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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. On 3/24/2020 at 2:39 AM, snowgard said:

    they talked the dangerous virous so harmless that no one real took care himself.

    you can't jump and shutdown your whole economy everytime a virus pops in china.

    it is easy to sit by the keyboard and tell how to manage the world, but the 

    real thing is more complicated.

  2. Now i have few questions regarding one year visa extention based on reirement:


    1. Now that thailand forbids entry of foreigners without work permit, is there 

    a point even asking for one year retirement extention (assuming one has non- o  visa)?


    2. Is it necessary to show all the covit-19 papers (medical certificate + insurance) in

    case of applying for a non-O visa (or any other visa)?


    3. Will there be major changes, even cancellations , of the

    one year visa retirement, or other visas? 


    4. And what about the 800K deposit in the thai bank account? will it be there when and if the restrictions

    will be lifted?

    • Sad 1
  3. when i see how calmly

    the thai authorities are handling the situation. not spreading dangerous fear and panic like

    western governments and media are ding, i think thailand is the better choice to pass this virus madness.


    Thailand will NOT suffer much from this virus, not medically, not economically, and

    not psychologically .

    Check what is happaning in france, italy, spain, argentina, colombia, peru, venezuaela - total

    shutdown of the country with restrictions on even internal movements.

    From a quick research i did, all those restrictions are being decided and coordinated

    on some global level by WHO and other organizations.

    countries have no choice but to comply.

    the situation in thailand is acctually good.

    the number of sick and dead is low, and this is not a lie. once the number

    is high, it can't be hidden by no government. hospitals start filling and bodies 

    start piling up. this is not happaning in thailand, although it was exposed to china

    long time ago.


    so it is reasonable to believe that now we - the whole globe - is in the pick of this

    crisis, and within few weeks, less than a month, the worst part will be behind us.

    president trump said yesterday that he will open the economy within two weeks.

    so acctually you should see yourself as lucky for being in thailand during this time.

    anyway there is no where to run, and no need to run.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. you need to understand that there is a global organization behind those moves.

    it is all done in the same time by all countries around the world.

    thailand has no choice but to comply with the WHO instructions.

    acctualy you should feel lucky for being in thailand in this time.

    the government is managing the situation calmly and does not spread

    panick and fear the way it happans in other countries.

  5. this virus size is one micron.

    only N99 mask might help against it, but with that mask you can hardly breath.

    so forget about proffesional cleaning of your mask.

    just wash with with water and wear it when you go out.

    it won't stop the virus but it will stop attacks on you

    because you are a non-mask-wearing farang.

  6. this is the infamous china dragon lady.

    another blow to the china image, both in thailand and abroad, and

    two points for the farang side.


    but reports like that makes me suspect that this virus is indeed man made, 

    and was spread intentionally over all over the globe by chinese, not neccasarily

    on the government level, but just by anti social angry individuals or groups,

    for this reason or another, in the same way that HIV positive people use to infect

    others just so they will not feel alone.

  7. 23 minutes ago, saengd said:

    Looking at the uptick of cases in Thailand from 28 January to 12 March, a period of over 6 weeks, the numbers went from 0 to about 75.


    By contrast, the UK's first case was found on 28 February and from there they grew to over 6.650 by 23 March, less than 4 weeks.


    Thailand couldn't possibly have hidden a similar rate of spread, we would all have seen or heard about incidents locally and we didn't.





    thailand simply does not have the resources to check so many people like the uk.

    some time ago a thai official say that thailand has now 10,000 sets for corona checks, but

    it keeps most of them for the medical and essential stuff.

    now even if thailand had the money to buy millions of corona checks, it will be very

    hard to find any on the market. there is a real battle for medical equipment, all over the world,

    and as usual the rich and strong countries are getting the most. 

    that is why, considering all thailand's  poor conditions,  it is amazing

    to see the corona low numbers in thailand.

    i think god is protecting thailand.

    let's hope and pray it will stay quiet.

    • Like 1
  8. I THINK THAT WHAT we are seeing with thailand and other asian countries like s. korea

    and singapore, is really interesting, even mystical.

    you see, by scientific thinking, thailand had to be hit hard allready, with thousands of dead

    and tens of thousands of sick people filling the hospitals. that's because thailand never closed it's

    borders to china and there are so many chinese and other nationals visiting thailand.

    one explanation can be that this virus does not like tropical weather, but still, it does not make sense,

    because in s. korea it is very cold not, and still we don't see the italian nightmare there.


    very very interesting. maybe this virus is god sent to punish only some nations?


    and as for your wonder weather thailand chose it, i think the answer is not. 

    i think that thailand just can't afford measures like total decree, or mass checking

    of the population. simply can't afford it, because of social and economic reasons.

    anyway now it is too late, according to "sceintific " thinking (because thailnad

    had to look like italy now, if thinking "rationally").

    let's all hope and pray thay thailand will stay away from this virus.


