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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 17 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    That's not what they said.


    That is what I am asking to be proven.

    I agree, prove it but I doubt it will happen. To be honest I dont really agree with you on this one, unusually, and I am all for equality but that is hardly the case when you limit play to one gender. Same could be said for football, F1 and all the rest. I think separating gender is discriminatory and sexist. This is not about male superiority, we are all equal, but we are not the same and the two get confused.

  2. 21 minutes ago, lanista said:

    The only reason the Williams sisters dominate (womens)  tennis is because they only play against other women or teenage  girls.

    Women never play against men, if they did they would never get enough points to get into even a minor satellite tournament.

    The  ATP top ten women players  would be thrashed by men 700, 800th even 1000th on the tour.

    Women athletes are grossly overrated.

    The ancient Greeks would laugh their heads off.

    This is the truth of it. Equal pay?  no problem play the men, 5 sets.  This pc nonsense goes on and on in the US these days.  'Standing up for womens rights' by whining after losing?   do me a favour.

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

    I like to try cheese from local producers too but it's a bit unfair to call all supermarket cheese inferior and mass produced. They go through very similar production processes and maturation. Tesco finest Stilton is delicious and Lidl has some nice cheeses too. 


    I would bring back some Stinking Bishop but I don't want to stink out the plane. I don't think a day out of the fridge is going to do some shrink-wrapped cheddar any harm.


    It would be good to hear a review by someone who has actually tried some of those Lays crisps though. I tried the baked cheese and tomato ones and they were ok but way too salty. Tasted a bit like a very cheap microwave pizza.


    Dude... with respect, this is not rocket science. Try the different ones when you are here and choose!  as for cheese we have demonstrated that you can buy it here, at high quality in many places, at a little extra costs than UK.  If you want to save your 20 quid (900 THB) then bring it over with ice packs and all!  happy munching as I too am a cheesy addict  lol  

  4. Just now, MJKT2014 said:

    Where please? Cathedral cheese costs 199THB for 300g where I stay, that's nearly 5 times what the o/p is quoting in UK.


    5 times?  how did you work that out?  2.75 = 121 THB for 500g  equivalent here for 500g = 331 THB less then x3. More expensive but who wants to bring over cheese in ice packs?  to save 1000 THb

    • Like 1
  5. On 9/7/2018 at 8:39 PM, suzannegoh said:

    I don't know how old the participants in this thread are but some have said that there are working and in some parts of Thailand, such as Chiang Mai, there are a lot of young farangs supporting themselves by doing things like teaching English or digital nomading.


    Yea but come pension time they will be in serious do-do. I wanted to come live here before 50 but resisted it fanatically, for visa reasons, but mostly financial. Got to 50 and was here within 2 months. Could live on 45k easily but 100k is easier if you like wine, women and song as I do. But, to be fair, I rarely spend over that 45k figure a month and the rest goes on my many holidays throughout the year.

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, bristolboy said:

    Odd because I've never read anything of yours critical of any of Trump's policies. Ever. Just of his personality.


    That is absolutely not true. Go read what I thought of his bombing of Syria?  of his views on pro-life and Pence's nonsense on marijuana. I have never shied from calling him a megalomaniac but because I take a balanced non-Luciferian view you ignore all that and paint me into the Trump corner. It is madness to think anyone is completely wrong, all of the time. I loved Obama and had very high hopes for his Presidency but he was too weak and achieved little but the 'nice guy' badge. Sanders was the only revolutionary who could have changed things at the swamp but the Dems conspired to keep him out and I find that unforgivable.  

    • Like 2
  7. 43 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Kananagh is anti-labor anti consumer, and anti environmental laws. And he's been very evasive about Roe. v. Wade. Pretty odd candidate to be approved of by a self styled Sanders supporter.

    I don't think he is what you paint him to be. As I said I don't agree to all his positions but I have a Libran sense of equity. I also stated that I don't like ANY politicisation  of nominations. I loathe conservatives but I equally loathe pc liberals. As stated, you may recall, I am pro-choice, pro-environment and pro marijuana. I am a past management committee member in the British Labour Party and in no way could I be described as a Trump supporter. But that does not mean that everything he does is wrong. I feel Obama wasted 8 years when he could have pardoned thousands more in jail for marijuana charges - a huge disgrace!

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  8. 45 minutes ago, Morch said:


    As said, there is no unanimous take as to his qualifications or suitability, or else there would be less issues involved in his confirmation. You wish to pretend otherwise, go ahead. And the same point made with regard to the previous poster applies - that you guys like him because Trump picked him, or because you agree with the candidate views are not, by themselves, much of a standard with regards to his qualities. Personally, I don't believe your last line.

    Not at all that's a reason not to like him normally but you don't like him for the opposite reason. I take an a-political view and liked Obama's nomination (as I stated and you ignored) too.

  9. Just now, Morch said:


    That's nice, but I find it hard to believe the poster in question actually went through all these details before giving his pronouncement. Obviously, there are disagreements as to his qualities among those who did. He might very well be confirmed, but that doesn't necessarily make him into a great supreme court pick. Nor does it reflect much on the question raised. What you're on about is simply a matter of majority.


    He has the top rating from his profession. I don't like all his positions but I don't think he's unqualified. I have been impressed at his hearings and think he'll make a fine SCOTUS but I liked Garland too. Personally I'd like politics OUT of all judicial appointments.

  10. 48 minutes ago, The Theory said:

    Abortion is women’s right. It does not belong to any group or religion to decide for.

    Don’t do abortion if you think is not right, but you have no right to decide for others. 

    This is 21st century not 14 th.

     Totally agree. Don't like abortion?  don't have one!  I loathe those fundamentalists telling woman what to do with their bodies.  Roe v. Wade though is almost untouchable so no worries there.

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