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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. AFAIK obinuzamatab and venetoclax are not available in Thailand. I don't know how many hospitals in Thailand have CAT scanning facilities that include the administration of radioactive carbon isotopes to measure tumor progression. Due to private health insurance in Australia, I paid nothing for CAT scans, blood tests and monthly infusions. I paid about $100 for a years' worth of venetoclax medication.
  2. The OP needs to be aware he is developing a tolerance for tramadol, which means it will lose effectiveness in relieving pain if he continues on this path. IMO he needs to progressively increase the length of time between doses, hour by hour. Distraction techniques, such as reading or watching videos may help. Dwelling on the pain won't. It's OK to take tramadol as long as you are controlling the drug, and the drug is not controlling you. I use it myself for back pain, but only every second or third day, and only if I feel I really need it. For sleep, try Codiphen or Amitryptiline.
  3. My GF is going to be ropeable. She was looking forward to getting her 600 baht in a couple of years time. The introduction is clumsy, it should have been phased in. The clowns who introduced this change may have cause to regret their actions. Voters will be looking for any means of revenge.
  4. A good way to acquire hemorrhoids. I don't worry about, mine are quieter than my GF's anyway.
  5. I am wondering how voter values have become so distorted a stream of lies and disinformation is now regarded as normal. Moreover, accepted as truth. Kissinger's views on Trump would never be shared by some one like Ted Mack.
  6. I am selfish, my GF is exclusive to me. I can introduce you to a 61 yo who would be glad to help you, in return for very modest financial support and the cachet of marriage. For some reason, she craves a foreign husband. She speaks no English. My regular massage lady, she is quite nutty, so you should get on well together. A good pair of Crocs are quite comfortable without socks, although unsuitable for prolonged walks.
  7. Never tried rowing, I probably would have capsized the boat. I have never been flexible. Even as a kid, I was unable to touch my toes. When I was training in jujutsu, best I could do with a roundhouse kick was chest height. OTOH, I have always been stronger than average.
  8. I did not know CMU was such a bad neighborhood. Perhaps good manners are not to be found in some of the young. It was ever thus.
  9. Back at home with a swag of antibiotics, thank you. IMO having a Thai GF who knows the system helps considerably. There is no way I could negotiate the hospital bureaucracy without her. I agree, once you are in your 70's insurance becomes prohibitively expensive, if it is even available. I am uninsurable due to pre-existing conditions. When I had non-Hodgkin's lymphoma a couple of years ago, I went back to Australia for treatment. The drugs used for chemo there were simply not available in Thailand. I also had three CAT scans with radioactive infusions to measure my progress to remission. I can't even begin to estimate how much that would have cost here, best guess millions of baht. I still pay for my Australian private health insurance, although the time will come when I can no longer travel.
  10. Some government hospitals have private wards, which no doubt are more expensive. That may give rise to the double charging hypothesis. Three days ago, I was hospitalized with Pneumonia. Two nights in hospital, in a public ward. Most of the costs were in nursing care and laboratory tests. The actual bed cost per night was 200 baht. Outstanding care, 4 bedside consultations with doctors. 7000 baht total. To me, it was an absolute bargain. I am damn sure if a Thai national went to an Australian, UK or US public hospital, they would be paying a lot more than that.
  11. As others have said, the insurance is not valid without the tax paid. IIRC it's only about 200 baht, most of the cost is in the insurance itself. Why be an idiot over 200 baht?
  12. The insurance that goes with motorcycle registration covers 30,000 baht of medical treatment in the event of an accident. Treatment in a government hospital is quite inexpensive, even for foreigners.
  13. Get a quote at a public hospital.
  14. Thais have outstanding flexibility. I'd be in traction if I tried to do what my GF does, by way of stretching exercises.
  15. Getting on a scooter when p!ssed.
  16. It depends. For non-emergency ailments, the wait times are as you say, and it is better to attend a clinic. For emergency admissions, one is triaged, followed by diagnosis after testing. In my case, I had an ECG and chest X'ray. I was in a hospital bed with an antibiotic IV in my arm about two hours after presenting.
  17. A private hospital, presumably.
  18. I recently had two nights in a government hospital with pneumonia, caused by a bacterial infection. Round-the clock nursing care 4 bedside visits by doctors over 2 days, At least three antibiotic IV’s, plus saline infusions Sundry decongestant and anti-nausea meds. An ECG and Chest X’ray, Four blood tests, including troponin measurements. Take-home pack of antibiotics and paracetamol. All for a grand total of just under 7000 baht. I regard that as a screaming bargain. A blood test at Mengrai Labs is usually 1000 baht. Losartan for hypertension is about 200 baht for a month's supply. A consultation with a cardiologist in Chiang Rai costs me 400 baht, Perhaps the OP should be shopping around.
  19. While you are probably the successor to UbonJoe (RIP), I'd suggest you could use some of his patience with posters.
  20. Yes I did. I was trying to help with additional information.
  21. I recently spent two nights at this hospital, after a diagnosis of pneumonia. I presented at the Emergency Department with a fever of 39 C, uncontrollable shaking, and a pulse rate of 140 bpm. Plus my pink Thai ID card. In summary, I had: Round-the clock nursing care 4 bedside visits by doctors over 2 days, At least three antibiotic IV’s, plus saline infusions Sundry decongestant and anti-nausea meds. An ECG and Chest X’ray, Four blood tests, including troponin measurements. Take-home pack of antibiotics and paracetamol. All for a grand total of just under 7000 baht. I regard that as a screaming bargain. Given the amount of patient traffic the hospital has to handle every day, IMO the staff do an outstanding job. Two things stand out for me from this experience: 1/ The importance of having simple tools such as a BP monitor and body thermometer to determine one's state of health. 2/ The value of having a Thai partner to take care of you, and negotiate the hospital bureaucracy.
  22. I use Firefox in a Linux OS. It does not work. I'll be testing my login again through my condo manager' s Windows system.
  23. The retirement extension TM 7 form has a TM 6 field.
  24. IMO the Trumpers are getting way ahead of themselves. The record number of early mail - in votes is saying something. Permit me to doubt it's in Trump's favor.
  25. Not quite, but pretty close. That's OK, she gives back in many ways.

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