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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. for you as a foreigner the main concern should not be the tax but

    to get caught selling on line without a work permit; as it might

    be considered work.


    as for the thai tax man, i guess he is more flexible than in other counries, and will

    make things easier. it all depands on the amounts involved. if the sales are in large

    volume the tax authorities will take notice.

    • Haha 2
  2. 7 hours ago, solomon david said:


    my advice to you is NOT to go for the refund but instead use the ticket to get

    back to europe.

    all big airlines are same same these days and changing to another airline will not help.

    the airlines coperate on arranging flights and share between themselves the passengers

    to help returining passengers.

    the refund will take long time and a lot of phone calls and energy.

    you can find turkish airline phone no. on their web site. they are proffesionals.

    call them and they will help you find a new flight back; Even from bangkok - no need

    KL. Everything is flexible these days.

  3. On 8/6/2020 at 8:36 AM, Leaver said:

    He can withdraw the maximum from the ATM, or maybe even a cash advance over the counter, and then deposit the money straight into his bank account in his home country.  

    WELL it depands on the amount, but aventually cash is cash and you will not be able to prove

    the source of the cash even if you deposited it straight to your account.

    i know someone who deposited 80K usd in cash over 2 years, in small amounts.

    he was not a criminal and did not understand what he is doing.

    2 years later the bank flagged and blocked his account and asked for documents

    showing the source of the money and taxes paid. These days in many countries the banks

    became tax collecting agencies, and hate cash as they do not earn commissions with it.


    • Confused 1
  4. On 7/29/2020 at 4:45 AM, mitostone said:

    Many thais bought condo/houses as a form of investment. Most of them is fully paid.

    someone explained to me once that many properties stand empty in thailand

    because they were repossesed by the banks after failed loans, but the banks

    are not able to resell them so they keep them empty so they will show as assets on their books.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 3 hours ago, thedemon said:

    keep the ATM receipt.

    ATM receipt will not help, nor depositing the cash into another bank account,

    as you cannot connect them to the cash - cannot prove anymore that the cash you hold

    is the same cash you withdrew from the ATM.

    it all depands on the amount of course, but it might become a problem,

    even many years later (in case of depositing

    the cash into another account).

    that is why banks around the world , incl. thailand, are making the on line trasfers easier.

    they are preparing to a world without cash. scary.

  6. i also found on lazada amazing prices and very suspicious price differences. so

    i looked at the reviews there in thai, and traslated them on google.

    seems like there are many fake goods there, and thai people compain again and again about

    the fake iphone 10 or samsung A80 they got there (in china they make great copies

    of latest models) , and the trader is not willing to exchange.


  7. 23 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:

    if there was a huge amount of the population suffering or dying, we would know. So i do believe they've escaped the worst of it. 

    no you would not know.

    if thousands of people died in thailand from the virus, you would not know.

    it is known only to senior officials.

    there are very good and simple ways to hide it.

    you see what the media wants you to see. in every country.

    • Like 1
  8. 15 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    What is an 'invested in condo' retiree. As far as I know, owning residential property in Thailand doesn't necessarily afford one any residential rights in the country (I used to own a condo there).

    There is an INVESTOR VISa where you can invest 300K USD even in a condo or thai stocks, and get

    a long term visa.

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