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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. Are you 100% sure, Sandy? Bizarrely, the state pension is not classified as a government pension.
  2. I'm almost in the same boat with an NHS pension and a State Pension due this year. I have deferred the State Pension until we get clarity.
  3. I used to call a spade a spade, but it's considered very rude now (rightly, to be fair). But I agree with you, obviously.
  4. Why forget them - they are largely respected commentators with impeccable academic CVs.
  5. 273,000 images and 4 years in jail? That's absurd - why hasn't he been sent back to Thailand? let him rot in the Bangkok Hilton
  6. I'm not laughing - most will get it, and it will NEVER leave you - what did you use to control it? Don't think about it too much. Good luck.
  7. Am I surprised? Harris got 3% in the primaries, and now, by a fluke, gets a shot at POTUS. Does anyone believe she did not get VP coz she's black and a woman? As for LBGTQ+++ they are a noisy minority.
  8. If you never tried it HOW do you know you ever missed it? what a dumb comment same as "I've never had sex and I don't miss it" LOL
  9. What truth? that I donate thousands every month to help an orphanage? do YOU?
  10. Have you read my evangelising? Even once? Or are you trolling and deflecting as you always do?
  11. I hate this "far left" "far right" stuff - MSM usually uses "far right" to discuss anything it does not like.
  12. Let alone Professor Sachs and Professor Mearsheimer, two super intellectuals recognised for their understanding of world affairs and both political science experts. Both can be found on YouTube for those with an open mind.
  13. You don't know anything about the situation - you think you do. That is dangerous, but I do give enormous credit to the MSM for sowing such an intricate web of lies. Some see through it - some do not.
  14. Yes it is, but we know you love Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon - why not use his real name? what's the problem?
  15. There are no parts of Tommy Robinson that contain his hyphenated REAL name, and you know it.
  16. He won't be there after four years - vote for him this last time. You are just immersed in confirmation bias.
  17. I am from London but have had lots of travel and experience with Russians. Maybe the tourists here are from the low end - but any country is the same, I think.
  18. Oh right.. There is a movie studio called 'pirogy' - anyway enjoy!
  19. So the answer to my original question "have you been to Russia" is: never been to Russia never known a Russian don't know where Russia is I rely on MSNBC, CNN, ABC to tell me what I need to know I don't support the war in Gaza or Ukraine - the quicker you stop supplying billions to feed the military complex the quicker peace will come
  20. Are you INSANE? There are tons of photos of Nuland, etc. there. You are very uninformed.
  21. You missed the salient point—he was taken completely out of context, and manipulating speech like that is an abuse of journalistic license.
  22. I loathe Johnson, but Boris Johnson was always part of his name at birth. Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson
  23. I had to look up 'Pirogy' lol
  24. Now, now... I have been to 40 countries, including the USA 10 times, India 22 times, France, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Belorussia, Germany, the Philippines 53 times and many, MANY more! and, of course, Russia (17 times).
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