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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. in USA and europe the average time of selling an average residential property is 7-8 months.

    In thailand the market is not real because many properties are on sale by banks who have long breath lo list them for many years, in high prices, because they do not want to write them off the books as a loss.


    you better check the financial advantage of buying a property vs. renting one.

    is the renting cost is 3-4% as it is in most developed economies, maybe you better rent, and invest your USD in some low risk investment, like CD or U.S. bonds.

    Even banks in cambodia are offering 6% on deposits for 3-4 years.


    In thailand you might also consider the risk of devaluation of the baht, that might get to 37-38-45 bht to USD, and offset any rise in property price.

  2. 2 minutes ago, lkv said:

    superior human beings

    Indeed the god-like king is a major part of asian spirituality and the source for political structures with a strong, undisputed, leader, from the north korean kims and up to the man in the head of china communist party.

    But really, we are not here to discuss asian kings and heads of states, a very sensitive subject indeed.

    We are here only to discuss the corona restrictions and where they are coming from and why, so we can see when they are going to ease or disapear.

    • Like 1
  3. My advice to TAT is to open thailand to tourism same same before, no need

    for quarantine and no nothing. and see what happans.

    they wil be surprised to discover that very few tourists will arrive anyway.

    by the way; brazil and mexico are 100% open for tourism by air travel.

    no need for test and no nothing. and no problem. 

    seems like this corona attacks mostly farang / gringos in cold countries.

    • Confused 1
  4. First, my advice to you is to do all you can to save a tooth, which means yes, go for the root canal and crown. That is an efficient way to save your tooh, and if done right, it can last a life time.

    My second advice to you is to choose a GOOD doctor. In thailand  a good doctor can be cheap or expensive, it has nothing to do with the price. You should talk to people - but not your wife - and try to

    get a reccomendation. do not try to save here. It is not a question of price but if the doctor is charging you 30,000 baht (quite cheap in western terms) and is good, better pay it.


    and last, you should be lucky and find the good doctor on a good day. i had a thai dentist for years, she was very good and allways did a good job, until one day i came to her on a bad day for a root canal work. I could feel she is not calm and trying to finish job too fast.

    the result is that after she finished the treatment and silled the tooth, i still suffered pain. i went

    to another dentist and he x-rated the tooth and showed me that the treatment was not good, the root is still alive, and that is why it is painfull, and now i will have to go for another root canal work on the same tooth.

  5. 2 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    And even if it goes awry when selecting that option (only works when BangkokBank is the receiving Bank), you can always use the TransferWise receipts to prove that your transfers originated from abroad.

    MUST those receipts be in the applicant name only, or any other name?

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