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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I am not married, although everyone assumes we are. My GF has asked me several times to marry her. I ask her which is more important, a piece of paper, or having my Australian OAP reduced by about 10,000 baht/month?
  2. Try a keto-style diet. Eat as much protein as you want. I went from 93 kg to 78 kg. You need to exercise daily as well.
  3. Rice farming is really hard work, a lot of stooping. It's probably not far behind sheep shearing.
  4. Pork is protein and fat. It's carbohydrates and sugar that stacks the weight on. My GF is 42 kg. She eats a lot of rice, but also exercises a lot more than the average Thai woman.
  5. I did my retirement visa extension today. Tax or a tax ID was not mentioned, although I did include a photocopy of my pink Thai ID card.
  6. I was given a one year extension on my retirement visa today. A tax ID was not mentioned, although I did submit a photocopy of my pink Thai ID card.
  7. From a guy who will be down to getting a pension only when he is 105 yo.
  8. I'd buy one from my Thai mechanic any day of the week. He's meticulous.
  9. There are 9 million Israelis. Egypt has a population of 117 million. In three wars, the Egyptian Army and Airforce were beaten so soundly there has been no conflict of the two nations for 50 years.
  10. Actually, you are delusional if you think anything Trump does as President affects an Australian retiree in Thailand. Please learn how to use apostrophes, you are hurting my eyes.
  11. Your own IQ can't be all that high if you don't know the difference between physics, chemistry and the 'humanitarian ' sections. Let me know when a politician gets one in physics. I won't hold my breath.
  12. There are over 200 Jewish Nobel Prize winners in the hard sciences - chemistry, physics, medicine. Worldwide, there are 44 million Jews. There are 1.4 billion Muslims. They have produced two Nobel winners in the same categories. Draw your own conclusions.
  13. I can remember buying about 10 kg of beef for a large village party. I turned it over to my GF's cousin for cooking. The amount of chili she put in it was enough to do double duty as paint stripper. I don't know if anyone else enjoyed it, but for me it was perfectly good beef made inedible.
  14. I am wondering how the OP knows he does not smell. The olfactory organ{s} go on strike with any persistent odor. It's why hydrogen sulphide can be lethal. I have traveled on the Shinkazen, San Francisco BART, Tokyo network, Philadelphia NY Amtrak, Hong Kong, and London Tube. There's a clear winner as to which the smelliest is. Hint - the inhabitants speak English, and live on an island.
  15. My Australian OAP has cost of living adjustments every six months, in line with inflation. I recently spent two nights in a government hospital, 7000 baht. I might pay that much for a single specialist consultation in Australia. They charge like wounded bulls. At my current rate of capital depletion, which is added to my pension for a comfortable lifestyle, I will be reduced to having a pension only when I am 105 yo. Yes, the AUD loses purchasing power in Australia. AFAICT the baht still buys all the stuff I need. Having said that, people who come here hoping to live on a pension alone are in for a rude shock, when the first unexpected expense appears on their horizon.
  16. So the change is for people in government service? That's going to mess with the intake of youth.
  17. Did you teach them financial literacy? Do they have credit card debt up to their eyeballs? Did you teach them to delay gratification until they could afford the cost? I think I know the answer already.
  18. IMO stupidity is believing Trump will do anything for his "basement dwellers" once he is re-elected. Except perhaps hold rallies where they can flock like sheep to buy his made in China dreck. When he is not playing golf, that is. Can Americans be that dumb twice? Perhaps they can.
  19. If only it were that simple.........
  20. It probably works like this for you........
  21. Good luck. Water helps alleviate some of the physical discomforts of withdrawal. Stay hydrated.
  22. More like a month, ask Sheryl.
  23. Have you had your appendix removed? Have you had a CAT scan? Has anyone diagnosed Crohn's disease? Bear in mind the pain you have now is withdrawal, which simply has to be endured. Make sure you keep hydrated. Drink lots of water.
  24. Cannot do it immediately. I'll PM you. She is no oil painting. Has plenty of podge, strong as a bull.

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