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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Here we go again with the mind games. You bully boys did the same Saturday and then you reported ME, you know how to work the system. You're a very strange person. Please explain, what have I edited? Are you delusional? If you guys keep this nonsense up the Mods will remove all comments, claiming bickering. So, please, enough, no more harassing.
  2. No, please leave me alone. I see you had my previous comment removed, I've attached. You are antagonizing me, stop it
  3. My replies were professional, I was not trolling, never have. Its guys like you, the complaining type that get the attention, I reckon admin guys get fed up with you guys reporting members comments, reports about trolls. It's easier for them to remove comments than put up with your complaining. Why would I get into another discussion with you or richard_smith237, you both called me a troll? I can see the same outcome, I answer all your concerns professionally, I waste hours replying, then I get reported for being a troll and get all my comments removed. Then, I have to report a request to admin to have all the nasty comments you guys replied to be removed, it's just wasting everyone's time.
  4. Yes, My thoughts. Incompetence......... like the 73yo who had an accident recently, dangling wires. Nothing to do with his age, I have lots of friends in their 70's who ride better than most younger people but some people shouldn't be riding motorbikes on the road. No accountability..........always looking to blame others.
  5. Funny you say that, they were my thoughts. There are a quite few Pom's here on AN that are doing well, not complainers, good feedback on different issues, knowledgeable, decent people, good guys.
  6. I met a guy from Scunthorpe a few years ago. He was on the pension and he'd only traveled from Scunthorpe to Pattaya, never been anywhere else in the world. OMG, this guy was bitter, seemed like he was complaining and whining about everything, I had to get away from this guy, he was doing my head in, man what a loser. I reckon I'm blessed, having worked around the world, worked and traveled in over 40 countries. The only complaint I have are the complainers, I have no complaints, everything is running smoothly for me and my loved ones, happy as Larry, always in a good mood, what's wrong with some people? I've been lucky, working offshore pays well, me and my family have never gone without. I understand that the pensions are low but why would people choose to live in Thailand with a measly pension? I was chatting with a Kiwi not too long ago, he was on the pension, he was so angry with the NZ government not allowing him to live abroad and receive his government pension, I reckon the government is doing him a favor.
  7. Why do people come to Thailand and complain about everything, that's what so many do. I see you're a relative newbie here, you'll find lots of whinging and whining about many different things by members on AN forums. I've complained over the years about the moaners but I'm out numbered, too many of them. You question the moaners and they start an argument, they play mind games, then some get frustrated and start calling you names, then they justify their rude comments and report you, saying that you're a Troll. They're just miserable, awful people. Glass half empty, negative types, you'll never please these people.
  8. Dolphin roundabout is the end of the line. Fare 10 baht You want to travel to the next destination it's another fare, 10 baht. Hey big spender, try walking, it's free and the exercise will do you good, or get a bicycle. I'm out and about most days on my bike. This is the view coming from Dolphin roundabout, bloody beautiful. VID_20220610121534.mp4
  9. This Aussie Postie is a legend. A one handed line locker, cool Postie. Smokin ????
  10. They have many mobile (side cars, scooters) food vendors parked illegally on the road, it's a nightmare, traffic hazard, very dangerous for cars, bikes and pedestrians. City Hall is fining these vendors, moving them on.
  11. Well, you're a rare breed..... ......... a sensible foreigner living in Thailand, well done and good for you. ????
  12. Agree, I was new to Thailand, once upon a time and I safely navigated around hanging wires. Like I said probably Incompetence. Wires come down every day, I see these overloaded vehicles tearing these low wires down. These damaged wires can't be fixed immediately, it takes time to get a crew out to repair. What we can manage, as a foreigner is to be more aware of the dangers, be accountable, don't ride if you don't have the skills no navigate safely around obstacles.
  13. I know many mothers have to leave their children in the care of their grandmother's, going to work in Bangkok factories, beer bars etc. It's quite sad, I often wondered how these children are brought up, being cared for by grandparents, not seeing their mothers regularly, only a few times a year. RIP little girl. ????
  14. RIP, Poor motorcycle. ???? I reckon it's a case of some Dodgy electrical wiring.
  15. Omg, what a brutal sport. Look at what it's done to these young women's face.
  16. OK, so you have inside information, tell us more. Can you confirm that - he was not affected by drugs or alcohol - not tired or fatigued - wearing suitable eye sight glasses for road use. - mentally stable -fit and healthy for riding If you're affected by issues above you are incompetent, you will not have or show the necessary skills to do something successfully. The age is not a factor, I have many good friends that are in their 70's who ride better than most. Regardless of age, health, skill set you should always wear head protection, even a cheap plastic helmet should stop the head injury he has.
  17. You forgot to include the opposition to the noise pollution coming from their mosque's early each morning when I'm trying to sleep.
  18. Your complaints and moaning won't change things. Like I said I've been riding the roads for over 20 years, it's been this way ever since. I ride safely and to the conditions. I always wear my helmet and if I wore glasses for better vision I would wear them. Thailand is not perfect but it suits me.
  19. This is a harsh comment. We don't know all the facts. Had he been affected by drugs or alcohol, tired or fatigued. We do know that he wasn't wearing a helmet. I am a sympathetic person but anyone not wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle any where in the world doesn't get my sympathy. Why would he have to look up, if the wire was above him he would ride under the wire. The wire would have been in his vision, I would say straight ahead of him, maybe he wasn't wearing his glasses. Geeze, people making excuses. It's comments like yours that allow the incompetent to ride the streets without their helmet and glasses. We all need to be accountable, we're not (most of us) children.
  20. I've got a gripe. These American chains, Hard Rock etc. they put a tip on the bill, bloody rude. I was working in Malaysia a few years back, I was a regular at the Hard Rock in KL. Friday evenings, the joint was so busy, very little service, waiting ages for a drink but I still had to pay a forced tip. Sadly, I see this rude behavior (forced tipping) is flowing on to many businesses now.
  21. I reckon you missed the point I was making. My comment was about the Style, not mechanical. Anyway, the Posties love this bike and it's becoming popular with the trendies in Australia.
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