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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Have I gone quiet? I'll have to get my keyboard checked. I am not a loser. I had no vote. Nothing Trump does will affect me. OTOH, I regard most Americans as losers. They a going to find that out over the next four years, and it's sad.
  2. IMO Trump was effective in tying Harris to Biden, pointing to immigration and living costs under Biden. I understand America originated the aphorism "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". That will be put to the test in the next 4 years.
  3. Strange. IIRC you have been quite vocal in your support of him.
  4. Enighted is not in any English dictionary. I have no doubt you will be enlightened, when Trump's policies result in cuts to your Social Security and Medicare. Then there's the reduction in purchasing power which will come with tax cuts and a tariff war, as sure as night follows day. You voted for this, now you have it. Som nam na.
  5. I guess competence at cheating people is more important to Americans nowadays.
  6. Some babies toss their toys out of the pram irrespective of what mood they are in.
  7. So much hatred of a fundamentally decent woman. So much love for a felon, fraudster, and sexual predator. A bully and a coward. IMO America has lost its mind.
  8. Guess again, my ancestry has no taint of Sassenach blood. It's said the British did not rule the world by being nice. It's good to see you are carrying on the tradition.
  9. Maybe. My policy has always been to fly under the radar, and give bureaucrats as little information as possible. It's also why I stay off Facebook and X.
  10. It's probably why I have never joined an expat club.
  11. What does a genocide on the other side of the world matter, when weighed against the need for Americans to achieve new levels of obesity?
  12. Permit me to doubt we are as dumb as the British.
  13. Just making the point species adapt or die. There are 4 known species of humans that became extinct on the journey to homo sapiens. Maybe more science has not found yet, 10, 000 years ago was the last Ice Age. Humans were living with mild warming up until the Industrial Revolution, when for the first time in the Earth's history a species commenced altering the climate of the planet. We only got to a scientific consensus in the seventies. Since then, we have been kicking the can down the road, as the fossil fuel industry fights a rearguard action. There's no doubt fossil fuels have been enormously beneficial for mankind. However, we have reached the point where we cannot afford to continue with them wholesale.
  14. How many humans would become extinct if the sea level rises by 65 meters?
  15. How many of the birds you saw were an endangered species? Darwin would possibly say they were the stupid ones. I guess cooking ourselves with carbon dioxide emissions is a preferred option.
  16. Average American debt is $22,000. Yes, there will be a BOOM. Inflation. Tax cuts and tariffs guarantee it. Buy precious metals. The US dollar is going down. Countries are lining up to join BRICS. When it reaches critical mass, USD will lose reserve currency status. The turkeys voted for Christmas.
  17. Any savings prior to 2024 are non-taxable. You would need statements to show the balances on 31/12/2023. It's 180 days. You would need to stay in other countries for 185 days in the calendar year.
  18. I have enough in pre-2024 savings to last for the next 5-6 years of expenses. My pension can accumulate in an Australian bank. As for a TIN here, I will get one when Immigration tells me I need one.
  19. I suggest you ask Michael Cohen and Rudy Giuliani. You know, the guys Trump threw under a bus.
  20. Not as far as I know. It takes a drive through places such as Wilcannia, Murrum Bridge, Fitzroy Crossing and Halls Creek to realize how much is spent on free housing and vehicles, and how much gets wasted.
  21. I give it 1-2 years before the swing voters realize they have been conned yet again by someone who is throwing them under the bus, now they have served their purpose. Tax cuts and tariff wars guarantee it. The lawfare delusion is well entrenched in Trump supporters, no point in arguing with people who have that as an article of faith. Bye now.
  22. I try to be courteous on ASEAN. Some posters make the effort as difficult as they can. Try looking up the translation of the Latin phrase " Nemo me impune lacessit". It's also the national motto of Scotland, I have ancestors there.
  23. In other words, the fix is in because Trump won. Had he lost, different story. Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers. There is nothing in the trial which says Merchan conducted himself inappropriately, except in the fevered imagination of Trump supporters. You may be right, Merchan may be disbarred. However, that will only be because Trump will exercise presidential power to be vindictive. The usual cheap shot at the end of your post, when will you guys grow up?
  24. I was unaware you had extensive experience in the cultural and historical milieu. It works in reverse in Australia, there are significant financial advantages for those claiming Aboriginal ancestry. Thank you for responding courteously, which is more than I can say for some posters on this thread.
  25. A lie. Trump illegally held on to documents as EX=president, after being repeatedly asked to return them. Voice recording of Trump discussing said documents is evidence in the indictment by Jack Smith. Another lie. I suppose the world will have to get used to a stream of lies. That's OK, it will get to the point no-one will trust America or Americans.

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