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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

    I’m impressed with your certainty in what he said, I myself had great difficulty understanding his slurred speach.


    He didn’t sound at all well.


    That's true he sounds like the megalomaniac that's out of control that he is but... we should report fairly. That was what I heard him say. Basically it's your fault if they win and I get impeached because you didn't go and vote. MSM is spinning it and taking it out of context. In my view if the left focused and forgot the 'noise and bluster' they should easily be able to take him out in 2020 with a good, balanced, candidate.

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Silurian said:


    More like Cry Baby Trump appeared at the rally. Blubbering and moaning to his followers.


    "There going to impeach me."

    "Waah Waah!"

    "And it will be all your guys fault!"

    "You need to protect me from those awful Democrats!"

    "Waah Waah!"




    He said "if they win they might impeach me and it will be your fault as you did not get out to vote". Totally different meaning and you are trolling.

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, helpisgood said:



    You failed to address my question. 

    And, I am sure you got drafts.  However, you were not the boss at the White House.  Heck, I wouldn't even touch a discarded Big Mac wrapper off of Trump's desk or even my own previous bosses' desks, without their permission.  It's on the president's desk for his imprimatur, not open for "deliberation."  


    You also failed to mention the following:


    "Cohn made a similar play to prevent Trump from pulling the United States out of the North American Free Trade Agreement...Under orders from the president, Porter drafted a notification letter withdrawing from NAFTA. But he and other advisers worried that it could trigger an economic and foreign relations crisis. So Porter consulted Cohn, who told him, according to Woodward: “I can stop this. I’ll just take the paper off his desk.”" 




    In other words, don't even let the president even get the chance to read it for "deliberation."  They don't seem to have much confidence in this guy.  And yeah, he did steal the letter.  That's the point!  Cohn was willing to steal it because he and others feared Trump advancing such a discussion. 


    No touchdown.  Illegal procedure. 


    Some fair points but you understand that this has been 'spinned' into "prevent POTUS signing" when you accept this is impossible with a draft. There are many iterations before policy is determined and a final letter goes out.


    I'd like to hear Cohn and Porter on this as they are admitting to theft from the POTUS office. Have they confirmed?  If Cohn confirms he stole it then fair enough I accept his word but he only stole a draft is my point and it stopped nothing.

  4. 3 hours ago, Morch said:


    Allow me to doubt you ever held a "senior position". Nothing in your posts recommends such a notion. Another indication would be the inability to focus - as in replying to the point. My post wasn't about your "draft-gate" nonsense, but rather on expressing selective outrage on things related to Trump (while claiming not to be a supporter).



    I could not care less what you think about my "position" but you would be surprised. Now concentrate, difficult for you I know, on the issue. The letter was a draft not to be signed ergo...?

    • Haha 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, Morch said:


    But no such outrage expressed when the president issues one of his routine made-up, counterfactual, backed by nothing and no-one accusations, tirades, or conspiracy theories. 

    Have you ever been in a senior position?  I used to get drafts across my desk all the time. Drafts are for discussion and debate with managers.


    No one signs a draft, they are iterative and one waits for the final version to sign. Stealing a draft is nonsense. As stated before I am not a Trump supporter (being pro-choice, pro-environment etc.) but I loathe all these lies (on both sides).

    • Confused 1
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    • Haha 1
  6. 28 minutes ago, helpisgood said:


    A draft? 


    "According to Woodward, [former top economic adviser Gary] Cohn “stole a letter off Trump’s desk” that the president was intending to sign to formally withdraw the United States from a trade agreement with South Korea."  [Bold added.]



    Nice try. 


    From that same article:


    "It is not normal procedure for a senior-level aide to steal documents off the president's desk."


    Would you steal -  or to use your spin, even "remove" -  even "a draft" off the desk of the president?  





    Ah you get the point then?  did you READ the letter?   it is a DRAFT it's written all over it at the top (pre-Decisional/Deliberative). No one signs a draft as it was for discussion and was PRE decision.


    Nice try???  perfect touchdown I'd call it


    Has this guy admitted he stole a letter?  why would POTUS sign a draft?  this is ALL nonsense!!! 

    Screenshot (39).png

  7. I loathe 'anonymous sources'  as they mean zilch.  If someone does not have the courage to stand up and be counted and prefers to sneak around in the shadows he/she does not deserve to be in service. I hate all this nonsense mudslinging and cheap shots from the Dems. I just read the 'letter that was removed from Trump's desk' it was a draft. No POTUS would sign a draft it's for information and discussion. All this noise and nothing substantive. 

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  8. 53 minutes ago, NancyL said:

    And the Thai guy probably came out to do the job within an hour of someone calling in that the light was out vs. the job having to be scheduled several weeks in advance.

    haha I bet that's not true it's probably been out for months just like the CCTV cameras

  9. 15 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:



    Of course she had every right to make her own choices, as do we all, but none of us have rights to take people`s money under false pretences, which is fraud and deception. And tragically for that she received a death penalty, because she was playing a merry fiddle with the devil or in this case with a deranged scumbag. Some may get away with it, others may not, the risks were high and that was the choice she made.


    Although nothing can justify her murder, but also doubt that many will lose sleep over it.


    her mum and dad will... her kids will...   terrible thing to say when she was just trying to feed her kids like 100,000s other girls in Thailand

    • Haha 1
  10. Just now, Cuba said:

    How is it unrelated to the scum killing her? It's precisely the reason she was killed. If she'd been a good little girl and stayed at home with just the 1 boyfriend she'd still be alive now.


    Bet you think all girls should be "good little girls" then?   ok you're right she deserved to die... silly girl... should stick to "one BF" like all the guys stick with one girl right?


    I smell misogyny in the air.  

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