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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Agree, I also work on rotation on a great salary, my company normally pays a bonus for working in places most people don't want to work. If it's a lousy, poor paying job with little time off you'd be a fool to take the job, but these days people are desperate to live in Thailand, desperate enough to do anything to stay. I feel sorry to be those desperate people, probably time to go home, get a descent job with descent salary rather than stay in Thailand under sufferance.
  2. Where are you located, not Pattaya. If so which pharmacy? Too many foreigners here in Pattaya overdosing.
  3. I work offshore, on rotation. When I was on the rig, 20 years ago, at times I was asked by my supervisor to go to sleep and come back to the office next 12 hour shift, they didn't need me for that shift. I'd have to take proper medication to get sufficient rest. When I first arrived in Thailand you could buy the proper stuff over the counter, xanax, valium, serapack and diazepam over the counter but sadly too many foreigners with mental health issues were killing themselves, they only sell the soft stuff over the counter now.
  4. The service provider won't connect you without ID. Too many terrorists bombings in the past, they need to know who you are
  5. I find its the Brits that are the main offenders, always finding something to complain about.
  6. Thailand has been my home for more than 20 years, over the years the only separation between foreigners (farang) and Thai's is the negativity, the constant moaning and complaining from some foreigners about Thailand and it's people. It's quite childish and immature, if you are uneasy or don't like Thailand and it's quirks and features, GO, get lost and mind your own business, go back to your own country of citizenship and be miserable. Some people are just rude and annoying, never happy or satisfied, possibly due to poor parenting. I don't know what's wrong with society, seems to be way too many people whinging and whining. I read comments from members saying that they like to discuss, talk about and debate Thailand's different issues. You members are encouraging the weak to follow you with your miserable, nasty thoughts.
  7. You need to spend some time at Jomtien immigration, it's a weekly event. Some of the foreigners are unbelievably nasty, rude and arrogant.
  8. Can you make the air fresh and clean? If not best you stop making nonsense postings. It's annoying to read the too often posts regarding masks. You are just antagonizing those of us that wear them and encouraging the weak to follow you and your toxic postings.
  9. This is the root cause, this is why we have so many moaners and complainers, most of these guys are not cashed up, they're on the aged pension or similar. The Aussie pension is a pittance and to be eligible you must be down and out, a PAUPER. I'm really struggling to understand why and how these guys would relocate to Thailand with a dismal income. They can't be enjoying themselves, not having money to go travel, shopping, restaurants, living the dream. These constant complainers are toxic, they encourage the weak to join their miserable bandwagon.
  10. It's always been the same, nothing has changed and if you are ugly, fat, smelly or strange it's going to cost you more. I enjoy watching the Gold Digger videos, pretty girl ignores average loser guy until she sees his Ferrari, what a joke. Every pretty female should be a gold digger, I reckon stupid if they are not It's the sad sacks, uglies, losers, the pathetic guys that are always complaining about the Gold Digger girls. I have a short, bald, fat mate, he's a whinger, a crybaby, always complaining about these girls. Instead of moping, lift yourself, get yourself fit, stay out of the bars, go to the gym, buy some nice clothes etc. It's easy to sit there and put out negative posts, things won't change, people with your attitude become suicidal, jump of a building or similar. Might be time for you to go back to your country of citizenship and be miserable there, find a fat, nasty, smelly woman your own age and be miserable for the rest of your life. Try being positive, you'll find that your life will be so much more enjoyable.
  11. I lived in Phetchabun many years ago, it was great for a few months then it became static, same old same old. Moved back to Pattaya, been here for 20 years. My house is beach side of Sukhumvit, I ride up and down Pattaya and Jomtien beach most days, always changing, the many festivals and beach activities, DYNAMIC ????
  12. OMG, this forum is unbelievable. Members always seem to argue and dispute over the most petty issues. Every article, endless pages of disagreement.
  13. Great work. Remove the illegal foreigners, too many foreigners here in Thailand now, it's becoming the same <deleted> hole I left behind. I want the old Thailand back, all these whinging and whining foreigners I see every day are making want to vomit. Thanks for removing this trash Thailand ????
  14. INCOMPETENCE I was riding along 3rd road yesterday morning, the traffic was stopped for the red light, I wanted to turn left so I crossed the two lanes, maneuvering between the two cars, I stopped before entering the next lane, then at speed this silly old fool riding a PCX breaks heavily, stopping in front of me (he looked terrified, he panicked, unskilled, going to fast), I yelled out 'hurry up, get out of my way', he moved on and stopped further on yelling at me 'where did you get your <deleted> license from', I yelled back '<deleted> off you stupid <deleted>', then rode off around the corner. Some people just shouldn't be on our roads .
  15. I'm not sure what all the hoo-ha is about. What surprises me is that there are not more foreigner deaths on Pattaya roads. Daily I see middle aged and elderly guys riding their motorbikes at speed, no helmet. It's a joke, these people have never grown up, it's surprising how they've made it to the age that they are now. These guys look weathered, they are not young anymore, wearing a helmet would disguise these aging features, it's probably the bar girls frequently yelling out 'sexy man' has allowed these guys to lose focus, they've lost touch with their obese, aged bodies. Over the last few months I see a guy, in his 40's, full of tattoos, no helmet, shirtless riding his Aerox around south Pattaya. Yesterday I noticed he's fitted a noisy exhaust on his little scooter, bahahaha ???? I reckon this guy should have spent some of his tattoo money on a gym membership, the smallish guy needs to build him self up if he's going to ride shirtless.
  16. Sorry if I've offended you but it's not a lot of money to allow you to live in this wonderful country full time, enjoy the hospitality from the beautiful people and visit the gorgeous country side without restrictions. You are free to take out the 800k at anytime and go back to your country of citizenship if you are not happy with the requirements.
  17. That should have been answered by the io with "get appropriate visa" In your case parent of Thai child. Visa exempt entries every month would now be problematic especially when you had option for a suitable visa You're solution too difficult. I was always allowed entry once IO saw birth certificates.
  18. My PCX can do similar speed on second road, bike size irrelevant. I'd say it's more an issue regarding Incompetence mixed with alcohol.
  19. You're lucky you are over 50yo, just get yourself another retirement visa, little bit of money (800k baht) in the bank needed or see an agent. I work offshore on a 28/28 day rotation, when I was in my forties I was doing what you are doing, the IO always questioning me. I ended up carrying a copy of my children's birth certificates to show at Survarnabhumi.
  20. Smaller New houses have 2 wires only. 2 wire.... single phase 4 wire....... three phase
  21. We are probably going to see alot of these articles in the future with so many idiots in this world.
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