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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Yes, the guns were sourced locally and I would have thought to arrange a couple of hitmen locally also. 2 guys could have just disappeared into the night then off to Nakon Nowhere and not heard of again. Would've been a better option than sending a couple of Canadians.
  2. The mobile ticket vendors, the ones walking the streets are the poorest of the poor. I always pay what they ask, sometimes a little more. They don't make a lot of money. All the ticket sellers I've met are very nice people. I feel these lottery pricing posts impact the sellers in a negative way, please be nice to them. Just ignore them if you don't agree with their pricing, don't be nasty. I see people being horrible to them at times.
  3. Yes, the government is Brilliant. They are keeping their people safe and trying their best to stop people that don't conform from coming here. Keep up the great work Thailand ????????????????
  4. Like previous comments make an appointment but if you still prefer help there are lots of agencies on Facebook in the Pattaya area. I noticed All Ways is still advertising, avoid this company. I read the guy running the business has been locked up.
  5. Thanks for the info. KhunLA in another post mentioned these bikes. Cheers
  6. Time to buy some derelict property down soi Yensabai (Arab Town) and open up some business. Lots of opportunities. Coffee shops..... Turkish coffee Big bike (Hayabusa) rentals Restaurants Hummus Falafel. Tabouleh. Pita Bread.
  7. OK, two important facts that are confusing some of the members, or refusing to read. 1. She was selling drugs. She may have told a different story to her family (signing parcel for bf) in SA but selling drugs was the offence. 2. 22yo, this is not a young girl, she is a grown woman. This rediculous comment, it just creates chaos amongst the weak, the followers, making some of the members confused. These members read your comments but are too lazy to read the article to be fully informed. Look at all the comments below yours. Don't be alarmed by signing for packages for your neighbor. Just don't sell drugs. The system is working, they are getting rid of the bad eggs. I don't want me and my family living amongst these type. Lowlife drug sellers.
  8. Why say 'Thai' guy? Strange question. Because it's Thailand. Would you prefer I say Philippino, or Malaysian guy
  9. 'Our' roads????????? Is it wrong for me to say 'our' roads? I drive on the roads everyday and pay road tax! What would you like me to say?
  10. What options does she have? Some Thai guy impregnates her, she has the child and the guy does a runner. She has no money for a car and baby capsule. It's a sad sight. It's so sad to see so many beautiful Thai's die on our roads.
  11. Serious question, were you high when you wrote that? I mean, what the hell are you blathering about? Sorry to read that English is not your first language. Try Google translate, I've heard it works well for you non English speakers.
  12. What makes her an idiot? Signing for a delivery is a completely normal thing to do. Did you not read the article She was locked up in Thailand for selling drugs She's an Idiot. My comment is that there are better ways to make a dollar. Plenty of guys here cashed up and looking for a bit of harmless fun. Selling drugs destroys lives.
  13. Yep. Working offshore for many years, occasionally the rig would be in the shipyard or dockside I'd see these old vessels and their captains/skippers. Phillipines and Indians (if local ship, Thai captain), most of these guys have no knowledge about the environment, their education is different from ours. These guys are on poor wages and forced by their companies to do this disgusting, unacceptable destruction to our planet.
  14. It's algae. I hope the authorities educate the locals about stopping foreign products entering the waterways. Runoff from chemicals will destroy these beautiful wetlands.
  15. Yes, I agree. Sadly, I reckon the cops have put this problem in the too hard basket. They tend to work their checkpoints around school start and finish times to avoid these reckless parents. Kids learn by example, seeing their parents doing wrong makes the child think it's OK for them. I've seen the cops at the checkpoint Sukhumvit, the police stations, just past the Ambassador ignore school children 3, 4 up on a scooter, no helmets, traveling at speed.
  16. I'd like to know the laws required, registering and licensing for electric motorcycle. I've seen some nice looking bikes (2000 watt) on lazada, Shopee etc but no green book. I'd still keep my PCX, just jump on the ebike for a quick spin down to the beach and back.
  17. Yes, the big c cutters are good. I found the key cutter/watch repair guy just down from TukCom, same side heading towards 2nd road before soi day night to be much cheaper. They cut and coded a zoomer key for me a few months ago for 150 baht.
  18. She seems a friendly little lady. I reckon the cops were hoping for more than a hit. Judging by the cops appearance at the police stations I've visited over the many years they definitely could do with more energy, they're usually asleep.
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