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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. Morning Star? Haha, is that still going? I was actually a Times reader, sometimes the Telegraph. Based on your posts, I know the Sun or the Mail is your rag of choice.
  2. My father drank like a fish - cocktail at the start of each evening and then wine - two bottles at least. He died at 92.
  3. Oh really, dear fellow... you mean we share the same country? jeez that's a horrible thought but you probably come from Peckham? Milton Keynes? Admit it, you studied sociology at a community college, right?
  4. Lots of Ukrainians are taken out daily, bro - do keep up! it's nearly over
  5. First was an agreed compromise in Feb 2022 before Boris and others scuppered it for his Churchillian fantasies. This will be the second - hopefully, peace will come, and a buffer zone agreed upon - Ukraine is lost and can only hope to retain parts. I think they will agree on a buffer ruled by neither Ukraine nor Russia - a de-militarised zone.
  6. Hopefully, it will be over by early next year - maybe earlier.
  7. Why is everybody obsessed with longevity? it's quality of life, not how long you live. Personally quality if life includes red wine lol
  8. Hanging onto the back? ban those rails
  9. "Police suspect that cult beliefs led Pramuan to commit the violent act" Load of rubbish - the guys a nutter
  10. So you are not lucky, too? Why is it just people you disagree with? What 'commie tendency countries'? What are 'aggressors'? I don't support the USA wars, you know that - I know you do USA USA USA. You're really a MAGA, I know.
  11. I agree I have sold most of my condos and have a share in a pool villa - rented to Chinese @ 70,000 a month.
  12. It's not about whether it's technically illegal in Thailand. It's about the condo rules. Many modern condos do not allow it as they don't want customers coming in and out like a hotel. Older condos will, generally, be less strict.
  13. It is irrelevant to post single encounters. There are 100s on the internet from both sides and lots of juicy attacks on Ukrainians as well as Russians. The only issue is that Russia is advancing daily, and Zelensky is starting to panic. In the end, it will be a negotiated peace, and Russia will get a buffer zone. 100,000s killed for nothing.
  14. Do you have any views on this? I see on the web site 30m first prize monthly - and many other prizes but can find no list of these 'other prizes'. Some Thai friends tell me that many rich Thais invest the maximum 10m baht and swear they get 100,000/200,000 a year back—some a million. I'm not sure how factual this is.
  15. "And as I heard their retirement age is set at 55 yrs old" You heard wrong - sorry.
  16. Who? Government officials retire at 60, when everyone's pension starts. Private companies want their older staff out and insist on 55 - there is no protection here.
  17. The hypocrisy is that government officials can stay until 60. There is no law - private companies decide it.
  18. Yes - that's what I meant, but MFP still came top of the polls by 10% between first and second. If it were not for the unelected, they would be in power - that is a fact.
  19. 2.99% of the popular vote - PT 28.84% (MFP 37.99%)
  20. He got less than 3% of the vote? surely they cannot be that stupid? (don't answer that).
  21. The Sound of Silence
  22. I don't believe your view on it is correct. They formed an alliance with the treacherous PT and were squashed by unelected senators - they won the election because they had that alliance of 292 seats and 65%. Why 'Just' more votes? 14,400,000 to PTs 10,900,000. That's a HUGE 10% difference - they won and the facts speak for themselves.
  23. That's not true - many of the 'tourists' are Thais, and it has been there since I started coming 25 years ago. You are correct that it is a misunderstanding of 'making merit' as it adds to the hideous practice of capturing and selling animals - which is very bad karma. However, most Thais have little or no understanding of Buddhist teachings.
  24. And contribute to the continuing capture of birds.
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