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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 49 minutes ago, Becker said:

    I don't "think" anything about what you like, I just go by what you post and judging by your attacks on and contempt for the main stream (read; sane/moderate) press I'd say you don't like a free press if it attacks someone you support.

    You attack news organizations like CNN all the time but strangely enough there's never a peep about the sycophants at Fox News.

    You think MSN is 'sane and moderate'?  really?  wow even my most liberal friends (I have many) would laugh at that.  Did I use Fox as an example?  Nah you made that up!  bias, bias, bias

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  2. 9 hours ago, Becker said:

    The man-child facilitated this. Due to his pathetically frail ego he bashes the part of the media (read "sane" media) that do their job and question his actions and words.

    He truly is an underwear stain.

    Ah you mean 'do their job' as in a free and independent media?  unbiased?  without fear nor favour?  that kind of thing?  you tarry and jest with us sir

  3. 34 minutes ago, Thailand said:

    A little late to gloat, I wonder if the many Thai businesses that were/are catering to the Chinese share your elation.



    As they spend very little and businesses I know want the good old happy days back (of 10 years ago) I don't think many will miss them.

    • Like 2
  4. Just now, p414 said:

    I read some time back that the dog catchers are not allowed to capture any dog with a collar..

    People near my place have put collars on stray dogs and come round on motorcycles with large bags of food for these 'pets'.

    Dog collars should have a house and phone number on them or be considered strays....there are now large packs of these dogs within 2 kilometers of my home.It is unsafe to walk out now....3 years ago there were no strays..



    I agree there are many ****** who do things like that then go home and eat their pork.  Hypocrites and ignorant.    

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Exploring Thailand said:

    And a huge hole in this suggestion is that you could simply send 65k to a Thai Bank, take it out, send it home, and then send it again next month. You would incur charges but for most people they would not be too much of a problem.

    No different than putting 800k in and taking it out.  Most would not be bothered to put 65k in and out every month that's crazy.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    The thing about an elected heads of state is that we would have the facility to replace them if they proved to be unsuitable. I agree with the commentator, however, that there are few politicians whom I would wish to see elevated to that position. But as it is a titular role, we could elect those whose values and ethics we admire. Alan Bennett or David Attenborough would get my vote.

    A nominal president to 'represent' voted in (and out if need be) is preferable to what we have. Having said that our Queen has done an outstanding job but many of us would be pleased if it ended with her.

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  7. 21 minutes ago, jayboy said:

    But interesting enough for you to make a post about the subject, albeit a rather silly one.


    People don't make posts about subjects they find boring.


    Still, don't misunderstand me. The following reader's comment on an article in The Times resonated with me.

    "Thanks for this, Giles Coren. I didn't watch a second of this, nor read a line in the newspaper, and yet am a staunch royalist for pragmatic reasons: who would want a politician as head of state? But this awful attempt was, for me, an expensive, Disney like slur on the royal family's reputation, a sad, silly, pop-star attempt to dignify a silly young woman who leaches off the accident of her birth."

    Nothing sillier than getting wet in the pants over a grand-daughter marrying a toff. As a Brit I am entitled to pass comment on the nonsense AND reflect on the media spinning it at every opportunity (CNN top of the spin list)

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