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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. Liar "Says a Russian stooge" is aimed at a fellow poster because you have no arguments AD HOMINEM
  2. Nice try. Russia has already said it will strike back when it is ready. Ukraine is desperate now and it is nearing the end.
  3. Can't you debate without insults constantly? it's all AD HOMINEM day in, day out
  4. Ukraine attacked civilian infrastructure in Sevastopol using ATACMS tactical missiles carrying cluster munitions on June 23. Holidaymakers were killed on the beach. Now, deny it. MSM will be in denial mode soon, lying to everyone that it was an 'accident' or 'pieces of missiles blown up and falling'.
  5. Be careful what you wish for. Putin has been very controlled and restrained so far.
  6. I'm wondering what drugs they will give him - just stimulants or more? he can't do it without that's for sure. Will they ensure no earpieces, too?
  7. FDR didn't have dementia - next!
  8. Tell that to the families of the children killed by USA cluster bombs on Savastopols beach. Shame on you. https://www.yahoo.com/news/russia-blames-us-deadly-crimea-171438950.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACZ_cmx0GDbvHI1pqvgkmKNfFvQG5-fvDDF3egZQZTavmLwMCFyz6zBJiVcAQyOvpsMQYLpYb_GWYqsZBGv6SjUcL77zzbEL8vqckiOwI1ndy8jCf3DG3mJezsnwpE9YPzEgNY3STAUOUtzHKkkdnMfwTOmyslQdwmHdItzFwGPs
  9. Meanwhile, USA cluster bombs target holidaymakers on Sevastopol beach.
  10. Are you calling half the population of the USA maga fascists? There is no link and Putin has said he prefers your demented guy Biden.
  11. To be fair, I don't think he is - but Ukraine will surrender eventually, and the 100,000s died for absolutely nothing. Watch this space the only thing that will prevent it is escalation to WW3 and I think that is a very real possibility.
  12. What a lesson in nonsense. I'll rephrase it for you: "Those of you who support the lies and misinformation must always remember that you are supporting death. I doubt any of you would have the same feelings if that death was closer to home"
  13. "a violation of the spirit of the assurances given Moscow in 1990" case closed even though you and the article very carefully do not mention Gorbachov was in his 80s when he gave that interview and under some manipulation by the West. He was broke and even made an advert for Pizza Hut. He ran for President in 1996 and got 0.5% of the vote. He commented "On 24 December 2021, Gorbachev said that the United States "grew arrogant and self-confident" after the collapse of the Soviet Union, resulting in "a new empire. Hence the idea of NATO expansion" - he was right there!
  14. I like the Philippines, but I stay in Thailand. Why? Internet, hospitals, roads - basically infrastructure. I have been to the Philippines 53 times - I would move there in a flash if the infrastructure were the same.
  15. I was showing the obvious hypocrisy in the argument.
  16. No, the argument is that you cannot use 'sovereign nation' like you did in your earlier post. Russia attacked Ukraine as it did not follow the USA's 1990 agreement and the Minsk Accord of 2014 and was slaughtering Russians in the Donbas. What is it you don't understand?
  17. Commie? Did you mean Homie? That's a nice endearment Trans thanks bro
  18. Thank you - how he could not understand the logic escapes me - but it is TVF!
  19. for YOU not for the other person - jeeze
  20. I see it went waaaaaaaay over your head. Have a nice day.
  21. If you cannot understand the example of a 'sovereign nation' and its context, then you are not used to debates, and I am wasting my time.
  22. Agreed - live your life
  23. "Putin is an aggressive war monger looking to leave his mark on history by attacking a sovereign nation" That was you, was it not? You seem to like highlighting the sovereign nation part when it suits you but not when it is about the NON-sovereign nation Taiwan. Why's that?
  24. Deflection and off-topic and those minor wars were insignificant compared to the USA. OFF TOPIC my thread is about NATOs expansion east and the broken promise.
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