  9. I THINK THAT WHAT we are seeing with thailand and other asian countries like s. korea

    and singapore, is really interesting, even mystical.

    you see, by scientific thinking, thailand had to be hit hard allready, with thousands of dead

    and tens of thousands of sick people filling the hospitals. that's because thailand never closed it's

    borders to china and there are so many chinese and other nationals visiting thailand.

    one explanation can be that this virus does not like tropical weather, but still, it does not make sense,

    because in s. korea it is very cold not, and still we don't see the italian nightmare there.


    very very interesting. maybe this virus is god sent to punish only some nations?


    and as for your wonder weather thailand chose it, i think the answer is not. 

    i think that thailand just can't afford measures like total decree, or mass checking

    of the population. simply can't afford it, because of social and economic reasons.

    anyway now it is too late, according to "sceintific " thinking (because thailnad

    had to look like italy now, if thinking "rationally").

    let's all hope and pray thay thailand will stay away from this virus.


  10. it seems to me like a bunch of control freaks from the WHO has 

    declared war on "the virus" and they will do anything in their power - and gosh

    they do have the power - to get this virus and destroy it, even if the

    price is destruction of the global and national economy and throwing tens of millions

    into hard poverty and unemployment, which can be no less deadly than this "virus".


    so what to do? how do you win over this virus?

    you don't. simply need to admit that you can't beat this virus.

    might be easy for the common sense person to admit, but very

    hard for those WHO laboratory graduate to see. that is what happans 

    when you give a bunch of medical sceintists too much power over...how to run

    the world basically. south america is completely shut down. hundreads of millions

    of people are literally sitting at home now, for undefined period, scared to death 

    from "the virus" and not sure if they will have anything to eat within a week or two.

    is it really worth it? killing the world economy just to kill this virus? 

    a virus that kills only 3-4% of those infected? and will propably disapear after few weeks

    because it will lose it's spinning power? i don't think so.

    so what do i suggest?

    simply' let the people go, go back to work and go on with their lives, and those

    infected will have to be sent to quarantines places or to die at home, not in hospitals

    so they won't danger the health system. it is not less moral than letting hundreads of millions

    of people fall into poverty and acctual starvation, not to mention the violent crimes

    and psychological problems that will rise from weeks at home, in fear from "the virus" !

    idiots WHO crooks, go home and stay there !

    that come from !!

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 2
  11. This virus situation present so many potential dangers, that violent crime is nothing to compare.

    For example, there is the possibility of starvation to death in your apartment, is there

    will be a total lockdown like in wuhan.

    rumor has it that many more people died in wuhan from starvation, because they could not go

    to buy food or because there was no food to buy, than from the virus.

    When a government decide to declare a total shutdown, they they can shoot anyone who is walking 

    in the street.

    soldjers and policeman might also get criminal when they are hungry, and rob or steal the people.

    but this can happan in any country, not just in thailand.

    generally i think this virus creates more solidarity and fear even among criminals,

    so this is not the main concern.

    • Sad 1
  12. if think that this virus has something like a two months spinning span.

    the number of the people this virus will infect and / or kill depands on various factors,

    like quality lockdown, mass testing and efficient isolation of the infected.

    so yes, i guess she is right, in may it will all go away,

    and first place that all thos equality tourists will go will be pattaya, because you know why.

    • Like 1
  13. COVID is not present in 109 countries, and the emerging winners so far are three countries:

    1. russia with 136 confirmed cases

    2. thailand with 272 cases

    3. s. korea with 0 (zero !) cases


    what is the secret of this countries?

    some experts say that in russia it is the vodka that kills the virus.

    i firmly believe it is true, allthough don't with to try.

    and in thailand? don't lough. i do believe the numbers from thailand. 

    you can't hide a serious outbreak like in italy or spain or china.

    the proof for thailand's low corona numbers are simply the hospitals (to see

    how a busy corona hospital check the photo).

    the hospitals are all normal, so...what is the secret of thailand?


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