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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. some countries , like belurussia , never closed anything, and did not suffer any serious outbreak. . also japan and taiwan never imposed such strist

    lockdown, brazil mexico panama and costa rica are completly open now, you can travel there without

    any need for insurance, tests, or other nonsense. maybe the thai authorities will do the simple

    math and will understand that locking down the country is killing way more people than the virus

    will ever do.

    • Sad 1
  2. 2 hours ago, teacherclaire said:

    But Mike, it doesn't make much sense looking at the current infections.


      I tend to believe that all was planned to weaken the West, only to let China take over more businesses. 


      I don't care if somebody calls me stupid, but it doesn't make much sense if the country where the virus originated doesn't have any issues with the virus while thousands of people in the West die.


    All these older people had sons, daughters, and other relatives. It's impressive to see that nobody seems to give a flying kangaroo about China's behavior.


    Shouldn't they be held accountable for all the mess? It's all right for China only. 

    If anybody tells me that this is a coincidence, I do not believe it. 


    ZHONGSHAN, China — This was supposed to be the year that China’s export machine began to stall. President Trump had imposed broad tariffs on Chinese goods. Countries like Japan and France pushed companies to shift production from China. The pandemic had crippled China’s factories by the end of January.

    Instead, China Inc. has come roaring back.





    Corona map severe.png

    do not believe the chinse and not the NYTIMES...china is suffering badly from this virus

    but is doing great job in hiding THE TRUTH.

  3. 6 hours ago, 2530Ubon said:

    They will be introducing a freelancer visa which does not require a WP. Details should be released next month

    seriously? that is interesting.

    i know quite few people who work alone, or from home, and make lots of money, much

    more than some companies and businesses with tens of workers.

    thailand wants to have those kind of people, because they are big earners who can pay

    a lot of taxes.

  4. 3 hours ago, Airalee said:

    It appears that as usual (including all the other linked condos) the banks are selling the shabby stuff and holding on to the good stuff.


    Someone has already beaten them on price for the Huahin unit.



    Needs a gutting (as does the bank owned unit) but the location isn’t bad.


    This is currently the least expensive condo for sale (on hipflat) in Bangkok....฿169,000


    this even cheaper :  


  5. On 10/8/2020 at 4:15 PM, kingofthemountain said:

    For someone intersted to buy on this market, the real bargain will be here in 4-5 months

    after the ''high season'' with 0 tourists.

    even better bargains will be found a year from now, after a whole year with 0 tourists and 20-30 devaluation of the baht (35-38 baht to USD)

  6. 16 minutes ago, Steve Vincent said:

    Special compensation if you spend 10million baht 250k sterling ???????? who's got that amount of money these days ? especially in today’s climate. I’ve been back and forth Thailand throughout the last 20yrs spending vast amounts of money like other foreign nationals who love the country,. I’ve a missus and children who i support ‘ house ‘ land & financial obligations yet I’m not considered a valuable asset,it’s people like me and others who feel undervalued and unwanted ‘ returned home in June due family crisis and cannot return due travel restrictions that have been it into place,speak with my family regular via web chat ‘ yet cannot be their in person and it hurts when my son keep asking when papa will return Stay safe people ????

    try to make lemonde out of this lemon situation.

    at last you can have time for yourself far away from your family and from all

    those somtam people.

    try to get a british style oil massage, or go to a non asian gogo bar.

    the world is round and big and aventually all will get back to normal.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, quake said:

    Op The investment company you are using is uk based.

    you need to understand arising income in the uk.

    what ever Thai dance you are trying to do, wont help you.

    if your a uk citizen. forms will need to be filled in.

    but maybe not paying any tax, you still can earn 12,500 in the uk. as personal allowance. :jap:






    if he is not a u.k. resident and he is not going to invest in the u.k., he might

    not have to pay any taxes in u.k. at all, even

    if he is using a u.k. based investment company (for example if he is using a u.k. investment company

    to invest in the european stock market).

    but he might have to pay taxes on investments in the u.k., even if he is not

    a u.k. tax resident.

  8. i will try to give you here some advices, based on my informal experience.


    first, you do want to become a tax resident in thailand. that is not just because

    taxes in thailand are lower and more simplified than in the western world, but also

    because the thai tax system is territorial. which means that thailand will only tax you

    on income earned in thailand (or brought into thailand under some conditions) and

    will thailand will not care about your earning outside of thailand. that is a huge advantage

    that can make you pay, legally, little or no taxes at all on millions earned outside thailand.


    second, there is a lot of confusion among Financial advisors, lawyers bankers and other proffesionals

    about those new international tax laws and regulations. i spoke to few, and some admitted

    they simply do not know what is going on, while others were rude enough to give me all

    kinds of wrong and misleading instructions.


    what you need to remember is that you want to be a thai tax resident and not a u.k. tax resident.

    next you should research yourself the u.k. tax laws, you can do it by few phone calls to u.k.

    lawyers and accountants, some of them will give you basic advice for free, but it even pays

    to pay someone good, to get a good advice. than

    you will know what the u.k. law says about your situation. i think that most propably

    you should not be a u.k. tax resident, this way you can bring , in the future, your money into

    u.k. without having to pay any taxes on it.

    • Like 1
  9. i am still trying to understand....each and every farang will have two

    covid agents that will follow him or her to make sure he stay away

    from thai people aread / roads?

    reminds me of the apartheid in south africam where they had WHITES ONLY signs

    on train stations, parks and even street benches.

    only that in south africa blacks did not have to pay so much for flights and hotels,

    and were not feeling like they are tourists on some kind of holiday...


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