopped, due to circumstances beyond your control. One of the Thai dichotomies is the subject of respect for age. They certainly do with their own kind, I haven't noticed much of it for elderly farangs.
  6. None of them. We are here on 1 year visas maximum, and extensions can be rejected by Immigration at the whim of any officer at any time. Plenty of women around to be invested in.
  7. Best wishes to everyone on this thread for 2022. Restaurants in Chiang Rai have come up with a number of ways to circumvent the prohibition on serving alcohol. This is one form of disguise.
  8. I give small cash gifts to my GF's closest relatives at Christmas. I contribute to my quasi-grand-daughter's education. Her divorced parents are skint most of the time. As another poster has said,it is important to set boundaries. I am treated with respect by all my GF's relatives. However, that may just be because I am usually twice their size.
  9. It depends on golf course policy. I used to know my regular caddie quite well in Chiang Mai. In Chiang Rai, it seems all courses have a policy of rotating caddies, and one has to pay quite a lot extra for a regular caddie. I suppose when there are 100 caddies at a golf course, all wanting work, the policy is equitable. However, it does prevent a golfer and caddie getting to know each other well. Another downside is not knowing whether one is going to get a good, average or incompetent caddie. All the caddies at the course where I am a member seem to know me; be damned if I could remember them all if I was 50 years younger.
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