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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. i think the thai goverment is doing the right things.

    i would do the same, if i was the government of thailand.

    thailand can't be proactive in this case, only reactive. thailand must wait

    for the situation to develop before placing the most severe measures.

    that is because thailand is not a leader, not a superpower, and not the origin of

    this virus.

    the situation is bad enough and no need to pressure it.

    the number of the infected in china alone is propably between 1.5-2 million people, and

    growing. this estimate is based on the official number of 75,000 CONFIRMED cases.

    for each confirmed case there are propably another 5 cases which are not confirmed / discovered.

    so it's 75,000 cases @ 5 = 300,000 infected people.

    by the time those people will be discovered / aware to their infection, they HAD infected

    another 5-6 people. so 300,000 times 5 is 1,500,000 infected people...and growing.

    GOD help us all !!

    • Haha 1
  2. i am not surprised to hear this story.

    more stories similar to that will be more common.

    the result of course is the virus crisis and the sharp fall in thai

    businesses revenues.

    the owners and workers still have to survive, pay the bills, food, ext., and the

    fastest way will be to scam / extort / overcharged the available customers.



    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  3. On 2/17/2020 at 11:23 PM, BritManToo said:

    The pussy and beer are overpriced, and the weed is over-policed.

    Still some decent hiking and cycling.

    Mr. Anderson's audience is not the playboy traveller but the businessman who wants

    to save on taxes.

    he clearly explains that the main purpose of his "nomad" advice is to save on the high taxes

    in the western / rich world.

    as he explains in this video and others, an entrepeneur who pays 40-50% taxes can save up to

    all his taxes, legally, just by moving to another country, where the income tax is 0, and by

    doing so for few years , millions of USD can be saved, which are equivalent to many years

    of hard work.


    From this point of view, thailand can be an interesting place, because the tax is teritorial and not

    global. means, thailand will tax a thai tax resident only on profits gained in thailand, or while he

    is in thailand, and not on all his global income, as the US does.

    problem is, that laws in thailand are very flexible, fluid, given to interpretations and

    changing according to the mood and connections of the court / policeman ,

    we can all remember in horror the case of the dutchman who was sentenced to 100 years in jail

    for "laundring drug money", while he acctually was the legal owner of legal "coffee shops" in the netherlands...so yes, thailand is becoming quite a dangerous place, where

    not only criminals can risk your life and wealth, but

    also unexpected laws and / or interpertations of the laws.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Isaanbiker said:

    - under 10yrs: None died

    - 10-40yrs 0.2% died

    - 40-50yrs: 0.4% died

    - 50-60yrs: 1.3% died

    - 60-69yrs: 3.6% died

    - 70-79yrs: 8% died

    - 80+ 14.8% died

    this reminds me of one senior thai politician response to the floods problem that hit bangkok.

    he said, in those exact words: "sure we can control it 50-50 precent"

  5. Anglo saxons - while saxon stands for german - are the most aggresive AND HOSTILE

    nations on this planet.

    they like to play it polite and "cultured", but inside they are blood loving thugs

    that will go and bully and harras individuals and nations just for fun...that is, their fun...

    i noticed this when i moved from an english speaking country to more relaxed, friendly 

    sane countries, thailand among them.

    all of a sudden, no one is looking over my shoulder, tapping my shoulder, talking to me

    in aggresive tone, throwing to my direction endless remarks and insults on a daily

    basis. and of course no more killer looks in the street of man and woman who look like

    they are clinically depressed or just about to kill someone, anyone, come their way.


    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  6. On 1/18/2020 at 11:12 AM, sirineou said:

    Give it a try for a couple of years and see how it goes.

    my advice to you - don't give it a try. it is the devil's advice.

    your wife is right.

    why would you go back to thailand, if you are at the top of the world?

    if you will breakout from your wife in your advanced age, you might lose it all.

    even your life.

    just be happy to come visit thailand sometimes and count your blessings. they

    don't come from thailand (excl. the wife).

  7. 52 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

    I do not believe a word of this so called attempted bribe of a Million Dollars

    seems to be true. this idiot comes from a very rich family in israel.

    so what is he doing selling drugs in a party island?

    well, maybe smoked too much of his stuff...or got too many heads from 

    russian girlfriends that sucked his brains out !!



