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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. I ONCE was denied boarding a flight from paris to bangkok because i did

    not have a return ticket (from thailand).

    so i went to the airline office and asked to change the date for tomorrow (there, once

    i was talking politely to an asian female officer, a european middle aged woman approached me and said 

    in an angry french voice: "stop harassing my collegue !!". i told her "go back to your seat and shut up !!").


    anyway, i came back to the airport the next day, and tried my plan.

    i knew that the check in officers just look for problems and troubles to give to the passenger,

    so my plan was to distract them and ask them about a problem with a stamp in my passport

    and if they were sure it will not create a problem in bangkok air port and can they please

    ask their supervisor, and it worked ! they forgot completely about the "return ticket" !!

    • Haha 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, mickey rat said:

    I've had a Chinese person put their bare feet on my armrest during a flight back from working in Europe, had one sat behind me belching and farting while swigging grog from what looked like a cider jug on the way to HK and had one forcefully push into me while queuing to go to work at DMK

    i also had similar experiences with chinese and hong kong people...

    in hong kong i felt like they are deliberately bumping into me...like

    waiting until i pass besides them and than bump...man and woman alike...is that

    a coincidence or are they do it on purpose?

    • Haha 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    If you cant do the time, don't do the crime.


    Slavery, as that's what it is. It is up there with paedos for me. 10 years is far too lenient. The suffering she has inflicted on so many, should amount to 10 years per victim.



    don't get too excited. 

    she was just another pimp, propably not a violent one, as the supply

    of sex workers in poor - and rich! - countries is far exceeding demand.


    i am sure that all her "victims" knew very well that they are going to be employed 

    as sex workers, and were happy to work in a rich country like sweatzerland, 

    where they can make 5 times more for the same work they did anyway in thailand.


    her big mistake was not paying well, or some other business dispute.

    in germany prostitution is 100% legal, and prostitutes are

    even required to issue tax invoices.


    as much as prostitution is disgusting, it is nothing like the "trafficked" movies. in most

    cases sex workers know and want to work in that job.

    • Like 2
  4. QATAR , and all other arab airlines, offer mlow level

    of services and are dangerous to fly with,

    and no low price will justify using them.

    that is besides the low quality of attitude you get there.

    i tried QATAR few times and understood quickly it is not for me.

    most of the crew there is working on very low wages and temporary contracts, hence

    they don't care much.

    i got there few strange remarks, like when i once booked into a flight with them  :"are

    you working for the airlines"...as if i am a spy for other airline...

    other time when i asked an air steward how did she got this job, and she started answering

    when a higher rank steward interfered and shouted at me: "GO BACK TO YOUR SEAT".

    and even the terminal there looks like a mess...

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/22/2019 at 3:05 PM, bigrobtheactor said:

    I have no connections there nor do I know what rights - if any I have. I am considering not going there any more

    indeed you do not have any rights in thailand, and not just because you are farang

    but because this is how thailand works.

    a policeman can arrest you for any stupid reason and when you will be brougth in front

    of a judge there is not much you can do, unless of course if you will hire an expensive lawyer

    that will cost you more.


    i stopped riding bikes in thailand after a similar incident. i stopped in red light 

    and just pulled the gas a bit to keep the engine working. that jumped a policeman

    who stood right besides me. i did not see him. maybe he took it personally.

    he told me to hand over my lisence and said i will get it only in the police station.

    i asked why? what did i do wrong? and he looked very angry and said he will AREEST

    me. so i went to the police station where they fined me 1000 baht, basically for nothing.

    this made me wonder if there is a way to dispute all those traffic fines, and the 

    answer is propably no. the only way is - stop using cars and bikes in thailand.

  6. YOUTUBE is full of videos like that, of stubborn hard arrogant chinese woman

    (mostly woman) fighting policeman and security who want to arrest them.

    they are been educated to fight man even with violence, and propably most of them

    are spoiled single child.


    happaned to me once in china, when i went on long ride bus with a marked seat

    ticket. i found in my place a middle aged woman who refused to give up.

    i called the security and they tried to remove her by force, to no avail.

    aventually i was given another seat, the seat of the security man, who gave

    up traveling because of that dumb  china woman.

    • Sad 3
  7. Thailand might very well be a superspreader country of the virus, without even knowing it.

    The reason why Kuweit and other countries restricted entry from thailand is because

    they discovered infected cases among people returning from thailand.

    according to latest reports, the virus can survive hot weather and even like it.


    Sources in Lombardy, northern Italy, said on Sunday that the Corona virus death toll had risen to 257 from 154 in one day. This is a leap of 103 deaths in the province, which is considered the focus of the virus outbreak in Italy.

    Meanwhile, Italy's chief of staff, Salvatore Perina, was reported to be infected with the Corona virus. It was also reported to be in isolation at his home.

    Italy is the country with the highest number of infections in Europe, Its second biggest outbreak of disease, according to official data from the boot country, has seen over 6,000 people infected with the Corona virus so far.

  8. Sources in Lombardy, northern Italy, said on Sunday that the Corona virus death toll had risen to 257 from 154 in one day. This is a leap of 103 deaths in the province, which is considered the focus of the virus outbreak in Italy. Meanwhile, Italy's chief of staff, Salvatore Perina, was reported to be infected with the Corona virus. It was also reported to be in isolation at his home. Italy is the country with the highest number of infections in Europe, Its second biggest outbreak of disease, according to official data from the boot country, has seen over 6,000 people infected with the Corona virus so far.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 13 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Who on earth wears and carries "millions" when traveling around?

    it is common in asia, especially when going out to pick up . this way they

    feel "celebrated" and more attractive .


    when i heard the original story i thougth it is an insurance scam, but now that

    the taxi confested, i guess it is true, and the police investigated the case so efficiently

    because the chinese paid them to do so.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  10. 14 hours ago, webfact said:

    a bigger gang preying on the public and tourists over the last 5 - 6 years

    another proof that thailand became more dangerous in the past few years.

    a friend of mine who lives in bangkok for years told me that he was robbed near the airport,

    by a taxi driver. he took the taxi when he came from a flight, and after

    a short drive the taxi stopped, another man got it, and they took all

    his luggage at knife point.

    i told him: " but this is an old trick, i did not hear such a story in years "...now

    i believe him.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  11. 15 hours ago, d2b2 said:

    how much evidence do the police need to investigate and press charges?

    it might indeed possible that the police did not find any evidence for a crime,

    and the victims just contacted the newspaper with their story.


    reminds me of a banker who told me once how his bank is so good in dedecting

    fraudsters, and how they checked once a new client past

    transactions in A foreign country account, to find a suspected transaction of

    100,000 USD. so they called the payee and she said this guy cheated her.

    so i asked the banker why did'nt that woman went to the police and complain

    about it?

    jsut because some people say they were cheated, it does not mean it is true.

  12. well, he can run, but he can't hide.

    or he can hide, but can't hide his money.

    unless he has connections with some dirty bankers in eastern europe. it

    will be very hard for him to hide such big amounts.

    aventually some banker will demand to see the source of

    the money, and will freeze his accounts and report to law authorities.

    the only place he can get away with such large transactions is

    indeed ukraine or russia, where some banks are run by organised crime.



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