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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. I am more worried about a car going around me and running over the person i have stopped for at a pedestrian crossing . I seldom stop anymore Yeh, as I said, you pull over to the left. Keep curb side away from the traffic. If you stop in the middle of the road you will get hit. No one goes around you when you pull over to the left, unless they drive on the footpath......... that's been done before. Not stopping at a pedestrian crossing for someone to cross the road is an offense.
  2. I always stop for pedestrians on the zebra crossings and red traffic light crossings but it's dangerous, I always pull to the left and look in my mirrors because very few drivers stop. Makes me a little anxious, worried if I'm going to get hit from behind
  3. Yes, an amazing story. Don't mess with the Thai's I hope the PM takes protection, lots of body guards I worked in Saudi for a few years. On arrival At Saudi immigration with my Australian passport and my long term Thai visa was an uncomfortable process. I'm sure they looked at me the same way as if I had an Israeli passport, they really didn't want me there.
  4. Yes, it's a strange relationship. I live in Pattaya, not far from the walking street. Early mornings (before sunrise) I'd go to the 7-Eleven pick up a coffee. I'd see GoGo bar girls just finishing work, in 7-Eleven with their Thai bf buying him beer and smokes, money probably from the foreigner she'd been with for the last 5 hours. Not the type of job I'd want my gf doing but it's very common here.
  5. Agree, I reckon it's a good idea to keep your license on you at all times when out and about. I'm always getting asked for ID BTW, my 5 year license is due next year so I've had the QR for a few years now
  6. Probably explains the accident, driving at speed, wrong side of the road, talking on the phone, no drivers license, tax and insurance..............
  7. There loitering about end of night, nightclubs, nothing special, nice girls just not for me. They're just looking for a little bit of money and an air conditioned room for the night. In return you have a some fun.
  8. I hope the gas pump guy got paid to come in on his time off to witness the pointing ceremony
  9. Have a look at your license, you may have the QR code, mine does
  10. Don't forget to take your Sangsom. You can only buybudweiser zero non alcohol beer 'cats <deleted>',
  11. Oh, dear I wonder if they will talk about the Blue Diamond
  12. I don't know about being a brainless Moron, he was a cop, they do have a brain. I reckon it could be something missing from the brain. I'm not a brain specialist but these accidents on big bike or any vehicle traveling at speed in built up areas where pedestrians roam, these people have something missing in the brain, immaturity I'd say has a lot to do with it to.
  13. Ha, ha, yes after a few beers I occasionally get caught out wearing my beer goggles.
  14. OK, buying housing is all about the 3 L's Location Location Location If it's in a good area that is popular you'll find there won't be any negotiation, or very little. If the housing estate is located Nakon Nowhere or similar you'll find more flexibility with the price.
  15. Geeze, all the <deleted> on the seabed, bottom of the gulf. The ghost ship not to long ago and now this tanker. It appears that Thailand has ships on their seas in similar condition to the cars and trucks on their roads.
  16. A cop, you'd think being a police officer he'd have common sense. All these offenses, geeze, how do you stop the criminals when you have cops like this one Slightly off topic, it always amazed me how they buddy up with the taxi motor bike riders, you see them chatting in a group all the time. The taxi riders at times riding around breaking the laws (riding wrong side of road, no helmet) and the cops just meet and greet at the road checks. Maybe this cop was an ex-taxi motorbike rider!!!!!
  17. Wow, what a great post, I just stumbled across it a few days ago. One hundred twenty odd pages. Cool ???? ????????????????
  18. This coming from the guy who didn't know what PPE was!!!!!!
  19. Where have you been living for the last couple of years, in a cave. You're in Thailand now, we have laws in place to protect the population. You need to comply.
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