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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. I was a member of the old/original Universe Gym when it was located on Sukhumvit Rd, old equipment but this gym looks good.
  2. Yep, I bought a lifetime membership in 2011 for around 14k baht. I'm not sure if Tony is still with us, I heard some bad things. I see his house is for sale.
  3. Beautiful parks Such a shame they were shut during covid lock down.
  4. OMG, this bloody police force is not interested in protecting the public.
  5. Poor Somchai. He always gets picked on.
  6. Wow, technology has advanced since I got the Mrs her lovely new breast implants 20 years ago. She had the implants done at BHP, anyone know the price these days to get the job done? It was a long time ago, I think I paid 60k baht
  7. Sad but they happen all around the world
  8. Thought you worked as WHSO? Yes I do but we're not giving this information.
  9. Amazing Thailand. These idiots come to Thailand and break the law. Some people never grow up.
  10. What's the time frame for urine test? How long does it stay in your system?
  11. Geeze, they did their best trying to kill us all with covid virus. Now they want to bombard us with an old space station.
  12. I'm pro Thai culture, but if you want foreign tourists you're going to have to accept the bikini. I'm a little biased, I love the bikini. ???? I reckon there should be a law against fat chicks wearing G string bottoms, not a good look. My gf makes her own bikinis, she very clever.
  13. My dog always gives me a confused look when I speak Thai to her. I'd speak in Thai 'look there's a dog' and she looks around expecting to see a horse. I can't get the tones right.
  14. This story is one of many that I read regarding lost cold wallets Some people don't believe that the world is round.
  15. I was reading yesterday a guy in Britain, lost his HDD 'cold wallet'. He's sending out a search party to the garbage tip, getting special equipment in to search for his many 1000's of Bitcoins https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/15/uk-man-makes-last-ditch-effort-to-recover-lost-bitcoin-hard-drive.html
  16. I had coins with Mycryptowallet in Australia. It went pear shaped. Thailand, I can recommend coins.co.th.
  17. I never have any issues, no jumping through hoops etc. Your post is very negative, doom and gloom stuff. Even your post title is negative. It's never been so easy for me to obtain an extension every year, a little bit of money in the bank and bingo my extention is granted. If you're a British citizen you'll be given 1 month visa on arrival and this can be extended. BTW, get yourself a positive attitude you'll be far better off, things will go smoothly.
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