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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. On 2/17/2020 at 11:34 PM, tonray said:

    The real question is what is your preferred lifestyle ? What things are important besides WIFI and AC (which are ubiquitous).

    well he just told you that all he care about is AC and WIFI so why do you make things


    why can't you get it? some people require only good AC and good WIFI.

  2. 8 hours ago, ChiangMaiThai said:

    I am currently petitioning the Thai FDA to release 3 bottles of Visine eye drops as they have classified this a drug under their authority.

    why would you import visine when you can find it in any drug store in thailand?

    acctually thai customs are much easier than many other countries. and shipments

    to thailand are much faster. 

    but when you start importing medical stuff, things getting complicated, and rightly so.


  3. 6 hours ago, samdaniel said:

    if Thailand law is that much weak

    Thailand law is very strong, but only if it pays.

    you sound like a newbie, so maybe you better go to the tourist police

    and tell them the whole story?

    tourist police can speak english and are specialists in helping tourists.

    they can give you first impression on if you can win this case in court,

    and later refer you to the correct police department where

    you can complain about the case.


    only remember, that if you go to the police, you better be legal yourself,

    and they might want to know how you got those 500K in cash.

    so if you withdrew it from your bank account in thailand, you better

    come with the bank book, it will help them believe you and looking

    after your case.

  4. 8 hours ago, canopus1969 said:

    Perhaps he did not pay for his round of drinks

    more likely that his chinese friends had too much to drink and killed him,

    or maybe it was a chinese criminal gang and they had a long time dispute.


    when i visited china i allmost was attacked there twice for refusing to drink

    as they offered to me. what started as a friendly invitation to join a group

    of man drinking, soon turned into a nightmare when they forced me to

    finish another cup of warm beer and another one, surrounding me and shouting

    with very serious and aggresive looking faces. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Vigilante said:

    Years back, the 'bullet-in-the-luggage' was a popular extortion scam at Manila airport.

    the manila scam was based on demanding cash from the tourist right on the spot,

    if the case goes to court or higher authority the crooks cant get the reward.


    cases like this happan sometimes, the most common reason is that the person forgot

    a bullet in his bag after going to a shooting range. the less common reason is that

    someone who did not like him planted the bullet in his bag as a revenge.


    the worrying part in this story is that he got stucked in thailand for months, just

    trying to clear the case. i believe this to be true as i know few stories like that, of

    farang who got involved in a legal case in thailand, and had to spend few months

    without being able to leave the country.


    in one case, a factory owner took to court one of his workers, also a farang, accusing

    him of stealing large amounts from the company. but he was just the owner and did not

    reside in thailand. when he wanted to leave thailand, he learned that he can't do that

    until the court case is over. he had to stay in thailand for few more months just

    waiting for the court's final decision, losing much more than what was stolen from him.

    • Thanks 1
  6. you made a mistake when you paid cash.

    maybe they even planned the whole thing when they asked you

    for cash payments.

    i was also a victim for a crook, who asked me to pay cash for a flight ticket.

    i trusted her because the wall on her office was covered with passport

    photos of farang, i assumed they were happy customers.

    so i paid cash for the ticket. she told me to come back after 3 days,

    and when i came back the whole office disapeared !!


    sounds crazy but later when i thougth about it, she gained, because her

    business was bad and the cash payment could make her live 3-4 months.

    anyway i did not budder to go to the police because i knew the police

    will tell me that i don't  have anough evidence. only a piece of paper saying

    that the ticket cost xxx amount...had i paid by bank transfer the polce

    could get her...

  7. amazing story that would catch major headlines if happaned

    in a developed country.

    those are the kind of people who destroy a whole country development and

    condemn many to life of poverty and misery.

    he is not new to this game, propably used to get away with such crimes

    until he got used to it, because when it is poor simple people the

    special police teams don't come...

    and he was the commerce minister deputy...amazing...


  8. 1 hour ago, cyril sneer said:

    didn't know it was illegal to make porn movies

    in thailand porn is illegal. also prostitution.

    which makes me wonder why this couple admitted for making porn.

    they could just say they are filming themselves.

    and how the heck did immigration got into their room in

    middle of action?

    and why to overstay 256 days just to make porn? go to philipines, same same

    and porn is legal.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. maybe you should keep the address you have now?

    don't change anything just keep the same address you have there.

    the bank will be happy to save work.

    once you tell the bank you want to change an address the bank must follow some rules.

    but if you don't say anything - they don't do anything. 

    you can keep working as usual and if you don't like them, move your money

    to another bank or another country (sweatzerland is a tax shelter) - if you visit

    the UK twice a decade, why to keep an account there?

    • Like 1
  10. 21 hours ago, moe666 said:

    The truck appears to be flogging the speed limit.

    according to international traffic laws, she is not at fault.

    it is the truck driver's fault. it is allways the responsibility of the driver

    who drived behind to keep a safe distance. safe distance means a distance

    that will allow stopping the car without any notice from the driver ahead, in

    case she had to stop suddenly.

    but in thailand the laws are being implemented according to the "mood" around

    the case.

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