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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. Franklin Templeton has announced its intention to merge its Templeton Thailand Fund into the Templeton Asian Growth Fund with effect from 13 December 2019.

    Reason for the merger

    Following a review of its Templeton Thailand Fund ("the merging fund"), Templeton has decided to merge the fund with its Templeton Asian Growth Fund ("the receiving fund"). It has explained the reason for the merger is that Thailand’s economy faces several structural challenges, including a high household debt and rapidly aging population, which its Board believes could dampen long term growth and reduce the opportunity set for investors in Thai equities. Comparatively, it believes the Asia ex-Japan region provides a larger opportunity set, with several economies benefiting from stronger structural tailwinds than Thailand and thus more attractive growth potential in the medium to long term.

    LU0078275988.USD 944 300.png

  2. 4 hours ago, Hanuman2547 said:

    the infamous "dual pricing" that is often seen at National Parks

    ALL national parks in south america also have dual and even triple pricing - one

    price for tourists, one prices for the nationals, and another price for south americans.

    i don't see what the problem is.

    it's not like you go to the national park or other tourist attractions every day.


    i once was sitting in a thai restaurant and heard the owner say they have 10%

    discount for thai people. i got up and left and never came back, there

    is a difference between private business and tourist attractions.

  3. this healtpuppet is just repeating what he is told by the WHO and

    other U.S. / U.N. organisations.

     first they told him - and the rest of the world - to order everybody to wear masks and to crucify anyone who refuse to wear MASK.

    noW the U.S. surgeon general  is saying that masks will acctualy help to spread the virus and that "if everybody will buy masks there will be none left for the medical stuff"...if the masks are

    not helping, than why worry if none will be left for the medical stuff?


    as usual, U.S.A are messing up the world .



  4. 12 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    what an awful, rasict post.

    nothing racist in what i said.

    as i mentioned, the U.S. is also does it for it's citizens, like any other

    "nation" on this planet. 

    in any nation there are the "elites" and the "folks", and the elites are using

    different mind control techniques to keep the masses at bay and

    make them believe how wonderful their country is.

    thing is, U.S. is a waaaay much better place than thailand,

    and if this dude really can't see it, than they must have got him real good.

  5. 1 minute ago, Leaver said:


    Whilst one may have a condo in their name, not a Thai Company name, and feel secure in that, an issue can arise where authorities, at a convenient time for themselves, decide to investigate all condo ownership in blocks that they know are jammed with foreigners.  


    Then, it's possible a foreigner who has done the right thing, and most likely paid more for a condo that is part of the 49%, can be caught up in a messy legal issue involving the whole block.


    My point being, a member posted that they put faith in the Land Office to ensure the 51% / 49% law, but such faith is misguided. 

    good advice.

    that is indeed the situation, that many are not aware of.

    i wil add that i identified an attitude in asia, which might be called "let

    the farang buyer worry"...which means, not being so clear about

    the laws and regulations, let the hard currency flow in, and than, if

    there is a problem or times are hard - pull from the sleeve the applicable

    unclear law / regulation, and let the foreign buyer lose his shirt.

    dangerous thing is, that this attitude is being practiced by big businesses too,

    banks (everywhere in the world), governments, ext.


    that is why it is allways reccomended to buy real estate with mortgage / loan.

    if the government or the firm try to screw you after few years with this or that

    not so clear law, you can allways escape from the country, leaving them with

    their condo and default loan.

    problem is, thai banks don't give mortgage loans to foreigners...hardly

    ever to the average thai people 

    • Like 1
  6. i am trying to understand something here.

    say i buy a condo in a building that is owned by foreigners, with

    more the than legal 49%, and i don't know about it nor about

    the law that says that a condo building must have at least 51% thai


    does this mean that i am not the legal owner of the condo, and i might have

    legal problems proving that i am the owner?


    i did inquire about buying a house or a condo in thailand, with one of those

    sales booths in the malls. i told them how can they sell house to a foreigner, when 

    the foreigner can't legally own the land. they told me i can open a company that will

    be the owner of the land. so i told them that even this company must have

    thai majority ownership..and so it went on and on until they figure out

    there is no legal way for a foreigner to own a house in thailand...so why do they sell it?

  7. On 2/26/2020 at 5:06 AM, how241 said:

    So you don't think Pattaya is a nice area to stay-play and live ???  haha

    yes, you got it rigth.

    i don't think Pattaya is a nice place to stay, play and / or live.


    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, ukrules said:

    I think a lot of the countries that care very little for the people will do nothing and wait for nature to take its course.


    truth is, as some european doctor explained, is that there is very little countries can

    do in this situation.

    hospitals has limited capacity and once they are filled, the authorities will send 

    people to quarantine in their homes, and that is it.

  9. i just saw an interview with a doctor from a 1st world country saying that

    corona is not just the flu, that we should all be scared and alert, that

    the media is trying to calm things when things are acctually not calm and

    even on U.S. news they tell now to people to stock up on medicines and  food for the next two weeks.


    good thing that thailand's tropical weather is hated by this virus.

    • Haha 1
  10. On 2/28/2020 at 7:10 AM, MadMac said:

    Why would anyone in their right mind renounce a 1st world citizenship for a 3rd world one?! Especially if there is no need for it and he could have kept both. Stupid I say.

    seems like a classical case of "ignorance is a bliss". from that stupid smile

    on his face i can conclude that he is in some kind of "thainess", a mask over 

    his mind that denies him from seeing and thinking clearly.


    this i say without meaning any disrespect to thai people. by "thainess" i mean 

    the mind control techniques used by the thai elites to manipulate and control 

    the lower classes. similar to the "bread and circus" of the roman / U.S. empire.

    • Sad 1
  11. On 2/28/2020 at 7:38 AM, bbi1 said:

    I would not want to hold an American or Israeli passport if some crazed Arab-looking bearded man screaming certain things decided that he was going to take out people who hold certain passports.

    Mr. Osama bin laden did not acctually refer to any particular ppassport but 

    said, in his famous speech: "...now every american and a jew are targets..."


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