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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. So, you think the Chinese nationalists and monarchists who fled like cowards are the true rulers of China? Anyway, whatever the past, very few recognise Taiwan as a sovereign state - including the USA, who threw Taiwan under the bus in 1979 - case closed!
  2. You can't be serious? you seek to compare Biden or Harris's crowds with Trumps? seriously? that is so embarrassing
  3. Don't lie - many American "boots on the ground". Russia will win pretty soon. Enjoy eating your words you are living in La La Land
  4. Money, money, money, it must be funny living in a farang man's world... (apologies to ABBA)
  5. "Harris would emasculate him" delusion wrapped in whataboutery - Dem CNN held the first one. Why is it not fair that Fox holds the second? But you guys don't like fairness do you?
  6. Well commies are leftist - seems like you guys need to collude and decide if I, and others, are left or right?
  7. I don't understand - what do you mean? Taiwan is part of China, as is Hong Kong. The best they can do is negotiate 'special status' The USA has no business interfering around our world.
  8. Trump is talking rubbish. Of course, he cannot resist the over-exaggeration of his ego. That aside, there will be a compromise as Russia will never withdraw its gains unless part of a threat of neutrality for Ukraine. As Litchko said last week, "another two years is unthinkable".
  9. Well, most Courts would say she contributed to the marriage - even so - he didn't just kill her, did he? I can imagine his anger, but he should have put it in joint names.
  10. Well... we agree to disagree. Even Dems hacks have admitted most of the charges would never have been brought if it were not for the name Trump. Old cases resurrected? It's a farce. If he had not run, they would have disappeared.
  11. Do YOU? The only reason he has these cases is that he's running for POTUS. Wake up!
  12. War is not a dream. It is a nightmare. It will end by negotiation - wait and see. As for Trump/Harris let's see.
  13. Sorry to hear that I have a friend who's ex took 50 million - he didn't kill them but bitterly regrets he didn't protect himself better, obviously.
  14. Right, but that in NO WAY justifies killing four people. Court is the answer, and a 50/50 split.
  15. Evil, selfish piece of **** hope he rots in hell
  16. Are you suggesting Biden's crowds are 10,000/50,000 up? More like 500 max - even deluded lefties will admit that
  17. You know he was told to quit because he would lose. I am not a fan of Trump's hyperbole or many of his policies, but Trump/Vance is the best chance of stopping the Ukraine-U.S. war, and that's the most important thing right now. If Kamala or senile Joe had come up with that policy, I would have supported them, but they are warmongers. We must have PEACE - Russia's withdrawal and a neutral Ukraine - that's what will happen in the end, anyway.
  18. It's so funny. You neatly walk past the "I'm not quitting" saga we have endured for two years. Only when he was in front of the debate stage did you finally admit he's senile and unfit to be president? NOW, you expect us to believe you are a fan of Kamala? So disingenuous and hypocritical
  19. Ah right... only the woke, leftist sites. I get it. Thanks for confirming.
  20. "heroically stepped down" Joe "I'm not going anywhere" Biden is suddenly HEROIC? LOL
  21. All you have done since Sunday is unashamedly troll for Harris. You cannot think outside the box at all - where were the primaries? Why was JFK denied them? Anyway, you will lose, so let's hear from you after the inevitable.
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