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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. 'Ngong mark' I guess should read 'ngong mak' , mak meaning very. The owner called himself 'hia'? If you call someone this you may have a gun pulled on you. Can someone explain for me what it means if you call yourself 'hia'? Is it a kind of boast? Confused. Thanks.
  2. A Thai friend ordered a raw prawn dish for me once. It did not get eaten. Not exactly steak tartare.
  3. I'd suggest maybe mixed up in bad business and upset the wrong people. If that was the case and he's liable to be 'offed' then he should not be sent there (no matter what my opinion of his possible guilt).
  4. I used to put my hand in the front door letterbox to close the door as I was walking away from the house. I learned not to after it was trapped fast while I was walking away at speed. Luckily little damage, could have been much worse.
  5. A shame you don't have separate bins for trash and for recyclable glass/plastic. I organised it in my housing resort which is 95pct inhabited by farang couples or farang man/Thai wife who are happy to comply in general.
  6. And interesting that private military groups are illegal in Russia. Unless Putin hires you, of course.
  7. These are nothing but hired guns. You expect a sense of duty or honourable leadership?
  8. I have no faith that this will be funny in the same vein as the original. But of course I'll watch at least 2 or 3 episodes to give it a fair try. His performance in the last sitcom series he was in playing a grumpy old man with a soft side, was quite lacklustre.
  9. Still my favourite though. ????
  10. The point is the different schpiels in different countries.
  11. The sick family buffalo is always my favourite.
  12. I wish I could get someone to bring my favourite, dolcelatte, never found it here anywhere. Would be a bit sweaty or even runny by the time it got here though....
  13. A lot of commenters here have more money than sense. But you still need to do a time vs. money calculation. If you're time rich then go for it. ????????
  14. I have enough trouble getting to the end of a film sitting up. ????‍♂️
  15. Yes thanks. I just asked for more detail. Sorry for the 'mud' comment. ????????
  16. The previous posts did not mention the length of extension, so I thought maybe the 30 days may have been a typo, my bad. You clarified it for me, my son is visiting. Thanks.
  17. A nice story but I wonder if this is a protected occupation? I hope he doesn't go to jail for love. ????
  18. You report this 'sudden death', then mention: "the horrific murder of young UK tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller there in September 2014 (inset left) and a long list of sudden deaths and suicides questioned by the families of those involved". And then you call it all a myth.... ????
  19. As prostitution would then have to be acknowledged this sadly will never happen without major governmental reform (probably revolution). Just more hot air.
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