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Everything posted by Bigz

  1. Australian witnesses pretty much backed up the security guys claims of events regarding his injury. Whether the Irishman was scammed at the venue is a different story.
  2. My local private fuel station will close soon. He used to stock up from PTT wholesale. Now PTT stopped supplying small businesses in my area, other alternatives would be too expensive so he must stay shut for now. It seems that PTT bracing itself for a possible fuel shortage.
  3. You need to move to a different province. Your local immigration officers are crazy.
  4. Can anyone explain what is a 'found, paid,done' insurance? According to the article people with that kind of insurance covered as normal.
  5. Every area seems to have a different set of rules. I renewed mine about 6 months ago in Buriram with yellow home book. Got a 5 year licence. Didn't need to retake test either.
  6. Last year you could get a basic coverage (100k for hospitalisation and 1 million for death) for around 800-1000 Baht a year from Roojai and some others. I'm not sure if it's still available as some insurers stopped issuing those cheap covers.
  7. Don't tell your government that you going to live in Thailand. Keep collecting your small pension while here. You have every right to it. If over 50 get a retirement visa and keep 800k in your Thai bank.
  8. Less than 3 months to find out. Will see. You clearly didn't read the full article nor did any research on the topic..
  9. 'The government says that in exchange for the Bt300 fee, foreigners will get medical insurance coverage of up to Bt500,000 and Bt1 million in case of death or serious injury.' I'm fine with that.
  10. I only eat smoked salmon in Thailand. Get it regularly from expat foods. They deliver from siambury's in Pattaya all over Thailand. Icelandic cold smoked sliced salmon side (unfortunately frozen) but the price is unbeatable at around 500baht a kilo.
  11. Absolutely. In November when pork price was around 150baht a kilo farmers got only 65 Baht/kilo for live pigs with a production cost of 55-65 Baht a kilo. Right now they get around 100 Baht/kilo.
  12. Various swine desases wiped out entire pig farms in my area. (And nationwide) Also due to rapidly increasing feed prices and low profitability many farmers stopped last year. According to Pasusart now there are only around 80000 small scale pig farmers left down from 200000 in the previous years.
  13. Buriram immigration will issue a resident certificate for a few hundred bahts even on a tourist visa. No 90 days report needed there.
  14. Try the main Bangkok Bank branch in the town centre near the market if you are not too far from Buriram. Used to be very easy to open a bank account there on a tourist visa.
  15. I live in a rural area not far from Buriram. I got my first 2 shots at the walk in vaccine centre (stadium) in Buriram. We were told today that the entire village is booked in for the 20th to a nearby small hospital for booster shots. (Pfizer or moderna) So not the same location in my case. You might have to organise the booster appointment yourself in other areas though I'm not sure.
  16. Worse than a mix and match candy shop. First got sinovac, second astra now they want to give me Pfizer on the 20th. I really need to go to Europe next summer I'm not sure they'll accept such a cocktail of vacs for quarantine free travel. I wish they just gave me 2 shots of astra or 2 Pfizer. Hopefully will not turn out to be a complete waste of time.
  17. Bigz

    Cobra Anti Venom

    Cobras will warn but not attack unless threatened. Vipers are much more dangerous. Nevertheless(sadly) my father in law always kill the cobras if they come near the house and eat it with his mates. Apparently it is an aphrodisiac.
  18. Ars. This one works for me even with the windows open sometimes.
  19. Interesting thoughts although the book you mentioned is rather old and probably won't truly reflect the views of the Thais and Thai-Chinese in the 21 st century. My comment was only from personal experience from both Europe and Thailand and may be different elsewhere. In my area (Buriram) almost all Thai-Chinese are much better educated and better off than the local Khmer, Lao communities hence the general population rather negative about them (of course strictly behind their backs). Interestingly in many areas in Europe the Jewish communities are in a similar position even the traditional professions are identical (trade, jewelry, money lending, doctors, lawyers, dentists). Certainly many Chinese and Jews are dirt poor but the general rural public think they all are rich and made their fortunes on the poor people's back. The Chinese community in my area well aware of this and although they don't feel threatened their lands are all concrete walled and gated which is an interesting sight in a place where hardly anyone have any fences around their land. Also a Chinese marrying a local Khmer or Lao is almost unheard of.
  20. No proof I can show you. Personal experience believe or not. I am not Jewish by the way but I have ears.
  21. Chinese in Thailand are comparable to Jewish people in the western world in my opinion. They are usually fairly wealthy, well educated, most of them upper middle class and quite successful. Most I met are running trading businesses, gold shops or doctors/dentists. Of course some are not wealthy but this is the public opinion anyway. (Same as Jews in Europe) Naturally the majority of Thais won't like them just like the majority of Europeans secretly (sometimes openly) dislike Jews. Personally I find both Thai-Chinese and Jews nice people.
  22. Same in Buriram. Having difficulty getting my brand.
  23. The father in the article tested positive upon arrival...I'm pretty sure his covid insurance will cover as long it's not a scam company. The other one sitting in the same cab with his infected friend may have his costs covered too if he's got a good travel/covid insurance (I admit the second case really depends on the small print)
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