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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. This is not a 'woops' Bloody dangerous and scary. Give the pilot a broom and his incompetent co-pilot. I read in Australia pilots and co-pilots are similar in rank, meaning if there is an issue that doesn't seem right the co-pilot can question and take control if need be. If it was a misunderstanding from the control centre, having poor communication due to improper language skills get the guys trained up by proper English speaking trainers.
  2. Looking at the quality of recent tourist walking down soi Buakhao now boarders have reopened, I doubt they're coming here to spend a fortune, most of the guys I see look penniless and angry, looking for a fight rather than a Gucci.
  3. Professional Juristic management will not allow this illegal activity. The co-owners should unite and rebel against these daily, weekly rentals with support of the Juristic person.
  4. Makes sense.... The manned US aircrafts F-5 & F-16's haven't been flying well lately, pilots been crashing them.
  5. I prefer rollies or Drum tobacco. ????
  6. And 100 % of Indians polled said they were excited to be traveling to meet the ladyboys on Pattaya's Beach Road with their gold chain necklace insurance.
  7. I travel in my old board shorts and thongs (flip flops). Oh yeah, and my XXXX bitter singlet.
  8. Wow, that's extreme. On occasions I'll weigh when I get back home, I find most times their scales weigh the same.
  9. They weigh the Durian whole, then cut it up and separate. It adds up quite quickly, 4kg Durian is average size.
  10. Too many beautiful Thai ladies. Bloody Beauties are everywhere.
  11. It's been like that for a ages. 2001, I bought my first house, I was surprised how many 3M baht houses had 3M baht cars parked out the front.
  12. I read that the area of the assault was dark, no lighting. How is she able to provide positive testimony. I'd be searching the attackers house, go through his laundry looking for blood samples. Bloody lazy cops.
  13. Ha, ha GoFundMe. The local radio station here in Pattaya had a 'gogetfunding' page during covid, the page read 'radio in crisis', received 100,000 baht. It went well for the owner because he had a trip (holiday) to the UK later in the year. It can be looked at as begging, but the world is changing, no one seems to be proud anymore, just take the money and run. Oh well, I'm probably just a complainer, complaining because I never had an all experses paid trip to the UK recently.
  14. OMG, it's not going to stop. This first gold snatching incident below has ballooned into a proper, professional scam. If I were the cops I'd be talking to the 2 original guys (the guy on the left looks like my neighbor, he's a Dodgy character) https://aseannow.com/topic/1258923-indian-tourist-in-pattaya-says-a-transgender-thief-took-his-expensive-necklace-on-second-road-overnight/
  15. I was in Bangkok last year (Chatuchak), walking down to Big C, crossing over a little bridge the gf points to one of these lizards. OMG, It looked like a crocodile, it was huge, I can understand why the water pumps are failing, getting a small crocodile stuck in there would stop the flow.
  16. Here you go, 2 more questions - What are your thoughts on visible power lines and what other ideas and plans could you have to make beautiful Bangkok even more beautiful? – What are your thoughts on making Bangkok more accessible and more friendly to tourists who want to learn more about Thai history and Thai culture?
  17. Like I said earlier, lots of funny stuff and full of surprises I got fed up with the many surprises so I started using an agent. I like your optimism ????
  18. So many crazy angry people, dumbbell attack, hammer attack. It's scary these crazy people attacking others with these weapons, looking to seriously injure or kill. Keep safe out there guys, lots of deranged, crazed psycho's.
  19. Over the years I've wet the bed but I reckon you'd poop the bed in the declaration above.
  20. Yes, Russell great man, intelligent guy, we grew up in the same city. I can understand why he would make an effort to comment when asked, bloody gentlemen. It would be very different if I was asked, having $120,000,000 you probably wouldn't find me. I'd be shacked up in my hotel room with 10 Thai Beauties.
  21. Hang around, you'll see alot more funny stuff. Chonbiri immigration, full of surprises
  22. I guess Channel 7 asked him to: If I had a $120,000,000 I'd be doing other things.
  23. Fair questions but I don't understand why he's getting involved. I reckon he needs to become a member of AN, lots of members here sticking their nose in to Thai affairs, knowing nothing about issues and won't ever make an influence on the outcome of politics.
  24. I'm often familiar with this Thai proverb when changing gf's. Saying goodbye to a tiger and finding a crocodile. It's a cruel world.
  25. No one is forced to live anywhere, unless you're in jail. I've always found Bangkok to be a beautiful city with many beautiful people. I don't live in Bangkok but each and every time I go there I'm so excited to be back. From your comments I reckon it's time for you to find another country to live.
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