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  1. Car parts usually take 2-5 days to reach the country from all over the word 🤫
  2. Hahaha. Just that word scientific consensus. That's politics, not science. There is no such thing as consensus. The science isn't settled. Its literally impossible, since not a single person on this planet even understand how the heat transfers to the arctics. You would think, that if someone, with an average IQ or better, would stop and think that John Clauser is a PhD in physics and a Nobel Prize winner in physics, and if he has his doubts, then maybe I should have doubts too? https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/11/16/john-clauser-nobel-climate-denial/ http://www.petitionproject.org/ https://co2coalition.org/2021/10/31/97-consensus-what-consensus/
  3. Doesn't matter what I believe. The science on the other hand does not believe it, as we don't understand basic principles of earths climate. MIT just did a discovery that actually might help us with that. Until then, if ever, we are left with guessing.
  4. Climate change is real, it's always been changing, and it always will whether Americans drive sports cars or cows fart ...
  5. Im not sure why I waste my time trying to make you understand. But with basic data skills, you can also do the same research as I have been doing since the early 2000's. You can compare graphs published in the past with never ones. Data tampering and fraud. The models is another story. https://issues.org/climate-change-scenarios-lost-touch-reality-pielke-ritchie/ https://rogerpielkejr.substack.com/p/climate-science-is-about-to-make There is still so much we don't understand about the climate. If you talk to a real scientist, he will be open about this. Cloud formation, energy-movement. Why would certain winters in the arctic be 5-6 degrees c warmer than others, with NO sunshine? Is it because of CO2? Where does the heat comes from? What does models say? How does rainclouds form if there is no heat? Before we can answer all these questions, we can't accurately model the climate. The US has the best temperature records of any country on the planet. During the 1930's, we had real climate refugees moving away from the big "dustbowl". Number of hot days in the US has declined drastically since then. You can look it yourself. Then you can ask yourself, is it really warmer now? Everyone with half-a-brain understand that CO2 is not causing a climate catastrophe. It's actually greening the planet. All living things are thriving when CO2 levels are increasing. Then there is the ridiculous scare mongering:
  6. Science is about who agrees with you.. majority.. hmm.. that's how it works.. 🤣
  7. No, there are literally thousands of scientists that agree with them.
  8. Im not a "science" guy, but a "computer" guy Watch this presentation: They are scientists, not great presenters. But their science is spot on. https://www.ceres-science.com/
  9. Yea, the US is a tiny country with a local climate.. Haha. What about the little ice age? Why do they try to hide that as well? You are delusional. But hey, believe what you want. Co2 is the main driver of the climate, not the glowing ball in the sky, the clouds in the sky, or the axial tilt.. 😂
  10. Doesn't matter who he is or was. Its just the raw data is still on his website, and deleted from GISS website, to hide previous warming. This is all confirmed in the leaked emails. I don't claim there is no warming. Same as I don't deny there was warming in the 1930, much more than today.
  11. Yea, the auto-gates worked like a charm. Now my passport is full of stamps again, and I probably have to get a new one asap..
  12. That graph is not based on measurements alone. It's based on modelling. Models that takes Co2 into account. Unfortunately those models do not coincide with actual temperature data.. This is proven over and over again. That's why the graphs are "accidentally" coincide with increased Co2 in the atmosphere (who would believe that!!?). The measured USHCN daily temperature data shows a decline in US temperatures since the 1930s. But before they release it to the public, they put it thorough a series of adjustments which change it from a cooling trend to a warming trend. You can see that by comparing their numbers from 20 years ago, to current numbers. They are removing the hot years around 1930's. You can download the numbers here: http://www.john-daly.com/usatemps.006 The original data has been deleted from the GISS web site..
  13. Where does this intense warming occur? Are you referring to this years El Niño?
  14. What is "artificial warming forces" ??
  15. I got a similar response. I basically asked if I could apply for Auto-gate again, and they replied in Thai (translated by me) "because of the new system, they still cannot do it". 😞

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