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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Why do they change their nose, it's so cute the way it is, they look beautiful, and why do they curl their lovely straight hair and those horrible long fake nails. I reckon long hair is for ugly chicks to hide their face. Thai women should always wear their hair up to show their beautiful neck lines and face, it's so perfect. They should never wear lipstick, high heals or those hideous bulky platform shoes, keep the shoes simple, small and flat, and the clothes they wear, keep it simple. I like my gf to wear the clothes she buys from her village market, basic shorts and skimpy, small top, flat shoes, no makeup. When I see her dressed like this it's just wonderful, pure pleasure to be with, bloody beautiful. It's even better, when she wakes up next to me, naked and natural, I'm in heaven. ????
  2. If that is the most exiting even you can think about . Yeh, with covid its been tough, Pattaya, it's a different place, I'm a different person. I've been a lucky guy, over the many years working on a 28/28 day rotation, on my 4 weeks off I'd go animal, but with all the changes living here in Pattaya full time I had to adjust. I got back from Mexico end 2019, been here since due to quarantine regulations etc., tough times but the excitement of the market and the beauties that visit is one of my 'look forward to events'. Sadly most of my friends lost their offshore jobs and had to relocate back to their home countries so I have a lot of free time. Like I said, I'm one of the lucky ones, I'm still here in this wonderful country Thailand, I spend a lot of time outdoors, riding my PCX around pattaya and just sitting on Soi Buakhao having a beer watching the world go by, these little things add up to a great feeling for me these days.
  3. Yes, it's a great feeling to be woken by someone so beautiful. Speaking of beautiful, Friday tomorrow, soi Buakhao market, it's a breath of fresh air to see the beauties walking around, I can't wait. Every couple of meters there's another beauty that looks like my gf, what a day. Tuesdays and Fridays great days for me.
  4. I've given it more thought, it's also the way they bundle their hair up, in a scrunched way, it's always identical to the next woman. I love the exposed neck, makes you want to give that lovely brown skin a kiss. Having their hair tied up makes it even harder to differentiate between them and makes them even more similar when wearing their mask.
  5. Yep, that's the way it goes world over. You want the chickybabes it's going to cost you, worth every penny. I have plenty of cash to splash. We're slightly off topic, I was discussing their similar looks when mask wearing.
  6. I reckon they destroy themselves by getting nose jobs, breast implants, etc. most Thai women are perfect naturally. Over the years I've befriended a few Thai girls, as soon as they get the enhancements I'm no longer interested, I prefer them naturally.
  7. This was why I posted this article. With their mask on every 2nd woman looks like my gf. I don't mind, I'm lucky to be surrounded by all their beauty, it just confuses me looking all the same. Once the mask comes off the differences are exposed but because they are all 5foot nothing, slender/petite, brown eyes and black hair the mask just makes them so very similar.
  8. More than 250 transactions, and only two failed deliveries in which cases both vendors issued refunds almost immediately. Lazada is pretty good about keeping their vendors on the up and up. Just look at the stats on their sales pages, "Response time", "Ship on time", etc. I must say, my Thai wife only does the COD route, but she has been burned in some scams. I had been a couple of times in the US, which may have "vaccinated" me.???? This is the point I'm making. Yes, lazada does a good job but it's the vendors that are Dodgy. Here's an example, I posted this comment recently in another lazada article. I bought 2 identical condos a couple of years back, so I needed some electrical items, I ordered 2 identical refrigerators from a lazada vendor, they delivered the fridge I ordered and another which was from a different manufacturer (Haier), wrong size etc. Many emails back and forth to lazada and the vendor things were going nowhere so I complained to my bank (Kasikorn) the staff at the service desk helped with filling out the forms and several weeks later my money was returned. BTW, They never came back for the Haier fridge, I still have it, out the back of the house full of beer.
  9. I'm an Aussie. Bring on the poor rice farmers. I can't get enough of them. Thank you God ????
  10. I can't post a pic of my babe but here's one that OMG..... looks like her twin sister, I hope I don't embarrass this girl..... Bloody beautiful, they're everywhere. ????
  11. Wow, me too, always Buriram. Funny thing happened not too long ago, she had a serious health problem and we were at one of the big Bangkok hospitals, she was wearing this beautiful sleek dress, it was a little transparent when the sun shone from behind her, I mentioned this and her reply was for me not to worry because Thai men do not like black women. The Thai men don't know what they are missing out on, bloody beautiful. Thai girls are not black. I've worked in Africa, these girls are black. I tell her she is brown, brown is beautiful.
  12. Thailand has been my home for many, many years but...... I've got this girlfriend, she's from Buriram, beautiful little thing. Everywhere I go I see her, they all look the same when wearing a mask, anyone else with my eyes? Thailand, the most beautiful girls in the world. I'm the luckiest guy, living amongst all this beauty.
  13. Yep, Born Sydney Royal Children's Hospital You're from Perth, did you get your annoying features from your Premier Mark Mc?
  14. In Australia we call it being a pest OMG, I get lazada deliveries daily at times You'd be the SERIAL PEST
  15. Good luck if an issue comes up, you can communicate with a lazada BOT. Use your credit card, if things go pear shaped go to your bank, fill out the forms and get a full refund. Using your credit card, you are protected.
  16. Actually, stop with your rediculous comments. Enough
  17. Like I said, if you're home to accept the item fine. I have a life, always out and about. BTW, I mentioned credit card, payment, I always pay using my credit card, this is so important. Lots of Dodgy sellers on lazada, advertising items that are fake or sending you a different item to that what you ordered. You have protection when paying through your credit card. Back in the day lazada offered an email support for complaints, now they have that BOT, stupid and bloody frustrating. Now if I have an issue, straight to my bank, fill out the forms and money is returned. Creditcard payment everytime for me
  18. Yep, they still offer COD. If you're home all day it's a good option, not for me. My family and I enjoy the outdoors, always traveling.
  19. I have a house. The delivery driver calls me, if I'm not home they places my parcel in my front yard, every time.
  20. Bummer. Credit card is the best option for lazada purchases. Guaranteed delivery, they drop your item off whether you are home or not. If you buy an item and you have issues with the seller/ the product is not what you ordered etc. you are guaranteed a refund. I've been into my Kasikorn branch a few times now, filled out the paperwork and a few weeks later full refund.
  21. Living in Pattaya there's a beautiful young lady on every street corner. The bloody hazards are everywhere. Loving it ????
  22. A new Vigo means nothing in Thailand it just tells me that she has finance. Anyway she's probably lost the Vigo, unable to pay loan because she has to pay for the meals Next time be sincere and honest, tell her the truth. I reckon name is Dodgy, not Possum
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