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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. I do not think that many farang will come anyway, even if Thailand will fully open .


    A new and comprehensive survey by the European Tourism Commission (ETC) from last week, which deals with the upcoming European vacation plans, should be of concern to the thai tourism industry. The survey, which was conducted in the EU countries and included 6,000 participants, shows that about 80% of Europeans who plan to go on vacation in the next six months, intend to vacation in destinations in Europe. 41% of them are expected to go on vacation in their country. This means that relatively distant destinations have emerged from the European equation - which may strengthen domestic tourism on the continent, but is ominous for the thai tourism industry, which is currently in severe distress.


    • Like 2
  2. It is not a secret that people all over the world are getting crazy without being

    able to travel to Thailand and Israel is no exception.

    In an effort to reduce the suffering, Israel-Thailand friendship group organised a national competition

    of decorating Sukot with thai elements.

    SUKOT are shacks that israelis are obeyed by religious law to build and use

    in this time of the year, to remember the shacks they were using in the Sinai desert

    when they escaped from slavery in Egypt. The thai version might be SUKOTHAI...

    Here are some photos for example:


    קמפיין סוכה תאילנדית בישראלהקישוטים בסוכה של משפחת לוי ממודיעיןאוהבים את תאילנד. הסוכה של משפחת פינקלשטיין מכפר סבאכך זה נראה אצל משפחת ליבוביץ-אבקסיס מקיבוץ אפיקיםהזוכה של 2019: סוכה שהוקמה בתוך מטע בננות

  3. i am not quite sure i understood.

    why would people who want to invest in gold will buy gold jewelries?

    the work on the jewelry will only make the gold more expensive.


    and how come gold jewelries rose only 47% in monetary terms, when the gold price rose more than

    50%? to see the real change in gold jewelries export, need to count the gold weight.

  4. 3 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    There is no limit how much cash you bring into Thailand. However you need to declare. Simple process.

    Under 15kusd (I think) no need to declare. 

    you are right but also wrong.

    in thailand tax evasion is not considering a money laundry offence.

    but in other countries incl. australia it might be.

    therefor coming in or out of australia with a lot of cash, even if declaring it, might not be a good idea.

  5. 6 hours ago, Robin said:

    In Thailand the bank thinks it is doing you a favour to let you open a bank account.

    You will be charged for every service.

    in thailand the bank does not think. it is the people who work for the bank who think.


    and thai banks are way much cheaper than banks in uk or EU. to begin with, thai

    banks do not charge min. fee just to own the account.


    once i visited a branch of my bank in thailand. the lady who works there did not

    like me and cursed me in thai. i understood and cursed back at her.

    and that was it. she is not the bank. she is just a stupid lady who works there.

    • Like 1
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  6. 7 hours ago, Oldie said:

    To open an account at a bank without knowing the implications is financial nonsense. 

    openning a bank account in thailand is free and maintaining it is also free.

    there are no fixed monthly fees like in other countries.

    the tax system in thailand is territorial and care only about profits

    from thai sources.

    hence there are no implications to openning and account in thailand and no

    need to think too mut

  7. On 9/5/2020 at 3:13 PM, aixois said:

    Did you experience using ATM ouside of Thailand too ?

    WHEN bangkok bank had the visa card, i could use it no problem abroad, and

    to buy airline tickets ext.

    but now i with the union pay, there are many problems.

    recently i tried to withdraw money from ATMs abroad, and it does not work.

    bangkok bank union pay card is even worse than the chinese one, who is still

    accepted here and there around the world.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


    Luna worked for me, only took 2-3 days to get the certificate after I transferred the money.


    Anyone flying from LAX that need same day covid and fit-to-fly certificates can get both in 30-60 minutes at "Hollywood Walk-In Clinic....

    did you pay them from a foreign account? or from your thai bank account?

    because if you paid from a foreign account, it might takes 2-3days just for them to get the payment...

  9. many more people are going to die from this drop in business than

    from the virus.

    thailand government should swallow their pride and open the country ASAP to tourists.

    yes, the price will be few more thousands  deaths from the virus, and they will not

    be able to save face anymore , but people will leave.


    i recently took a flight threw europe - the airport was packed, the plains are full.

    so yes, france is red country, but alive.

    • Confused 1
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  10. 19 minutes ago, raccos21 said:

    Keep those tourists and the foreigners who are stranded here for little while so they still can contribute a little, rather than chasing them away!

    the thai really think about tourists and foreigners only in terms of money and power.

    they are thinking: those who are allready here are here because they are too poor to

    get back to their countries, or do not have much to go back to.

    but the new tourists that will come will have to afford an expensive 14 day quarantine, so

    they surely will have more spending power.

    it is as simple as that.

    • Like 1
  11. 24 minutes ago, tlandtday said:

    This virus is widespread and incredibly contagious.  If they did random testing in the thai population they would see similar results.  Instead they target incoming to leave the impression it is controlled here.

    the virus is real the pandemic is not.

    aventually 70% of the world population will get infected with this virus, most of them without

    getting sick, and

    than it will be the end of it.

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