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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. It was put back then disappeared again?
  2. and it only happened once, right? tricked on that sole occasion when she was still a virgin - sad, sad, sad and then they forced the money onto her
  3. Well I mean Elvis would never do something like that right.. oh wait Pricilla was 14 The hypocrisy is astounding
  4. Got paid, then got paid again, poor little innocent things
  5. Understand, but they cannot tax ATM withdrawals - it's practically impossible - think of all the tourists, etc.
  6. The girls were not forced, and they got paid. Happens daily here.
  7. Yes, but I, for example, get 1.2m in pensions here, so I will still get clobbered if they follow this through. I'm toying with the idea of opening a Philippine bank account and splitting my pensions - then I can use a Philippine ATM card here. People will find a way round it OR leave. This tax was not designed for us yet Thais never think things through.
  8. You sound very anti-hetro? why not just do your thing without telling us all the time - we DONT CARE.
  9. Yes, they are American, so they must be right, right? what a farce America has become.
  10. It never takes long for the 0.0001% to whine at every perceived injustice. Poor thing, and with such ad hominem - I must go and lie down and call my therapist right away!
  11. But... As you are, I am a full-time resident in Thailand; I have an NHS pension and will be getting the old-age pension soon. UK tax authorities tax me in the UK; obviously, how can Thailand justify taxing me on pension income here? I think many think they will wake up and smell the coffee soon and have jumped the gun - many will leave if they do not.
  12. It's still double-taxed. The UK government doesn't let us get pensions without taxing us if we are over the personal allowance. My pensions are largely public sector.
  13. That's not true - I know my ID and PW off by heart - unable to log into my new phone.
  14. But it does not work - we can all find that easily. I tried all three and nothing.
  15. There is so much noise on this thread. Can someone simply lay out the likelihood that they impose tax on pensions here? surely 100,000s will leave, and fewer will retire here? I thought they wanted Thailand to be a place to retire TOO? Sorry if this has been explained before but I really cannot read 200 pages of posts to find the answer.
  16. Who thinks they will tax UK pensions here? is there a way to avoid?
  17. Some minorities should not have the same rights or privileges (pedophiles for example) and so your premise is broken from the start. Gays can do what they want - in private and it's no one else business. The problem is a minority of gays want to SHOUT and make NOISE about it.
  18. Surely it is easy to see if the note is genuine? Flemish or not? how did the maid possibly know what it said?
  19. Surely if he did not marry this Mook it can't be hers? The daughter looks like she has the best claim. An ex wife is... an ex-wife
  20. Thank you - where to buy? it's adhesive?
  21. How did you insulate the windows? triple glazed? (YES I have a noisy neighbour problem too). Where did you buy the noise insulation for your double walls? (thanks in advance)
  22. Costly though? what's the age difference??
  23. Many silly answers. The correct answer is to visit the Juristic Manager who is legally responsible for the condo. Good luck.
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