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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. 47 minutes ago, Hmunker said:

    A Copy of complete bank statement of past 3 months with minimum balance

    LOL they are applying the same restrictions like for the NON - O visa, restrictions

    that were brought because people were cheating and moving funds to the bank account

    right before the application, than withdrawing them.

    so affraid that people will cheat them and will come to thailand without the sufficient money?

    so stupid !!

    who will fly now to thailand if he cannot afford it?


  2. Why is this visa open only to resident of uk / ireland?

    what does the residency has to do with covid -19?


    and why do the funds must be in a uk / ireland bank?

    why can't the money be in a bank outside the u.k. or even better, in a thai

    bank account? how does all this connected to covid-19?

    anyway the u.k. was on visa waiver , so why now the thai are so worried about

    residency and showing funds in bank?


    seems like they just love to make life harder for potential tourists, and the result

    will be indeed, less tourists.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  3. On 10/15/2020 at 10:57 AM, malthebluff said:

    You do the police check from your own country just fill the form in on line and pay they will email you back with results think the company is called acro 

    most european countries have a web site where you can order the criminal record on line

    and it will be sent straight to the address you give. problem is that it takes few weeks to get...

    • Like 1
  4. On 10/14/2020 at 1:05 PM, Jen65 said:

    Please note that there are a number of holders of re-entry permit of Non-Immigrant O Retirement who were denied entry to

    the Kingdom upon their arrival at Suvarnabhumi Airport.

    woooow it must be hard to fly back to thailand with NON-O visa only to be denied entry...in this

    time and age of global pandemic...after all the beurocratis headech and 16 hours flight....

  5. 4 hours ago, bartender100 said:


    Where did you get your advise from Scott?


    Entry to Panama is open to Panamanian nationals, residents, tourists and business travelers with a negative COVID-19 PCR test certificate. The certificate must be obtained no more than 48 hours before you travel. If you cannot do this, a test can be taken at the airport on arrival at a cost of USD 50.00. If the test is positive, there is a mandatory requirement to quarantine for at least 7 days at a government facility.





    Argentina’s borders are closed to foreign nationals and non-residents entering the country. Some exceptions to this rule might apply. See Entry requirements

    so why didnt you check brazil and mexico too?

    to prove me wrong?

    argentina opened on 27 october but only buenos aires.

    turkey also completly open , with no need for test or quarantine, and so are few other european countries.

  6. 4 hours ago, RanongCat said:

    ask why a nice  father takes a  young  girl into a protest event and makes comment to cause  anger?

    the father took his daugther for a walk on the beach road. that is where the event took place.

    so he stopped to listen and said his opinion. nothing wrong with that.

    he expected that a pro democracy event will respect free speech.

    nothing that he said can justify such a brutal assault.

    stop blaming the obvious victim.

    the blame is all on the thai brute.

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 9 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Assuming that the Russian was the father of the young girl who was hanging on to him, there is no question that he should have walked away.  Apart from the fact that the girl would be traumatised by what was going on, he has a duty of care over her.  As any parent knows, you never put your child in harms way. 

    i respectfully this aggree. the russian was out for a walk with his daugther and stopped to hear

    what was said, in english, in this central tourist spot of this family touristic resort.

    than he was confronted by this thai savage, in what should be a coltured pro-democracy event.

    so the russian just stood there, believing that he is in a democtratic event in a family friendly town.

    than the thai savage proved to hm - and to all of us - what we allready know - that pattaya is a low life

    low culture place run by gangsters and shady characters.

    so the russian was just standing there to prove his point. that is why he is showing the blood from his nose, as showing : SEE WHAT I MEAN? THEY ARE NOT DEMOCRACY AND NOT NICE PEOPLE. JUST MAFIA.

    so the russian was not wise, but absolutely right. he did not want to walk away and run for his life

    because of what suppose to be coltured argument in freedom event. he did not want to admit for himself that he is not really living in a family friendly place. he did not want to see the truth.

    now, unfortunately, he knows better.

    • Sad 2
  8. On 10/11/2020 at 9:39 AM, ChomDo said:

    Just noticed that my embassy (Scandinavian country)

    If denmark is your country than better stay there, we do not need to mink mutation now.

    But seriously, the STV requirements just aint worth it. if you come here to a holiday than

    better forget about it for a while. it is too humiliating to apply for this STV now.

    go to brazil or mexico instead. they are wide open for tourists , no need for nothing

    corona wise. no test, no quarantine, no insurance, no money in the bank.

    panama and costa rica also open, allthough they require test and / or insurance.

    forget about thailand for a while.

    you deserve better.

    • Like 1
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  9. 4 hours ago, johng said:

    Protester was released on 10,000 baht bail  after being charged with causing physical and mental damage to another.

    10,000 baht bail is a jock for such a vicious assault.

    so cruel because he did it in front of his 10 yr daugther.

    a man like that is dangerously violent and must be locked up.

    but hey...he is thai and the farang is...well...just farang.

    i am sure he will not be able to sue him in civil court. he should, if he could, sue

    him for damages in millions of baht. A broken nose can cause suffering for years and

    the girl will have trauma and mental damages.

    But than again, the thai court will dismiss the case as nothing.

    Shows the status of farangs in this thailand and how the law ignore their rights..

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  10.  Reminds me how i was conned out of 17000 THB by a thai travel agent.

    I booked a ticket with her and she asked me for a deposit. i handed her

    the full amount of the ticket, thinking to myself it will be perfectly safe to do so.

    why the hell was i thinking so, you might ask?

    well, behind her was a wall covered with hundreads of passport photos of people

    from ym country. i was thinking that if so many customers from my country trusted her

    and were happy enough to give her their photos, she must be trustworthy.

    So what happaned, you might ask, how did she get away with it?

    Well, two days later when i came to her quasan rd. office to collect my ticket, the

    whole office disapeared. the computers, the desks, and the lady, all gone.

    Only that wall with the hundreads of passport photo remained in the empty room


    Strange thing it that few weeks later she called me and cried on the phone: I DID



    i kept the receipt though.

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