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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. It's possible the magnetic strip or chip has been damaged, I had a similar problem a couple of years ago. New card at the bank, problem solved.
  2. Take out the Thai baht, convert it to anything else ( US dollars, Swiss francs etc. ) at a money exchange. Small loss on the buy/sell pricing. AFAIK taking Thai baht out of Thailand is prohibited. Any other currency can be exported.
  3. Thailand is like any other country, if one takes the trouble to understand the rules, speak the language, and enjoy what it has to offer. IMO good food, beautiful women, a life as simple or as complicated as one wants to make it. There are a lot less rules here than Australia. If a retiree is going to come here with limited resources, refuse to learn the language, live off western food, drink excessively, and lose their head over women, it's almost inevitable they will be disappointed in their choice of retirement destination. A problem can also be an opportunity. I regard driving in Thai traffic as honing my survival skills, and helping ward off Alzheimer's.
  4. Barbiturates are illegal in Thailand. As are opioid medications. If sleep is your problem, I have found Codiphen ( drowsy antihistamine ) always works well for me. AFAIK, not habit-forming.
  5. I've flown over Mauritius once, it looked like a green jewel in a blue ocean. Stunning from the air. Sounds pretty good to me, modest income requirements and none of the Thai Immigration BS. Best wishes for your new venture, simon43. I might have joined you if it was not for the relationships I have here.
  6. I'd say yes, I also had quite a few that wanted to make the liaison permanent. I never was hansum man, but I do like to think I have good manners.
  7. I would have to agree with this, sex belongs behind closed doors. Pawing girls publicly just because you can is not a good look. When I was in the bar scene, I found treating bar girls with respect and consideration paid dividends in terms of their enthusiasm later. And yes, I know some of it could have been faked.
  8. How many Thai wives do you have? A photo you sent me does not look like her. You also said she had become fat, like a German hausfrau. Looks in pretty good shape to me.
  9. You are probably correct when it comes to Thai bargirls in their twenties and early thirties. After that, IMO the clock is ticking, and the Thai BF will be trading them in for a newer model. IME the number of Thai women in their late thirties and forties who just want a man to "take care" are legion, and they know it won't happen with Thai males. My regular massage lady is a case in point. Now 60, she is not beautiful, but has a cheerful and slightly nutty personality. She bemoans the fact I am already taken. When she was 30, her Thai husband of 10 years said you are not beautiful anymore, I'm out of here. Left her with an infant to support. I used to know several farangs in Chiang Mai who recruited their women from the hill tribes. All that was needed to "take care" was a roof over their head, food, and a couple of thousand baht a month.
  10. The Gica's should work OK. I am still gobsmacked by the fact those kits are less than $3 ( AUD ) here, and $25 in Australia. Some scumbag is making a motza.
  11. It helps. However, other attributes women look for are power, money, and intelligence. It's imprinted in their genes to seek men who give their progeny the best chance of survival.
  12. I am not sure they are still around, but Chinese Lepu RAT kits are defective, as they can return false negatives. The kits that involve transferring the swab contents to a vial for mixing with a few mL of liquid prior to application to the test bed are correctly designed. Having experienced spartan hospital quarantine conditions once already, I would definitely self-isolate at home after a positive RAT reading. I would only go to a hospital if I had breathing problems.
  13. My GF would be genuinely bewildered by the suggestion I am a dirty old man. She regards me as the best thing that has ever happened to her, and prays to Buddha for a long life for me. Your comment demonstrates a basic ignorance of biology. Men are still quite capable of enjoying sex in their 70's, 80's and 90's. Just ask Rupert Murdoch. OTOH, once women hit their sixties, for the vast majority, it's game over. I don't see any reason to become celibate due to my age, and I am ruling out masturbation. In fact, your post could be taken as age discrimination.
  14. Go into any shopping mall in the US or Australia, count up the number of beached whales and DDG females. Do the same in Thailand. On a statistical basis, it's like a Nissan Almera taking on a BMW.
  15. Spot on, she's usually hovering around the 40 - 42 kg mark. A Western woman at that body mass would be anorexic.
  16. My GF is 23 years younger than me. IMO she likes the security of knowing I don't go out drinking at bars, and would never be violent towards her. Unlike her former Thai husband, who drank, gambled and was abusive. Sure, money is part of our relationship, but there is also mutual respect and playfulness. No problem for her if I get under her feet occasionally.
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