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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Tell me a major bank in Australia that doesn't screw customers on a range of services. It's why I have banked with a credit union for more than 30 years.
  2. Jeans are jeans, designer jeans are verging on an oxymoron. The best pair I ever had were not designer, made with double thickness twill at the front, for durability with work such as herding sheep or chainsawing firewood. I don't give a fig for fashion, comfortable, value for money, and long-lasting is what I look for.
  3. 1983 was when I quit. I guess it's why I'm still here.
  4. You may be right, it was quite some time ago I looked at WISE's fees. Perhaps they dropped them in the interim.
  5. How sweet it must be, as a Russian in Crimea eligible to be conscripted. The military commanders are leaving, presumably you will get a new general from Moscow who knows nothing of local conditions, and whose only skill is kissing Putin's backside. Said general will then send you into battle untrained, with inferior equipment, and most likely your supply lines cut off. With General Winter at the front into the bargain. It would be smarter to defect to the Ukrainians.
  6. When I checked out WISE, from memory it was the fees charged up front that killed the deal for me. IIRC, it's a commission, the more that is transferred, the bigger the commission. "After all fees" is the critical phrase. Not much point to getting a better exchange rate if the fees are in excess of that.
  7. 500 mg consumed at once would be enough to send anyone into orbit around Mars. Or into the earth's core. Mg is a unit of mass, mL is a unit of volume. 1000 mg is approximately equivalent to 1 mL of a substance if said substance is close to the specific gravity of water. The mL measurement would be used with something like CBD oil, the content would be measured as mg/mL. For a cookie, it might be a statement of total mg in the cookie, or mg of active CBD or THC per gram of cookie.
  8. I am not doing the TT directly, it's a form on the website of my credit union. When I've filled out the form, I email it to the credit union, and confirm by phone. They then send it to ANZ.
  9. I'm willing to spend money on good golf clothing. For everyday use, secondhand is all I need. I sometimes get designer brands from a secondhand shop, discarded by someone with more money than sense after one or two outings. What really amuses me is the designer jeans with arty-farty rips and tears in them, IMO anyone spending money on those is as dumb as a can of soup.
  10. I don't know if this helps. I transfer AUD by telegraphic transfer, get charged $30 by ANZ irrespective of amount. Bangkok Bank gives me the baht equivalent about 0.5 baht below the cross rate shown on sites such as xe.com, i.e if the cross rate is 24.8 baht for one AUD, I'll get 24.3. Do not transfer with what is called dynamic currency conversion, it's highway robbery. I would suggest transferring a smaller amount first, to see what conversion rate you get.
  11. Shop around, that sounds very expensive. I have a friend who has one, gets the battery changed about every 7 years. I'm pretty sure his was nothing like that. Of course, that was some years ago.
  12. STD is an acronym for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, such as herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea and HIV. I should imagine there is more than one STD clinic in Pattaya.
  13. It's moot whether Crimea can be regarded as part of Russia, as it was invaded and annexed by Russia in 2014. The annexation AFAIK has never been internationally ratified. No doubt Zelensky would be asking the stipulation on arms to not apply there. Putin is not going anywhere except friendly countries, IMO he would risk being arrested as a war criminal if he did. The oil China and India are buying is a drop in the bucket, compared to the loss of the markets for gas and oil, mostly in Europe. Getting Russia's oil to those countries needs shipping, because Russia does not have the now-shut pipelines to Europe. Ships are in short supply. The link is to a guy who irritates me, by doing voiceovers on text. That assumes his audience can't read. Having said that, his material is from Kremlin advisers who are saying Russia is going to be in deep doo-doo economically, for a number of reasons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL3EysuSniQ
  14. Very gentle cycling was recommended for me after tearing a knee meniscus, and having surgery. Stop if there is any pain. If you don't feel tired after swimming, you are either not swimming fast enough, or long enough.
  15. Pathology labs will do the testing, the OP can go to a doctor armed with the data.
  16. Antibiotics weaken the immune system, especially with prolonged use. They are also ineffective against viruses, so relying on any to prevent HIV is not a good idea.
  17. There may be a tiny morsel of truth in what is otherwise nonsense, when they claim the Ukrainians are getting drugs. Both the Allies and Germany gave out methamphetamines quite freely during WWII, the Germans called it fliegeschokolade.
  18. I eliminated my need for blood pressure meds with exercise. As other posters have said, see a doctor. Staying on a diastole of less than 60 may cause permanent damage. Be aware taking Viagra or Apcalis can lower BP quite drastically.
  19. Sent you a PM. Everyone is different, I have found CBD oil to be utterly useless, even at ten times the recommended dose.
  20. The danger of that proposition is Putin would become so unhinged he would start using nukes. Having said that, I would like to see the Ukrainians take back Crimea, so Russian holidaymakers would see how badly Putin has misled them. The EU is steadily transitioning away from dependence on Russian gas, no-one wants a supplier who blackmails them. Another Putin error, he has lost three-quarters of his energy market. The Ukrainians don't need to do anything. IIRC, it was Napoleon who said never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
  21. The literacy of your post tells me all I need to know about how many clues you have. Russia is a collection of tribes, who have never matured to a democracy because they were kept on the run for centuries by the Mongols and Tartars.
  22. My limited experience is: First online 90 day: Accepted, approved about 2 days later. Second online 90 day: Accepted, rejected two days later. Resubmitted today, accepted, approved about ten minutes later. Maybe submitting reports on a weekend is not a good idea, because IO's are hung over. It's one plausible explanation.
  23. Do you have previous experience in trekking at high altitude? AMS can become a medical emergency very quickly if ignored, for people of any age.
  24. There is no reason why a football pitch and golf course cannot coexist. In Australia, I know several country golf courses that combine with a race course or cricket ground. It does baffle me why concrete was poured for the golf course, unless that was a foundation for practice mats, which makes it a driving range, not a golf course.
  25. I'm no expert, don't have to be. Having said that, I was under the impression the requirement was 2 months prior to extension, three months after. Perhaps one of the more learned posters can confirm. As a retiree, I get the extension stamp the day after application.
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