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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. Of course, only YOU are right, and 80m Americans are wrong, right? I think it will be far closer than it would have been, so a Harris MSM-backed candidate would not surprise me as the winner. USA politics is a very dirty business - If Harris came out against the Ukraine war, I'd back her over Trump in a nano-second. USA is a dying hegemony and so it's not so important these days who wins. After all the Polls were all right in 2016.
  2. Tulsi, Musk, Cotham, Coats, there are always some in each party who will switch - they did switch, right? they would not be total hypocrites and stay in the Rep Party but support Democrats, would they?
  3. Tulsi is excellent, imho and anti-Ukraine war, so she'd get my vote any day.
  4. wow, former, former, former haha
  5. Love Moscow - do you know where it is? dosvidanya
  6. Often... yes, Steven. I don't believe anything from either side. They all lie constantly.
  7. Because it's his last term fool
  8. so reports MSNBC hahahahahaha funny
  9. Sure - I would not count your chickens if I were you.
  10. But the letter I posted here - says it's too late. They are investigating anyway so let's see - thank you.
  11. Funny... you mean a more polished auto-cue reader.
  12. Chivas situation was a success so I felt I could ask a different question rather than start a new thread - maybe I should have done that - apologies.
  13. Are you saying 824 to complete the total owed? I think that's not clear from the info they supplied. Even so the letter I posted says I cannot pay the shortfall?
  14. I think I made a mistake. 211 a week, 221 a week with paying 11,500 520 increase a year - 22 years to break even - so my original approx 20 years was correct
  15. Can I post a picture of Walz and Hitler? This is the level here now? How you get away with it is beyond me.
  16. That is a screenshot straight from the government gateway. I scanned the letter, which said I could not pay anything. But even if I did, it amounts to 156 pounds per year, which would actually take 70 years to break even unless I made a miscalculation somewhere?
  17. I was told I had paid the max NI - I think it was 30 or 35 years I forget. But this 'contracted out thing' was a surprise - but the difference is only 3 pounds a week it seems. Like you I have an index-linked pension.
  18. I owe approx 824 for 14 years = 11,500 (500,00 THB) 217 GBP a week would increase to 221 GBP a week
  19. UPDATE I just got off the phone. They are double-checking, but it appears that I cannot pay additional contributions, and the government gateway is wrong. It might be academic, as I owe 14 years of top-up NI due to contracting out, and it would cost 500,000 to top up to give me a 2000-a-month additional pension (20 years before breaking even).
  20. Snap! I don't support Putin either!!! well done old boy, congruence at last ❤️
  21. But you didn't... their circumstances or stupidity did. But footing the bill could be an issue - not sure what would happen if they had no insurance, tax, or helmets and were underaged.
  22. Better than being a wannabe intelligent person - you fail at that daily 🤪
  23. If I had a wife who looked like that, I wouldn't have nine kids, that's for sure.
  24. Those in jail are real HEROES most Thais are sleeping.
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