    • Haha 1
  8. many times the answers you get from thai officers, abroad and in thailand, are not accurate and not 

    proffesional simply because the person in charge is not in the know, even if this is his job, or he is

    not educated enough or just having a bad day hair.

    one solution is to call again few days later, or call another consulate / office, and hope for 

    someone more educated to answer

    • Thanks 1
  9. dude, the place for medical advice is defintely not here.

    but all i can advice to you, is DO NOT GO TO RUTNIN EYE HOSPITAL

    this RUTNIN eye hospital is usually packed with patients from the middle east,

    and the receptionists there will book you one time and than you will get in

    only 4 hours later, for a very brief check with a very tired doctor.


    the eye department in suvanmidej hospital is much better, same price, and allways vacant.

  10. want 10,000 foreign english teachers?

    no problem, minister, just pay the right salary, not much in western terms, 

    something like 1800 USD a month, and you will see not just 10,000 but 100's of thousands

    of english teachers waiting in line to get a job in thailand.

    thailand is not such a poor country anymore, with 500 BILLION USD GDP, so come one,

    just need to open the wallets///

  11. 5 hours ago, liddelljohn said:

    they told me to self isolate at home ,, unless my symptoms get worse

    if what u say is true, than this is the way thailand is using to hide the newly

    infected cases. that's propably what china tried to do until it 

    was too late. 

    now if you were in china, you would have been put to quaranitine hall, weather

    you like it or not.

    God help us all.

    God help thailand, 

    • Sad 3
    • Haha 1
  12. 8 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

    @all guys they say "nice, less tourists, especially the Chinese ones, make the country so much better":

    - Hotel bookings down 50-80%
    - Elephant camp bookings down 50-80%
    - Car rental business down 50%
    - Money exchanges down 40%
    - Clothes sales down as much as 90% (they may mean markets)
    - Van operators and tour guide services down 70-80%
    - Massage parlors down 80-90%

    - Restaurants down 80%

    (numbers for Chiang Mai)

    And who is suffering? The Thais they lose their jobs. 


    truth is that 70%- 80% of all tourists, from all countries, cancelled their trips

    and booked flights to thailand, and rightly so.

    the most stupid thing is to risk your life for a holiday.

    when the ture numbers of thailand infected will be discovered, even less

    tourists will want to come here in the future, becuase who wants to come to

    a country that value $$ more than human lives ?


    feel sorry for thailand, but this crisis has been mismanaged from the begining, in the 

    worst way that can be imagined.

    first, they allow travel from huwei - the source of the pandemic ! unvelieveale!

    second, the health minister say all farang who don't wear masks must be thrown out of the country !!

    third, they don't allow a cruise ship to dock in thailand, just because it hads been to hong kong...but

    hey, did'nt you just say thailand with 33 cases is safe? so hong kong must be also safe.

    fourth, they did not allow rich western tourists from this cruise boat, but will allow them

    to enter thaiald from cambodia after "checking". hey, make up your mind. the virus has 24 days 

    incubation period, so it won't help taking temperatures !

    and fifth, only 33 people were infected in thailand, and the number has'bt changed for allready 

    14 days. seriously ???

  13. i think this is done in compliance with banks and other big brothers demand.

    most banks in asia are using your phone no. to identify you - and also track you.

    you can't make payments on line, with some companies, for example, without

    getting SMS with a passowrd to confirm the payment.

    this adds more security to your banking, on one hand, but on the other hand 

    it can hurt your privacy, as the big brother can track all your movements

    via the sim movements, as we can see now with the virus outbreak in china.

    the chinese goverment can track all the people that were sitting, for example, besides 

    an infected person in the train, via their sim card.

    they can see who they are, and where they are

    now( for example, if they traveled to an other city) and than come to them and drag

    them to forced quarantine.


    another risk that crooks are using these days, is to cancell you phone no. , than ask 

    for a passowrd to open it again (with your i.d., ext,  if they got it), and than

    they have control over your phone no. and can empty your bank account,

    so even giving your phone no. can be dangerous these days.


  14. Just now, Lancashirelad said:

    balo merely means to say he has not travelled outside the EU for some time

    yes, i know what it meant. but still i found it funny, because the EU is not some 

    small third word country that you feel like you have to get out...the EU is....the univers !!!

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