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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. Yes, the USA and their lackeys, including our country. However, China, India and other nations are not falling into line thank God.
  2. "destroy democracy and the constitution" is an absurd generalisation with no facts or data to substantiate it, yet you still have strong opinions on it. Trump is the only candidate who wants peace.
  3. I know that, but you avoid the point that the real action took place in Obama and Biden's presidencies.
  4. He wasn't in office? Slow Joe was - Obama was when they annexed Crimea. Whatever you say about Trump, he kept war AWAY.
  5. Am I a Putin AND a Hitler groupie, too? Isn't that an oxymoron? (long word for you, I know - try Google).
  6. I know what I am sunshine - and a warmonger like you is not one of them. I hope Trump wins and follows through, cuts off pouring BILLIONS into a waste of time and brings peace to Gaza and Ukraine. You will hate that I know.
  7. Never come across it despite 53 visits and covering many major cities whilst enjoying the delights.
  8. I rest my case - you are her 'Daddy' enjoy it, don't think too much.
  9. Another ignorant post from an ignorant person who votes Tory.
  10. Who cares? 5% of Thais will love someone who is taking some notice of Thailand, and 5% will hate the perceived insult. The other 90% don't care.
  11. Utter nonsense - but you got done for religious reasons, right?
  12. What? where did you get that idea? never been discussed when I have been over there for the past 25 years.
  13. I'm afraid not - I had a condo over there. Sold just before covid. Strictly fun visits - knocked a few balls into holes, though ⛳
  14. Yes, and same-same butts. Both are desperate at the uneducated level with Thais more nationalistic but this is declining. Hi-So Filipinas will not give you a second look unless you are a movie star.
  15. As someone who has lived in Thailand for 15 years - and visited the Philippines 53 times, it is my experience: Filipinos speak far better English, are more open in bed and are generally cuter and kinder than Thai girls. I also find them more attractive - but as I live in Thailand, I get on with it.
  16. What's the age difference, Fred? Very few girls in the West will tolerate a 10, let alone a 20-year difference. There is nothing wrong with this—you support her, and she pays you in the bed. If she had resources, she would be dating someone in her own age group—six-pack and all.
  17. The USA is the aggressor all over the world, constantly interfering in our countries, particularly in Ukraine. I'm surprised you don't research at least a tad. Still, that's Tommy Robinson supporters for you
  18. Almost certainly only time. John Hopkins says 90% of adults will be exposed by age 50. WHO states 2 out of 3 have herpes. It's a gift that keeps on giving, but don't think about it too much. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2015/11/02/you-probably-have-herpes-but-thats-really-okay/
  19. She's not into you, just your money - wake up! what's the age difference? to her it's work - trust me.
  20. I agree with you at last! The US should turn around and stop feeding the war machine with BILLIONS of taxpayers' money - thank you for seeing the light.
  21. I am as anti-war in Gaza as I am in Ukraine. At least he's halfway there, unlike the war-mongering Dems - whatever happened to the lefts anti-war stances? I find it very racist - they worry more because they are white faces imho.
  22. I'm not American, and I don't like Trump much. You tar everyone who you don't like as MAGA when you are just brainwashed sheep - it's sad really.
  23. CNN "do you want Ukraine or Russia to win this war" Trump: “I want everybody to stop dying. They’re dying. Russians and Ukrainians. I want them to stop dying" Shame on warmongering CNN
  24. If you think CNN epitomises truth, then you are a lost soul swimming around in the mire of delusion.
  25. Why the change? genuine question
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