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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. It seems to be the norm these days, the owner of the local radio station FM103, Tommy Dee does the same thing.
  2. Oh, phew, that's a relief. I was in the running for the Billy BS award this month, looks like Dan has won it. 👍
  3. I made Thailand my home in my 30's, I'm now in my 50's. Over the many years I've had many friends in their 70's, all been good, happy people. I don't meet many new people these days, just stick to my large family and the friends I've got. You could be right regarding age and grumpiness, not sure of the demographic of the members that troll me, maybe it's the elderly.
  4. What happened to expats here in Thailand, it never used to be like this, many years ago expats were fun to be with but sadly they are now what you have described, I've read so many other comments from members with similar feelings. Its horrible now posting or commenting on this forum, you get attacked at times. I'm Australian, I can take the attacks and criticism but it's really weird reading all the hate comments. I've been a member of AN for over 6 years. Sadly today I blocked a couple of annoying, antagonizing members after learning you can block members, what a wonderful feature. It seems some of the Brits are angry here in Thailand, Dan About Thailand, he's English but has made a vlog, saying that the Brits can be the biggest moaners in Thailand. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/yoRspYqpyd15V5Kc/?mibextid=oFDknk
  5. I didn't know it was a feature, thanks for the heads up. 👍 I googled it and found an old AN posting. Here it is for those other members who do not know. Wish I knew about it years ago. BTW, at times I think the forum is a preschool the way some members carry on.
  6. 👍found it 😊 What a great feature 🙏 On my android phone I went to my home page then other settings
  7. Many years ago I became a member (life) of Pattaya Expats Club, I went for a while, probably because I was bored and wanted to learn more about my neighborhood. We are lucky these days social media, forums like Asean Now where we can ask questions, so many knowledgeable members. I'd say some expats are bored only trolling on forums annoying others, these are the guys that attend.
  8. Oh, thanks, I overlooked that. Yes, probably just a local guy who called himself a tour guide.
  9. I don't think they are spending any money, free air-conditioned comfort. At a Cafe they would be forced to buy something.
  10. Some guys enjoy it, gets them away from the keyboard. Like you I keep myself busy through the day, exercising etc. Many years ago, the venue was on Soi 1 Beach Road (Greentree) and a hotel 2nd road (Grand Sole) opposite soi 6. I went a few times as I was new in town and bored at the time.
  11. From what I've heard and read, I think he went alone, avoiding tour guide and others.
  12. Poor bugger, she must be desperate nicking used nickers 😮
  13. Lots of elderly European guys hang out there everyday. They seem OK, keep to themselves. Expat club now meets on 2nd road every week. https://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=KnKNE&m=JeLM8SLUjbIzzL&b=i1gL4yqUSfwCsDpw86a.Aw https://www.facebook.com/groups/PattayaExpatsClub/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT
  14. I agree with you, 100%, there are many brainless, selfish Thais blocking lanes but it is Thailand, it's to be expected, most countries have selfish drivers, probably why so many road rage incidents these days. I reckon you'd find there would be a few brainless, selfish foreigners blocking those lanes as well.
  15. You are the one going off the rails, just posting for the sake of it, just to annoy others
  16. Many years ago when I arrived I had loads of expat friends, sadly over the years these foreigners have died off or gone back home because of job loss, divorce etc. I have a big family now so I tend to avoid foreigners. I work offshore and tend to spend my time with other offshore workers, we always have something in common to talk about. Recent years I've noticed the BTC guys (Dodgy dudes) but they dwindled off when bitcoin slumped. It seems difficult to find an expat that's not unhinged these days, I enjoy talking to normal expats and socializing but not many about. Its always a bonus to talk with other Aussies. 🦘
  17. Then should would be a member of the mile high masterbate club. 😮
  18. I paid 1000 baht for an extra, not that expensive. A mate of mine hired a 160 click for a month, he lost the fob, guys from Honda spent half a day trying recode a new fob, charged him 5k baht.
  19. Are you a troll? That's not a nice thing to say, only trying to help, giving you good advice.
  20. I reckon you're wasting good ink. Go in there personally and talk with them. BTW, if you're in Pattaya, I had the girlfriends zoomer key cut at the little watch, clock shop west side of TukCom Pattaya Tai for 150 baht, that included the unique magnetic code.
  21. The article read like a road rage incident but on this occasion it was just another bloody foreigner with mental illness. I reckon it would be difficult for the investigators to get it right when mental illness is at fault.
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