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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. On 9/23/2018 at 8:16 AM, sanemax said:

    Did this guy have any ill intentions though ?

    I am not saying whether he did or not .

    He just went to the shops with a girl whom he knew and was familiar with .

    The Parents were informed that the girl was going to the shops .

    If the guy had any ill intentions , then he deserved all he got and more

    Maybe he just wanted go to  the shop and she went  with him ?


    It is entirely possible but in today's world it is extremely foolish to go anywhere near kids. I remember a decade ago I would often give kids 20 baht for sweets but not anymore. Letting kids into my swimming pool?  no chance!


    This guy had no record of this type of offence?  was he seen molesting?  I'm not sure taking a kid he knows into a sweet shop demands him being beat to a pulp. 

  2. Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

    3. she names who was there.


    7. the witness is doing his best to avoid getting involved (he may soon not have a choice).


    Meanwhile Kavanaugh’s supporters have already been caught out fabricating a story with a scapegoat.


    ie not denying the attack took place but trying to blame someone else.


    That fabricated story has now been followed by an apology, but a guy was named and he may choose to file suit.


    Catagorical denials by people in Trump’s orbit have a habit of turning into outright lies.


    Let’s watch and see.


    So she remembers that but not 'where, date' and her therapist says 4? this would not stand up in any court and Dems are abusing this for political purposes.  Used to be the great party of JFK now it's a gutter party in my view. BTW the witness has already said 'it didn't happen'.


    Is this what USA 'politics' has come too? scream matches at committees, protesters shouting, 'Spartacus dramas' and now 35 year old 'he groped me'?  please you must know, deep within your soul, that this is not right.

    • Confused 1
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  3. Let's look at the Top Ten facts?


    1. she didn't know which year it was
    2. she doesn't know the date
    3. she doesn't know who was there
    4. she doesn't know the location
    5. she doesn't know how she got there
    6. she doesn't know how she left
    7. the guy who was the only witness say's 'it didn't happen'
    8. she said she would testify anytime anywhere
    9. her therapist says 4 people there she says 2 and therapist 'made a mistake'
    10.  PJ in the letter has come forward and say's he was not there


    What has she got?  a political agenda that's what





  4. 3 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    No probs, what I have is really a spasm, one or both legs jerk just when I'm about to drop off.

    I have had that too. I assumed it was the muscles relaxing, letting out the energy so to speak. Now I own an Inversion Therapy table and, although I don't use daily, I do use in occasion if I feel my back and legs 'seizing up'. It's a thought?

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, overherebc said:

    I can imagine stapling went 'out of fashion' after chunks of passport pages were getting ripped out when the TM6 was pulled out.

    Nope because if you have any brain cells you take out the TM6 carefully in the queue. I certainly dont leave it to the IO's to do that. I also have my 90 day and TM30 stapled in my passport and never had a problem in 10 years and I travel frequently.

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