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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. BTW, there is nothing more nationalistic than redkneck Americans who want to bomb Moscow, Beijing and just about everywhere else.
  2. Have you been to Russia much? I have and have assisted in a hospital on a UK/Russia government exchange programme. I do NOT support war - whether it is Gaza or Ukraine - but I understand the background. Many here know zilch - USA can prod the bear all it likes - it will not end well.
  3. Wouldn't it be cool to leave countries alone? That's what many on here keep saying: "Leave Ukraine to decide" What about the others? Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Uganda, Niger, Syria, Vietnam, Cuba, Kosovo, Haiti, Bosnia, Panama, Grenada, Lebanon, Gaza, Cambodia, Korea, Dominican Rep, Lao and now Ukraine
  4. Ah ha, the old "if you don't agree with us - you are a Russian agent" tactic. Reds under the bed!!! Are you serious?
  5. Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Uganda, Niger, Syria, Vietnam, Cuba, Kosovo, Haiti, Bosnia, Panama, Grenada, Lebanon, Gaza, Cambodia, Korea, Dominican Rep, Lao and now Ukraine - Next? Taiwan maybe? Lebanon again? As the US wants to rule our world, they must have nothing to do at home, right? No fentanyl problems, homeless problems, no border issues, no mafia, no crime, no racial issues and a free and excellent hospital service. What could go wrong?
  6. Accurate - they all have, but not like, the USA, which has 800 military bases. Russia has 21 Sound balanced?
  7. You can see I'm not American! lol
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 41 seconds  
  9. I loathe war - it doesn't excuse it - it explains it.
  10. Not into Ukraine, he didn't - WW3 will happen before that happens.
  11. It goes back a very long way. Professor Sachs and Professor Mearsheimer have lots of videos annent this. It all started with USA meddling - as do many confilicts.
  12. Ted I agree - 100% Please research the history - the USA caused the overthrow of the elected president and interfered, as they do all over our world. Ask yourself, "Why didn't the USA allow Ukraine to pick who they wanted?" before jumping in with "It's Ukraine's decision" when you mean "It's America's decision".
  13. Susan you called him "Mr. one inch"? I like some of your posts but you are being a bit aggressive on this subject.
  14. Historical fact old boy https://www.cato.org/commentary/americas-ukraine-hypocrisy
  15. USA started this conflict with Nuland and McCain - I have explained this many times but you are too ignorant to understand it.
  16. I agree... but it doesn't "manage its own affairs" the USA manages them for it - deposing a democratically elected president. Yanukovych had been duly elected in balloting that international observers considered reasonably free and fair—about the best standard one can hope for outside the mature Western democracies. A decent respect for democratic institutions and procedures meant that he ought to be able to serve out his lawful term as president, which would end in 2016. Nuland noted in a speech to the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation on December 13, 2013, that she had travelled to Ukraine three times in the weeks following the start of the demonstrations. Visiting the Maidan on December 5, she handed out cookies to demonstrators and expressed support for their cause. McCain was worse - he dined with Yanokuvich's opposition leaders and supported his overthrow.
  17. This is irrelevant to your inane comment saying how wonderful USA has been. Russia joined the Allies in 1941 and lost 27m compared to USA's 400,000 - show some respect.
  18. Fred - you both benefit - we established that. You are 24 years older and you explained how perfect she is (for you). If so perfect why doesn't she liked your company? and why are you asking on here? you sound pretty insecure - stop thinking and enjoy it but be cautious.
  19. She 40s, you 60/70s - what could go wrong? BTW I doubt she's perfect in her 40s I think you might need an eye test
  20. Nature knows best, and stats are lies, more lies and damn lies.
  21. Yet you push forward your heroic USA monologue as 'saving us' but don't mention the Russians who lost 27m? your knowledge is that of the kindergarten
  22. Data? Links? How can you say that? In all my decades of happy travelling, no woman has mentioned it. No problem if a guy wants to do that, but it's not natural - obviously.
  23. Cutting women or men when nature provides them with adequate tools seems brutal to me. But it's freedom of choice unless you are the subject of brutal religious rules.
  24. Did Russia make 27 MILLION sacrifices for YOU?
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