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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. These dogs are no different to other dogs originally bred for fighting instinct. If you want a perfect family pet get a terrier (Pitbull, Staffie, any terrier really) but get one direct from a small breeder who can show you their pedigree and whom you are comfortable breeds for temperament. I speak from my own experience and that of a couple of friends, as well as my son. All good, honestly.
  2. Who cares about that? What drives me freaking crazy is the way they stick the Thai sticker carefully and precisely on each packet over stuff like the cooking instructions. How stupid do you have to be to do that?
  3. O&A being a not so well known abbreviation for out and about? ???? Your life sounds fine, no need for excitement after a certain age. Breathing every day and a visit every year from my adult kids is enough for me. ???????? The downside of enjoying a longish and lazy life with my wife is that if she doesn't make it through her serious illness I'll not really see much future enjoyment in my mid 60s life. Taking up hobbies as a replacement? Hardly even comes close. ????????
  4. If I was as old as the vampire Lestat I'd still want to suck them all dry if they disturb my sleep. That's why I don't live in a Thai village.
  5. I agree with others who have said that it's disrespectful to refer to this ladyboy as 'him'. But there's no accounting for the many who don't care about the sensibilities of others. No-one's saying the deceased can read this, and no-one's saying they were actually biologically female, neither of these are the point. No need for knuckledraggers to reply, I'll be ignoring replies. ????
  6. Honesty should not be called out as being divisive, although yes I was being ironic. I know many more Thai women who have been beaten or otherwise assaulted by men than Western women back home. And that's just in 6 years living here. I feel sometimes that it seems almost accepted.
  7. Come on, he was only following local custom. What on earth difference does it make to label him foreigner in the headline other than to further ingrain divisions?
  8. I don't know why, but you're ignoring the fact that my comment was about foreign exchange. I'm not going chew over expats statistics. Crypto is a currency, as I said I won't go down a rabbit hole with you. Thanks.
  9. And I was talking about international purchases, which very many people now make, especially expats. I started at the very outset by talking about exchange. Not using the currency in the country in which it is issued. That was clear.
  10. Items can more and more be bought over the Internet with crypto. Generally speaking, if you are buying something priced in a currency (say USD) not your own the amount you pay online in another currency (Sterling, crypto, whatever) varies against the current value of crypto, Sterling or whatever to the exchange rate ruling on the day (fiat) , or the price at which you bought your crypto (just like using cash USD while on foreign vacation). Just because the SEC says crypto is not a currency doesn't make that so for consumer purposes.
  11. Except when you start talking about currency or crypto value 'in the markets' as you did you aren't talking about purchasing power on the high street. Anyway, I was only pointing out the similarities, which do exist.
  12. No. Banks already make use of blockchain, and they will adopt/assimilate crypto after their own fashion. Crypto is NOT going away. I'm not a crypto investor m, so have no dog in this fight, just watching.
  13. Because most don't care but still want to run their mouths....
  14. You can only learn how to behave after you've been given the chance. Mistakes will be made. Correct?
  15. I find I get plenty of smiles and respect, and I certainly don't go out of my way to demand it. There again I do walk around with a friendly face all the time, life is good.
  16. Isn't this 30 year lease for land to live on fantasy? I thought it was 10 years only, with two ten year extensions written in (note: fees to be negotiated each time), and landowner expected not to refuse to agree the extensions....
  17. One thing I dont think others commented on. Delivery people still need to make money in the rain, don't let rain stop you ordering. Bike riders in Thailand must take riding in heavy rain as part of daily life in the wet season. If they decide to work on a wet day, please support them.
  18. You are one of the founder member of The Mean Society?
  19. Thank you, that's perfectly state. Carer, but actually powerless, wishing it were you instead, frustration with wary insurance companies, the realisation that after 45 years together nothing else is important at all other than just being together. Happily we have had a lot of years with me working from home, and then 6-7 years retirement, and we've always just enjoyed lazy time together. Many people aren't as lucky. Thanks again, your post was really appreciated. ????????
  20. A lucky man. My wife and and I are the same. But aggressive cancer has reared its ugly head.
  21. Hm, yes Makro, not click. I replied as have most here, with stories about their customer service in store. I see the difference though.
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