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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. 34 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

    Bend over and pick up the soap, b!tch!

    why are you talking to him like that? the one who lost here

    is you, this was a trial against man power. another victory for

    the feminazi anglo saxon movement. 

    the whole trial was a jock and sold from the begining.

    anyone with eyes in his head can see how they revenged him and 

    over punished him just because he is a man, rich, not so attractive

    and maybe even a jew.

    and heck, even if he raped someone 15 years ago, someone who came to

    his apartment from her own will and did not complain to the police for 

    15 years, than he does not deserce 23 years. 23 years !! that is cruel !

    • Like 1
  2. this wierd unjust verdict puts all man in danger, and creates

    dangerous implications for any male out there.

    any woman you slept / flirted with many decades ago can come and say

    you raped her, and you might go to 20 years in jail.

    no one will believe you that the sex was in her will.

    she does not have to prove anything, but she must know how to act

    dramatically and to use the right words to describe her "suffering".

    she does not have to explain why she did'nt go to police for 20 years.

    you are the devil because you are a man. very dangerous development,

  3. 4 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    it is in fact a serious public health matter

    much more serious problem will be this travel ban.

    many more lives will be destroyed by it.

    trump know it, he knows that there is over reaction to this virus,

    he knows that millions of lives will be destroyed, if you stop travel

    and block economies like that. riots, violence, even world war can start

    just like that, because of few months of blockage.

    but he was propably pressed by his advisors and other ministers to

    do so.

    • Confused 2
    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

    there was nothing to worry about

    indeed there is nothing to worry about.

    i mean, you can't stop all life and work and travel because of a virus.

    it is just imposible.

    way more people will die because of the unprecedented economic crisis that 

    this travel and movement ban will create, than from this virus.

    it is the idiots from the WHO who drive the world crazy.

    they are too hysteric and academic. 

    you can't stop life in order to stop a virus from spreading.

    soon they will realise it and all will go back to normal, with new 

    virus in the air.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  5. IS IT possible that the WHO and the media are spreading panick and fear from nothing?

    i mean, what if the world did'nt do anything against this virus?

    than few thousands or tens of thousands would get sick, and few hundreads

    or few thousands will die, and that's it. than the virus will disapear with the dead.

    and what if the virus will never disapear? 

    than countries will stay closed forever? people will stay home for decades?

    i think that knowledge can also cause damages. the globalization, the spread

    of news and the authority given to global organizations like the WHO might

    be exaggerated. maybe they will cause damage and severe loss of life just because 

    of their over reactions. how many people will lose now their jobs, go bankrupt, even

    homeless and hungry, just because of an unreal will to have power and control

    over each and every tiny virus out there?

    let the virus do it's job, infect those who needs to be infected, kill the 

    ones that need be killed, and let us go on with our lives !!

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    China needs those roads to be able to transport military assets quickly.

    military assets where ? to thailand?

    and than what? to get foot massage?

    they are getting it anyway for allmost free, so no, no war.

    what the chinese want is what the cambodians want - prosperity in piece (PP).

    SO they should be appriciated to care and build , in a country

    with great potential that was unfortunately destroyed by horrible regime.

  7. 9 hours ago, Aspaltso said:

    Its unfortunate to see such an interesting place like Cambodia get sold out like this. Here in Siem Reap its a world UNESCO sight so its pretty international but the remiander of the country from the port to the rural areas with its Chinese rice mills is no doubt getting taken over.

    why sold? 

    nobody cared about cambodia, nobody wanted to invest,

    so the chinese are doing it, they should be thanked for doing that.

    no other western or even rich asian country even considered investing in cambodia

    and really build there something. so let's salute the chinese for caring and acting. 


  8. 2 hours ago, Yinn said:


    this story big news for 4 days already. Turn on the TV now. Everyone show. Talk about it many station, on radio. Every newspaper.

    And 20 million talk about it social media. Actors make parody video etc etc.

    Doctors post social media mock them, nurses, everyone. 


    Can trick the election. But can not control the Thai people.

    Social media get this story first. The “officials” go to the factory and demanding all the mask. Then doctor have no mask. The “officials” sell them to China. Make millions profit.

    The factory worker post on social already.



    And they sell bad quality mask to thai people that breathe the particle, because it broken easily. 


    i post the link about this before but the mod remove it because Thai language.  (Sorry, I can not find English one)


    Can trick the election. But can not control the Thai people.

    this is just beyond words.

    these says very hard to hide large scale crimes.

    cameras everywhere.

    social media can't be controlled, such a shame .

    • Like 1
  9. Allegations that an aide to a minister was involved with a mask profiteer has lent weight to suspicions. Though the minister has denied these allegations, the department needs to dig deeper to find out why face masks have disappeared from the market. Is it incompetence, corruption or plain theft?

    The Covid-19 outbreak is a crisis and it's critical the department fulfil its duties to health workers and the public by ensuring there is an adequate supply of masks and that they can be bought at reasonable prices.

  10. Allegations that an aide to a minister was involved with a mask profiteer has lent weight to suspicions. Though the minister has denied these allegations, the department needs to dig deeper to find out why face masks have disappeared from the market. Is it incompetence, corruption or plain theft?

    The Covid-19 outbreak is a crisis and it's critical the department fulfil its duties to health workers and the public by ensuring there is an adequate supply of masks and that they can be bought at reasonable prices.

  11. On 3/9/2020 at 4:59 AM, webfact said:

    The government plans to hand out Bt2,000 each to low-income people, estimated to be about 14 million. Anusorn said to make it effective, the government should target those currently holding State Welfare cards and members of the National Savings Fund.


    The stimulus may boost the economy by 0.015 to 0.03 percentage point, preventing it from contracting by more than two per cent.

    so that is why they hand out 2000 baht to "low income people"...not because they care about them, but 

    because they care about the "2% contraction" and economic face...

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