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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. Your tip will determine the results. Happy ending is more than the 300 baht oil massage price advertised. The more you tip, the happier you will be. BTW, you reckon you got some strange looks after you handing over a tip, wait and see the looks you get when you don't tip.
  2. You may find the occasional condo with generator for the elevator only . I reckon your expectations are a little high.
  3. Yes.....If I was one of the cops l'd be embarrassed doing this training in public. Sure, the cops should be trained, this type of training is important and proactive, cops should be trained in capturing aggressive people and they should be taught different techniques, lots of unusual people coming to Thailand, but this external training with foreign actors does bring out all the Thai haters to make comments. If you're a foreigner and a troublemaker be alarmed but if you are a foreigner and a normal person, like all of us (most of us) here on AN you have nothing to worry about.
  4. Geeze, times are tough when you got the Vietnamese ripping off the Thais. Nice sidecar btw. ????????????
  5. Did they bring their special equipment (big sticks)? This special equipment can be used on troublesome foreigners and trouble between Thai's, "ex and new" husband's.
  6. Great news, I rode past this extended beach area this morning and saw a few Thai's cleaning up the litter. Not wearing safety vests so it's not City Hall, just people living in the area.
  7. Kisses and hugs all round. There will be a death soon from one of these bozos. Watch this space.
  8. Wow, 100k baht gold necklace. I'm looking forward to the 500,000 baht gold necklace theft by transgender.......news report. Won't be long.
  9. Geeze, when I arrived in Thailand back in 2000, Pattaya police station would close at midnight, all the cops going home to bed, not a cop to be seen until the next day. It was funny, I'd get on my motorbike after a night on the town and start to strap on my helmet, the gf saying not to worry putting my helmet on as it was after midnight. Sadly, some, very few of the tourists these days are just angry, horrible people. I regularly see muscle guys on steroids, just looking for trouble. Good luck to the cops trying to control these out of control freaks.
  10. PERFECT, ???????????????????? This is exactly what I'd use my EV (motorbike) for once I get one, I'm still, looking for the model I posted earlier with a Green Book. Cruises down to the beach, 7-Eleven, maybe even soi 6 one afternoon. Most rides will be early morning, as the sun is rising, not to much traffic. Life is awesome, I ride past Jomtien and Pattaya beaches most mornings on my bicycle or PCX, it's medicinal, I get a natural high (still going to try the ganja when available ????).
  11. OMG, I just woke up, opened my AN page and this popped up. This is a reportable offence. Please be more considerate next time, no more scary photos.
  12. Get rid of the contracts, employ the girls on good monthly salary. Also find loyal girls, maybe you're not doing your du diligence, hard work will pay off, looking for answers on AN is not your solution. The girls are lazy (I would be too if I was beautiful) and they will bar fine themselves for days off. Bars, it's not an easy business, if it was everyone would be doing it.
  13. Top 1% These are the only ladies I hang around.
  14. The builder fitted a plastic blue water isolation valve to the mains water inlet which started leaking. Bloody waste of money, plastic valve on the mains. I wasn't home at the time, if I was I'd pay the extra for a proper valve. Anyway, I shut the water off and poured epoxy glue on top of the valve, it's never used, there's an isolation valve either side of the meter if I need to turn off the water. Once dry, No leaks, cheap fix.
  15. Over the many years, I've met a few professional women (office workers) in Pattaya from Bangkok. I've got close to quite a few of these women, having a short time here and there. What I found is, a prostitute doesn't necessarily work in a bar, lots of Freelance ladies who work 9 to 5 office jobs in Bangkok, they come down to Pattaya for some extra cash on weekends, often with their colleagues and their happy to do a short time together. I'm sure quite a few Pattaya office workers freelance on the side for extra cash. BTW, while I'm here, prostitutes work all over the world, I like the bar girls in Thailand, always fun to sit down with and have a drink and a chat, there's no off-limits, everything is on the table for discussion.
  16. I know of GoGo dancers getting 100k per month. Some of these girls have 4, 5 or 6 sponsors sending money every month.
  17. It's been that way for years. Are you new to town?
  18. It's not that simple. It all depends on the house or condo that you sleep at night. My house is well insulated, we have cement rendered internal and external walls (painted white) and ceiling insulation, this allows me to cool down the room and it maintains this temperature. If your house is poorly insulated, your brick walls will hold the heat. A mate of mine asked if he could feel my internal walls, to check for heat, my walls were cool. His house is painted dark red with exposed brick, his internal walls kept their heat day and night, this will heat your room.
  19. What No Body..........bloody time wasters. We at the Sawang Boriboon only get paid if there's a body.
  20. Honda has ABS models listed at 86k baht It would be great to get it for this price.
  21. Here's a crazy record for the books https://aseannow.com/topic/1263311-thai-vet-becomes-first-person-in-the-world-to-get-covid-from-a-cat-thai-media/
  22. Have you been given permission from China? ????????????????
  23. I saw this guy this morning, fast asleep. He found a level patch, one of the old derelict restaurants.
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